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478 lines (400 loc) · 17.5 KB

File metadata and controls

478 lines (400 loc) · 17.5 KB

Written by Software License Tweet


A HTML5 media streamer library for playing music, video, or even microphone & camera live streaming with node server. The transmitted data is compressed (depend on the browser media encoder) before being sent to node server, and the latency is configurable.

The default configuration is intended for newer browser. If you want to build 2-way communication for older and newer browser, then you must send streamer encoding information to the presenter before start the communication or using mp4 instead of opus.

Install with CDN link

You can download minified js from this repository or use this CDN link <script type="text/javascript" src=''></script>

If you want to use the different version, please modify the v1 into a specific version.

And include it on your project

// Prefixed with Scarlets when imported with CDN link
var presenter = new ScarletsMediaPresenter(...);
var streamer = new ScarletsAudioStreamer(...);

Install with NPM

npm i sfmediastream

This is for web bundler like Webpack or Browserify, and can't be used as a library for Node.js. If you want to use this recorder/effect/plugin for Node.js, the I think it may be possible by using headless browser like Puppeteer.

const {MediaPresenter, AudioStreamer, ...} = require('sfmediastream');
var presenter = new MediaPresenter(...);
var streamer = new AudioStreamer(...);

Adding retro-compatibility

In case of the browser doesn't support some codec like audio/wav, audio/webm, or audio/ogg you can to add opus-media-recorder before using the library.

Safari browser actually is partially supported by using this polyfill. It able to stream audio, but is not playable by the browser.

How to use


This class is used for streaming local media like camera or microphone to the server.


Property Details
debug Set to true for outputting any message to browser console
mediaRecorder Return current mediaRecorder that being used
mediaStream Return current mediaStream that being used
mediaGranted Return true if user granted the recorder
recordingReady Return true if the recording was ready
recording Return true if currently recording
destination Used for connect audio node to the recorder
options.mimeType Return mimeType that being used
// Example for accessing the properties
presenterMedia.debug = true;


Function Arguments Description
startRecording () Start recording camera or microphone
stopRecording () Stop recording camera or microphone
connect (AudioNode) Connect presenter's stream to audio processing before being recorded and disable direct output
disconnect (AudioNode) Disconnect presenter's stream from audio processing

Event Listener


Callback when the library is ready for recording

presenterMedia.onRecordingReady = function(packet){
    console.log("Header size: " +;
    mySocket.emit('bufferHeader', packet);

Callback when data buffer is ready to be played

presenterMedia.onBufferProcess = function(packet){
    console.log("Data", packet);
    mySocket.emit('stream', packet);


var presenterMedia = new ScarletsMediaPresenter({
        echoCancellation: false
    },/* video:{
        width: 1280,
        height: 720,
        facingMode: (frontCamera ? "user" : "environment")
    } */
}, 1000); // 1sec

presenterMedia.onRecordingReady = function(packet){
    console.log("Recording started!");
    console.log("Header size: " + + "bytes");

    // Every new streamer must receive this header packet
    mySocket.emit('bufferHeader', packet);

presenterMedia.onBufferProcess = function(packet){
    console.log("Buffer sent: " + packet[0].size + "bytes");
    mySocket.emit('stream', packet);



This class is used for buffering and playing microphone stream from the server.

// The minimum duration for audio is ~100ms
var audioStreamer = new ScarletsAudioStreamer(1000); // 1sec


Property Details
debug Set to true for outputting any message to browser console
playing Return true if playing a stream
latency Return current latency
mimeType Return mimeType of current streamed media
outputNode Will be available when using .connect(AudioNode)
// Example for accessing the properties
audioStreamer.debug = true;


Function Arguments Description
playStream () Set this library to automatically play any received buffer
receiveBuffer (packetBuffer) Receive arrayBuffer and play it when last buffer finished playing
realtimeBufferPlay (packetBuffer) Receive arrayBuffer and immediately play it
stop () Stop playing any buffer
connect (AudioNode) Connect the streamer to other AudioNode
disconnect (AudioNode) Disconnect the streamer from any AudioNode


This class is used for buffering and playing microphone & camera stream from the server.

