This is a place where all my scripts are saved.
- R scripts:
- Bash scripts:
Merge_results_fin.R is a script that starts with a list of samples and a raw table with gene homologues.
The script does various things:
- Edits the raw gene_table to delete redundant information and present a clean table to work with.
- Runs ballgown on all the samples given, creating one new table for each of those results my merging them with the gene_table.
- Takes the recently made tables and merges all of them into one final_table.
- Adds valuable information to the final_table and order to ease its comprehension.
For this task it uses for loops and if conditionals to iterate over the data, generating the results automatically.
Warning: The script doesn't include previous RNAseq analysis which are necessary to generate the .ctab files that the script needs to work. These are:
- Quality analysis: Using FastQC.
- Trimming: Using trimmomatic.
- Alignment: Using HISAT2 or STAR.
- Post Processing:
- Marking and removing duplicates: Using Preseq and dupRadar.
- Generating FPKM tables: Using featureCounts and Stringtie (which includes ballgown).
Later analysis could be: differential expression analysis (Deseq2), plotting (EdgeR or ggplots) and MultiQC for quality analysis.
Required libraries: tidyverse, ballgown, reshape, stringr
A pipeline to run trimmomatic and trinity over all the paired-end samples (2 .fastq files each) found in a given directory or subdirectories. Single-end and stranded are not supported, you might need to change the trinity parameters if you wish to use those kind of samples. Example:
bash ./ -p home/Analysis/RNAseq_samples/ -t home/share/trimmomatic/trimmomatic.jar -a trimmomatic_adapters.file -y home/share/trinity/Trinity
Warning: Trimmomatic and Trinity parameters are predefined to work for a wide variety of species from different reigns. If you wish you can change them directly from the script. Also keep in mind that Trinity's De novo assembly is a high consuming process: it might take 1 hour for every million reads
A script that selects -n number of genes from a gene_name table and finds their sequence searching through fasta files in a given directory, printing its length and the sum of total aminoacids of the selected gene-sequences. Its useful to know if your request to other software like secretomeP will surpass the permitted limit or not.
bash ./ -f path/to/gene_table.file -p path/to/fastas_directory/ -n num -m path/to/pangenome_matrix.file
Warning: the pathing used in the script is not global, the script might not work if you run it through different locations.
A script to run get_homologues on loop for multiple samples against a reference. It creates a whole folder enviroment in the given directory based on a reference folder containing all the fasta files that the user wants to use for get_homologues, then creates a copy of the refference fasta files in each folder and a copy of one of the samples in each directory according to its sample_name. After that, it runs get_homologues on each of those folders by changing working directory temporarily on background.
Advantages of this script: It can be executed from any place on the system. It will create everything in the directory of the script executable, no matter the current working directory
A script to run once get_homologues is finished. It serves to delete homologues between the reference species and other nematodes (or similar species) that could lead to a false positive in the serological test of trichinella. For that purpose, it takes a reference table given which has the reference homologues + the sample's FPKM values for each gene. Then, it finds genes from a reference_ID.txt file given and creates a new table without the matching genes found in all the .faa files generated by get_homologues. The advantage of this script is that it doesn't need the from the get_homologues package to be run, because it automatically finds all the results folders for each algorythm used in the get_homologues run. Update: Now it also adds a row with the average FPKM value for each column at the bottom of the table.