A simple extension to the native Promise API
This simple library provides you some handy extensions to the native Promise API like below:
- Make the promise/fetch abortable
- Get status of the promise at any stage
- Bind some data to the promise and get that
- Resolve/Reject the promise from outside
- Auto Timeout for aborting the promise after particular time in microseconds
Simply run below:
npm install @shivams136/advanced-promise
AdvancedPromise(([resolve] [, reject] [, signal])=>{
// ...
} [,timeoutInMs][,data]): AdvancedPromise
There are below 2 ways to create an AdvancedPromise
const advPromise = new AdvancedPromise(
(resolve, reject, signal) => {
// Pass existing promise to the static `from` method
const advPromise = AdvancedPromise.from(promise);
// Abort with default reason - Aborted
// Abort with custom reason
advPromise.abort("I just want to abort");
// cancel is alias of abort so you can use that too
This will provide you the abort reason for the promise. Its value will be undefined
if the proise is not aborted yet, so you can use is to check if the promise is aborted or not.
advPromise.abortReason; // default: Aborted
Check whether the promise is fulfilled or not
advPromise.isFulfilled; // true/false
Check whether the promise is settled/resolved or not
advPromise.isSettled; // true/false
Check whether the promise is rejected or not
advPromise.isRejected; // true/false
Check whether the promise is aborted due to timeout or not
advPromise.isTimedout; // true/false
This will provide you the current status of the promise
advPromise.status; // "pending" | "resolved" | "rejected"
You can easily resolve/reject the promise from outside by just calling resolve()
or reject()
methods from outside.
advPromise.resolve("Test Data");
advPromise.reject("Test Error");
const loadData = (id) => {
return new AdvancedPromise((resolve, reject, abortSignal) => {
fetch(url, { signal: abortSignal })
.then((response) => response.json())
}, 5000); // 5000ms timeout
const advPromise = loadData(id);
advPromise.abort(); // For manual abort
You can add event listener on Abort action and do anything on abort of the error
const advPromise = new AdvancedPromise((resolve, reject, abortSignal) => {
abortSignal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
// Do something when abort happens
// ...
const advPromise = new AdvancedPromise((resolve, reject, abortSignal) => {
// ...
const iconColor = advPromise.isFulfilled ? (advPromise.isSettled ? "green" : "red") : "orange";
const advPromise = new AdvancedPromise(
(resolve, reject, abortSignal) => {
// ...
5000, // 5 second timeout
{ name: "Shivam", age: 25 } // Data bound with promise
const promiseData = advPromise.data; // {name:"Shivam",age:25}
You can find the code sandbox here.
import AdvancedPromise from "@shivams136/advanced-promise";
const loadData = (id) => {
return new AdvancedPromise((resolve, reject, abortSignal) => {
fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/${id}`, {
signal: abortSignal,
.then((response) => response.json())
const id = 1;
const advPromise = loadData(id);
.then((myData) => {
.catch((err) => console.log("My Error:\n", err));
You can find the code sandbox here.
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const AdvancedPromise = require("@shivams136/advanced-promise");
const loadData = (id) => {
return new AdvancedPromise((resolve, reject, abortSignal) => {
fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/${id}`, { signal: abortSignal })
.then((response) => response.json())
const id = 1;
const advPromise = loadData(id);
.then((myData) => {
.catch((err) => console.log("My Error:\n", err));
You can contact me on github anytime.
This package is inspired by this package from Thor(Shenghan) Chen.