Still in experimental mode and have some bug.

// Usually the minimum duration for video is 1000ms
var videoStreamer = new ScarletsVideoStreamer(videoHTML, 1000); // 1sec


Property Details
debug Set to true for outputting any message to browser console
playing Return true if playing a stream
latency Return current latency
mimeType Return mimeType of current streamed media
outputNode Will be available when using .connect(AudioNode)
// Example for accessing the properties
videoStreamer.debug = true;


Function Arguments Description
playStream () Set this library to automatically play any received buffer
receiveBuffer (arrayBuffer) Receive arrayBuffer and play it when last buffer finished playing
stop () Stop playing any buffer
audioConnect (AudioNode) Connect the streamer to other AudioNode
audioDisconnect (AudioNode) Disconnect the streamer from any AudioNode


// var audioStreamer = new ScarletsAudioStreamer(1000); // 1sec
var videoStreamer = new ScarletsVideoStreamer(1000); // 1sec

// First thing that must be received
mySocket.on('bufferHeader', function(packet){

mySocket.on('stream', function(packet){
    console.log("Buffer received: " + packet[0].byteLength + "bytes");

// Add an effect
var ppDelay = ScarletsMediaEffect.pingPongDelay();

// Stream (source) -> Ping pong delay -> destination


This class is used for playing video or audio from url.

var mediaPlayer = new ScarletsMediaPlayer(document.querySelector('audio'));


Property Details
autoplay Sets or returns whether the audio/video should start playing as soon as it is loaded
preload Sets or returns whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads
loop Sets or returns whether the audio/video should start over again when finished
buffered Returns a TimeRanges object representing the buffered parts of the audio/video
preload Sets or returns whether the audio/video should be loaded when the page loads ("none", "metadata", "auto")
controller Returns the MediaController object representing the current media controller of the audio/video
currentTime Sets or returns the current playback position in the audio/video (in seconds)
currentSrc Returns the URL of the current audio/video
duration Returns the length of the current audio/video (in seconds)
ended Returns whether the playback of the audio/video has ended or not
error Returns a MediaError object representing the error state of the audio/video
readyState Returns the current ready state of the audio/video
networkState Returns the current network state of the audio/video
paused Returns whether the audio/video is paused or not
played Returns a TimeRanges object representing the played parts of the audio/video
seekable Returns a TimeRanges object representing the seekable parts of the audio/video
seeking Returns whether the user is currently seeking in the audio/video
audioOutput Return audioContext from media source
videoOutput Return videoContext from media source
The videoContext still in experimental mode and haven't been implemented.
// Example for accessing the properties
mediaPlayer.preload = "metadata";


Function Arguments Description
load () Re-loads the audio/video element
canPlayType (str) Checks if the browser can play the specified audio/video type
speed (0 ~ 1) Sets or returns the speed of the audio/video playback
mute (boolean) Sets or returns whether the audio/video is muted or not
volume (0 ~ 1) Sets or returns the volume of the audio/video
play () Starts playing the audio/video
pause () Pauses the currently playing audio/video

Below also the available method.


Load media from URL

mediaPlayer.prepare('my.mp3' /*single*/ || /*with fallback*/ ['my.mp3', 'fallback.ogg'], function(){;

Register event callback

mediaPlayer.on('loadedmetadata', function(e){
    // See at the property above

Un-register event callback'abort');

Register event callback and remove listener after called

mediaPlayer.once('abort', function(e){
    alert('User aborted the buffer');

