This file documents the application programming interfaces (API) of CRAX++.
- Author: @aesophor
- Last updated: Feb 20, 2022
In S2E:
- to access EIP's value within X86CPUState:
- to access RAX's value within X86CPUState:
- to access RSP's value within X86CPUState:
- to access R12's value within X86CPUState:
As you can see, S2E's interfaces are not intuitive to use. Therefore, I wrote wrappers for S2E's CPU and Memory interfaces.
All x86_64 registers are defined in src/API/Register.h
, whose values match the values from libcpu/include/cpu/i386/defs.h
You'll notice that RIP
is defined after LAST
, this is because libcpu treats EIP/RIP differently than general purpose registers.
// src/API/Register.h
class Register {
// ...
enum X64 {
RAX, // 0
RCX, // 1
RDX, // 2
RBX, // 3
RSP, // 4
RBP, // 5
RSI, // 6
RDI, // 7
R8, // 8
R9, // 9
R10, // 10
R11, // 11
R12, // 12
R13, // 13
R14, // 14
R15, // 15
// ...
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t rax = reg(state).readConcrete(Register::X64::RAX);
uint64_t r12 = reg(state).readConcrete(Register::X64::R12);
uint64_t rip = reg(state).readConcrete(Register::X64::RIP);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
ref<Expr> rax = reg(state).readSymbolic(Register::X64::RAX);
ref<Expr> r12 = reg(state).readSymbolic(Register::X64::R12);
ref<Expr> rip = reg(state).readSymbolic(Register::X64::RIP);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t value = 0x1337;
ref<Expr> rax = reg(state).writeSymbolic(Register::X64::RAX, value);
ref<Expr> r12 = reg(state).writeSymbolic(Register::X64::R12, value);
ref<Expr> rip = reg(state).writeSymbolic(Register::X64::RIP, value);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
ref<Expr> value = ConstantExpr::create(0x1337, Expr::Int64);
ref<Expr> rax = reg(state).readSymbolic(Register::X64::RAX, value);
ref<Expr> r12 = reg(state).readSymbolic(Register::X64::R12, value);
ref<Expr> rip = reg(state).readSymbolic(Register::X64::RIP, value);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
bool isRaxSymbolic = reg(state).isSymbolic(Register::RAX);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
std::string regName = reg(state).getName(Register::X64::RAX);
// regName is "RAX"
Warning: If [addr,addr+size) contains symbolic bytes, they will be concretized by S2E.
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t addr = 0x402000;
uint64_t size = 0x30;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = mem(state).readConcrete(addr, size);
// bytes.size() == 0x30
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t addr = 0x402000;
uint64_t size = 0x30;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = mem(state).readConcrete(addr, size, /*concretize=*/false);
// bytes.size() == 0x30
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t addr = 0x402000;
Expr::Width size = Expr::Int64; // 64 bits == 8 bytes
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = mem(state).readSymbolic(addr, size);
// bytes.size() == 8
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t addr = 0x402000;
std::string s = "/bin/sh";
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(s.begin(), s.end());
bool ok = mem(state).writeConcrete(addr, bytes);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t addr = 0x402000;
ref<Expr> value = ConstantExpr::create(0x1337, Expr::Int64);
bool ok = mem(state).writeSymbolic(addr, value);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t addr = 0x402000;
uint64_t size = 0x30;
bool isSymbolic = mem(state).isSymbolic(addr, size);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
bool isMapped = mem(state).isMapped(0x402000);
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
std::string needleStr = "/bin/sh";
std::vector<uint8_t> needle(needleStr.begin(), needleStr.end());
// Searches all instances of "/bin/sh" from the guest va_space.
// The search result is returned as a vector containing their guest virtual addresses.
std::vector<uint64_t> addresses = mem(state).search(needle);
The virtual memory map in CRAX++ is analogous to the vmmap
from pwndbg.
It is implemented as an llvm::IntervalMap in CRAX++, and is built by merging the following maps on-the-fly:
- MemoryMap
- ModuleMap
Warning: This vmmap implementation can be inaccurate because it is not built from /proc/$pid/maps, as I haven't figured out a way to read a guest file. The dynamic loader
, once loaded by linux kernel'sload_elf_binary()
, will relocate itself to somewhere else and then
is loaded by the dynamic loader instead of by the kernel, we won't be able to know where libc actually resides in the guest virtual address space. What we currently do is similar to what we do during pwning: we "leak" the runtime address of__libc_start_main
from the Global Offset Table (GOT), subtract it from its offset within libc, and we get the libc base within S2E.
Start End Perm Module
0x561104593000 0x561104594000 r-- target
0x561104594000 0x561104595000 r-x target
0x561104595000 0x561104597000 r-- target
0x561104597000 0x561104598000 rw- target
0x7f32d7e2a000 0x7f32d7fbf000 r-x
0x7f32d7fbf000 0x7f32d81bf000 ---
0x7f32d81bf000 0x7f32d81c3000 r--
0x7f32d81c3000 0x7f32d81c9000 rw-
0x7f32d81c9000 0x7f32d81ec000 r-x
0x7f32d83e2000 0x7f32d83e4000 rw-
0x7f32d83ec000 0x7f32d83ed000 r--
0x7f32d83ed000 0x7f32d83ee000 rw-
0x7ffd67eb7000 0x7ffd67ebb000 rw- [stack]
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
const auto &vmmap = mem(state).vmmap();
foreach2 (it, vmmap.begin(), vmmap.end()) {
RegionDescriptorPtr region = *it;
bool r = region->r;
bool w = region->w;
bool x = region->x;
std::string name = region->moduleName; // e.g.,
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t moduleBase = mem(state).vmmap().getModuleBaseAddress(0x7f32d81bf004);
// moduleBase == 0x7f32d7e2a000, i.e. libc base
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
uint64_t moduleEnd = mem(state).vmmap().getModuleEndAddress(0x7f32d81bf004);
// moduleEnd == 0x7f32d81c9000, i.e. libc end
The disassembler API is a wrapper around capstone, and each disassembled instruction is returned as an Instruction
// Defined in src/API/Disassembler.h
struct Instruction {
uint64_t address;
uint64_t size;
std::string mnemonic;
std::string opStr;
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
std::optional<Instruction> insn = disas(state).disasm(0x401000);
if (insn) {
// Success.
} else {
// Failed.
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
std::vector<Instruction> insns = disas(state).disasm("__libc_csu_init");
if (insns.size()) {
// Success.
} else {
// Failed.
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = mem(state).readConcrete(0x401000, 0x100);
std::vector<Instruction> insns = disas(state).disasm(bytes, 0x401000);
if (insns.size()) {
// Success.
} else {
// Failed.
Beware! Avoid using the logging APIs within the constructor of CRAX (and the constructors of CRAX's data members)!
Make sure g_crax
has been initialized.
S2EExecutionState *state = ...;
log<WARN>(state) << "hello\n"; // hello
log<WARN>(state) << 0x1337 << '\n'; // 4919
log<WARN>(state) << klee::hexval(0x1337) << '\n'; // 0x1337