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EZ Streams core reader API

import * as ez from 'ez-streams'

  • ez.reader.decorate(proto)
    Adds the EZ streams reader API to an object. Usually the object is a prototype but it may be any object with a read(_) method.
    You do not need to call this function if you create your readers with the ez.devices modules.
    Returns proto for convenience.
  • count = reader.forEach(_, fn, thisObj)
    Similar to forEach on arrays.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, elt, i).
    This call is asynchonous. It returns the number of entries processed when the end of stream is reached.
  • reader =, thisObj)
    Similar to map on arrays.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, elt, i).
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • result = reader.every(_, fn, thisObj)
    Similar to every on arrays.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, elt).
    Returns true at the end of stream if fn returned true on every entry.
    Stops streaming and returns false as soon as fn returns false on an entry.
  • result = reader.some(_, fn, thisObj)
    Similar to some on arrays.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, elt).
    Returns false at the end of stream if fn returned false on every entry.
    Stops streaming and returns true as soon as fn returns true on an entry.
  • result = reader.reduce(_, fn, initial, thisObj)
    Similar to reduce on arrays.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, current, elt) where current is initial on the first entry and the result of the previous fn call otherwise. Returns the value returned by the last fn call.
  • writer = reader.pipe(_, writer)
    Pipes from stream to writer. Returns the writer for chaining.
  • reader = reader.tee(writer)
    Branches another writer on the chain`.
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • readers = reader.dup()
    Duplicates a reader and returns a pair of readers which can be read from independently.
  • reader = reader.concat(reader1, reader2)
    Concatenates reader with one or more readers.
    Works like array.concat: you can pass the readers as separate arguments, or pass an array of readers.
  • result = reader.toArray(_)
    Reads all entries and returns them to an array. Note that this call is an anti-pattern for streaming but it may be useful when working with small streams.
  • result = reader.readAll(_)
    Reads all entries and returns them as a single string or buffer. Returns undefined if nothing has been read. Note that this call is an anti-pattern for streaming but it may be useful when working with small streams.
  • reader = reader.transform(fn)
    Inserts an asynchronous transformation into chain.
    This API is more powerful than map because the transformation function can combine results, split them, etc.
    The transformation function fn is called as fn(_, reader, writer) where reader is the stream to which transform is applied, and writer is a writer which is piped into the next element of the chain.
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • result = reader.filter(fn, thisObj)
    Similar to filter on arrays.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, elt, i).
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • result = reader.until(fn, testVal, thisObj, stopArg)
    Cuts the stream by when the fn condition becomes true.
    The fn function is called as fn(_, elt, i).
    stopArg is an optional argument which is passed to stop when fn becomes true.
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • result = reader.while(fn, testVal, thisObj, stopArg)
    Cuts the stream by when the fn condition becomes false.
    This is different from filter in that the result streams ends when the condition becomes false, instead of just skipping the entries. The fn function is called as fn(_, elt, i).
    stopArg is an optional argument which is passed to stop when fn becomes false.
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • result = reader.limit(count, stopArg)
    Limits the stream to produce count results.
    stopArg is an optional argument which is passed to stop when the limit is reached.
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • result = reader.skip(count)
    Skips the first count entries of the reader.
    Returns another reader on which other operations may be chained.
  • group = reader.fork(consumers)
    Forks the steam and passes the values to a set of consumers, as if each consumer had its own copy of the stream as input.
    consumers is an array of functions with the following signature: reader = consumer(source) Returns a StreamGroup on which other operations can be chained.
  • group = reader.parallel(count, consumer)
    Parallelizes by distributing the values to a set of count identical consumers.
    count is the number of consumers that will be created.
    consumer is a function with the following signature: reader = consumer(source)
    Returns a StreamGroup on which other operations can be chained.
    Note: transformed entries may be delivered out of order.
  • reader = reader.peekable()
    Returns a stream which has been extended with two methods to support lookahead.
    The lookahead methods are:
    • reader.peek(_): same as read(_) but does not consume the item.
    • reader.unread(val): pushes val back so that it will be returned by the next read(_)
  • reader = reader.buffer(max)
    Returns a stream which is identical to the original one but in which up to max entries may have been buffered.
  • stream = reader.nodify()
    converts the reader into a native node Readable stream.
  • reader = reader.nodeTransform(duplex)
    pipes the reader into a node duplex stream. Returns another reader.
  • cmp =, reader2)
    compares reader1 and reader2 return 0 if equal,
  • reader.stop(_, arg)
    Informs the source that the consumer(s) has(ve) stopped reading.
    The source should override this method if it needs to free resources when the stream ends.
    arg is an optional argument.
    If arg is falsy and the reader has been forked (or teed) upstream, only this reader stops (silently).
    If arg is true, readers that have been forked upstream are stopped silently (their read returns undefined).
    Otherwise arg should be an error object which will be thrown when readers that have been forked upstream try to read.
    The default stop function is a no-op.
    Note: stop is only called if reading stops before reaching the end of the stream.
    Sources should free their resources both on stop and on end-of-stream.

StreamGroup API

  • reader = group.dequeue()
    Dequeues values in the order in which they are delivered by the readers. Returns a stream on which other operations may be chained.
  • reader = group.rr()
    Dequeues values in round robin fashion. Returns a stream on which other operations may be chained.
  • reader = group.join(fn, thisObj)
    Combines the values read from the readers to produce a single value. fn is called as fn(_, values) where values is the set of values produced by all the readers that are still active.
    fn returns the value which will be read from the joined stream. fn must also reset to undefined the values entries that it has consumed. The next read(_) on the joined stream will fetch these values. Note that the length of the values array will decrease every time an input stream is exhausted. Returns a stream on which other operations may be chained.