Available Events

Event Details
abort Fires when the loading of an audio/video is aborted
canplay Fires when the browser can start playing the audio/video
canplaythrough Fires when the browser can play through the audio/video without stopping for buffering
durationchange Fires when the duration of the audio/video is changed
emptied Fires when the current player is empty
ended Fires when the current player is ended
error Fires when an error occurred during the loading of an audio/video
loadeddata Fires when the browser has loaded the current frame of the audio/video
loadedmetadata Fires when the browser has loaded meta data for the audio/video
loadstart Fires when the browser starts looking for the audio/video
pause Fires when the audio/video has been paused
play Fires when the audio/video has been started or is no longer paused
playing Fires when the audio/video is playing after having been paused or stopped for buffering
progress Fires when the browser is downloading the audio/video
ratechange Fires when the playing speed of the audio/video is changed
seeked Fires when the user is finished moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video
seeking Fires when the user starts moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video
stalled Fires when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available
suspend Fires when the browser is intentionally not getting media data
timeupdate Fires when the current playback position has changed
volumechange Fires when the volume has been changed
waiting Fires when the video stops because it needs to buffer the next frame
playlistchange Fires when the player starts another playlist

playlistchange the callback function will get (player, playlist, index) as the arguments.

Video Properties

Property Details
poster Specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button
height Sets the height of the video player
width Sets the width of the video player
// Example for accessing the properties
mediaPlayer.poster = 'url.png';



Enable fade effect when playing or pausing the sound

mediaPlayer.audioFadeEffect = true;

Can be used to connect the media to other effect or plugin like equalizer

// Create equalizer and pass audio output as equalizer input
var equalizer = ScarletsMediaEffect.equalizer(null, mediaPlayer.audioOutput);

// Connect to final destination


This feature can be used on every media if you have the media source node as the input. And make sure every node is connected to AudioContext.destination or it will not playable.

The plugins have a function to destroy node connection that aren't being used. So don't forget to destroy your unused effect to clean unused memory.


Available Plugin

Effect Details
Chorus An effect to make a single voice like multiple voices
ConReverb An reverb effect that simulates from other audio source
CutOff An cutoff filter that have adjustable width
Delay An effect that play the audio back after a period of time
Distortion It's.. like.. distortion..
DubDelay Delay with feedback saturation and time/pitch modulation
Equalizer Adjustable frequency pass filter
Fade Volume fade in and fade out effect
Flanger An audio effect by mixing two identical signals together with one signal who get delayed
Harmonizer An pitch shift effect which like playing an harmony
Noise Noise generator like a radio
PingPongDelay Stereo delay effect that alternates each delay between the left and right channels
Reverb Configurable reflection effect
StereoPanner Can be used to pan an audio stream left or right
Tremolo Modulation effect that creates a change in volume
// Directly connect audio output as an input for ping pong delay plugin
var ppDelay = ScarletsMediaEffect.pingPongDelay(mediaPlayer.audioOutput);

// Create StereoPanner handler
var panner = ScarletsMediaEffect.stereoPanner(/* input [optional] */);
// panner.input (will be available if no input passed on plugin)

// Connect ppDelay output to panner input

// Modify the plugin (Still need to be documented)
panner.set(-1); // Left channel

// Connect to final destination

// Visualization
// player.audioOutput -> pingPongDelay -> Panner -> final destination


This will be available on current media player


Property Details
currentIndex Return index of current playing media
list Return array playlist that are being used
original Return original array playlist
loop Set this to true if you want to play this playlist again from beginning
shuffled Return true if the list was shuffled
// Example for accessing the properties
console.log('Current playlist count', mediaPlayer.playlist.original.length);



Replace old playlist data

    stream:['main.mp3', 'fallback.ogg']
}, ...]);

Add new data to playlist

    stream:['main.mp3', 'fallback.ogg']

Remove original playlist data by index

// mediaPlayer.playlist.original[0]

Play next music, this will also trigger playlistchange event;

Play previous music, this will also trigger playlistchange event


Play music by index

// mediaPlayer.playlist.list[0];

Shuffle the playlist

// mediaPlayer.playlist.list
mediaPlayer.playlist.shuffle(true || false);


If you want to help in SFMediaStream please fork this project and edit on your repository, then make a pull request to here. Otherwise, you can help with donation via patreon.

Compile from source

After you downloaded this repo you need to install some devDependencies.

$ npm i
$ gulp watch

After you make some changes on /src it will automatically compile into /dist/SFMediaStream.js. Make sure you cleared your cache when doing some experiment.


SFMediaStream is under the MIT license.

But don't forget to put the a link to this repository.