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402 lines (312 loc) · 25.4 KB

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402 lines (312 loc) · 25.4 KB






  • Updated ESLint and added the following rules: no-return-await, no-useless-return, and func-name-matching.
  • esify now applies ESlint fixes to all transformed code
  • Added a split-assignment-sequences transform to shopify-codemod. This simplifies destructuring syntax generated by decaf.
  • Added a warning about loops being translated to for...Object.entries-style loops.
  • Added a warning about loops accruing null-safe fallbacks.


  • Fixed split-if-assignments codemod's handling of else if assignments.
  • remove-unused-expressions codemod now outputs the line of code being removed, plus some extra context
  • remove-unused-expressions codemod now whitelists some properties (offsetHeight, offsetWidth.)



  • The react ESLint config no longer warns about missing this in React lifecycle methods.



  • Removed the flow/type-id-match rule.
  • Temporarily disabled the react/forbid-component-props rule as it throws errors in some cases.



  • The Node Babel preset now includes the destructuring transform, which is required for object rest spread.



  • Added separate React (shopify/react), Flow (shopify/flow), and Web (shopify/web) Babel presets to babel-preset-shopify.
  • Updated all ESLint dependencies, which add the following rules: ava/no-async-fn-without-await, ava/no-duplicate-modifiers, class-methods-use-this, no-restricted-properties, prefer-numeric-literals, sort-imports, symbol-description, flowtype/boolean-style, flowtype/delimiter-dangle, flowtype/generic-spacing, flowtype/generic-spacing, flowtype/no-dupe-keys, flowtype/no-weak-types, flowtype/semi, flowtype/sort-keys, flowtype/space-before-generic-bracket, flowtype/union-intersection-spacing, import/no-dynamic-require, import/no-internal-modules, import/no-absolute-path, import/no-webpack-loader-syntax, import/unambiguous, import/first, import/max-dependencies, import/no-unassigned-import, jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events, jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions, mocha/no-hooks-for-single-case, mocha/no-identical-title, mocha/no-return-and-callback, mocha/no-top-level-hooks, mocha/no-nested-tests, mocha/max-top-level-suites, node/exports-style, node/no-unpublished-bin, react/no-children-prop, react/no-unescaped-entities, react/no-unused-prop-types, react/style-prop-object, lines-around-directive, and line-comment-position.


  • The default Babel preset no longer includes React. If you are writing a web project that uses React, you should use shopify/web and shopify/react together instead of just using shopify.
  • The Node preset in babel-preset-shopify now accepts an options object specifying whether ES2015 modules should be converted to CommonJS (modules) and the target version of Node to transpile for (version, defaults to process.version).
  • Turned off the no-sync and no-process-exit rules for the Node ESLint config.


  • flowtype/type-id-match now properly accepts Props, State, and Context as valid type names.



  • Set babel/func-params-comma-dangle to always-multiline to be consistent with comma-dangle.



  • Updated dependencies which added the following rules: no-tabs, sort-keys, no-template-curly-in-string, ava/no-nested-tests, ava/no-todo-implementation, ava/prefer-async-await, flowtype/define-flow-type, flowtype/use-flow-type, flowtype/valid-syntax, jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content, mocha/no-hooks, mocha/no-arrows, mocha/no-sibling-hooks, mocha/no-synchronous-tests, react/forbid-component-props, and react/no-danger-with-children, react/no-find-dom-node.
  • Added stronger recommendations to use Flow in place of React’s PropTypes.
  • Added a recomendation to only import the parts of React you need (rather than accessing them as properties on React).
  • Added recommendations for how to deal with components that have one or more dependant subcomponents.


  • Changed the indent linting rule to require one level of indenting (two spaces) for case statements and for member expressions on separate lines.
  • Changed the react/jsx-no-bind ESLint rule to prevent binding functions in render methods.
  • The following rules were renamed or removed based on deprecations in the updates noted above: no-spaced-func (to func-call-spacing), no-negated-in-lhs (to no-unsafe-negation), no-native-reassign (to no-global-assign), react/no-comment-textnodes (to react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes), react/require-extension, and react/wrap-multilines (to react/jsx-wrap-multilines).
  • Updated flowtype/type-id-match to allow for any type name ending in Type, Props, State, or Context.
  • Turned off react/no-danger in favor of enabling react/no-danger-with-children.



  • Updated ESLint to 3.1, which adds the following rules: max-lines, no-mixed-operators, object-curly-newline, unicode-bom, no-prototype-builtins, no-useless-rename, multiline-ternary, and rest-spread-spacing.
  • Added forgotten ESLint rules: no-negated-condition, no-restricted-syntax, and require-jsdoc.
  • Updated other linting plugins, which added the following rules: babel/func-params-comma-dangle, import/no-restricted-paths, flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation, jsx-a11y/heading-has-content, jsx-a11y/html-has-lang, jsx-a11y/lang, jsx-a11y/no-marquee, jsx-a11y/scope, mocha/valid-suite-description, mocha/valid-test-description, node/no-deprecated-api, node/process-exit-as-throw, promise/no-native, react/no-comment-textnodes, react/require-optimization, react/jsx-handler-names, react/jsx-filename-extension, and react/no-render-return-value.


  • Removed the requirement to omit braces for arrow functions whose body is a single return statement. The styleguide now recommends omitting for simple, single-line return statements, and braces are permitted where they improve legibility.
  • Removed lint checks for sorting of properties in React components (the guidance on ordering remains, but the linting rule was too coarse to be useful in all situations).
  • Turned off the lint rule requiring a default export in modules exporting only a single binding to allow for modules that make sense as utilities but export only a single named binding.
  • Updated all custom ESLint rules in eslint-plugin-shopify to use the new ESLint rule format.
  • eslint-plugin-shopify/node now has errors for missing and unpublished
  • eslint-plugin-shopify/react now warns when your component could be a functional component (that is, when it has no state and no lifecycle hooks).


  • shopify/require-flow linting rule now understands flow directives in line comments (in addition to block comments).


  • Added a test for eslint-plugin-shopify to fail if it has unconfigured rules from ESLint or any depended-upon plugins.



  • Added a node.js-specific Babel preset to babel-preset-shopify, usable by extending the shopify/node babel preset.
  • Added a prefer-twine rule to eslint-plugin-shopify to warn on the use of non-Twine local identifiers for twine imports.
  • Added additional warnings about esify limitations.


  • global-reference-to-import no longer reports export conflicts in coffee/js files with the same name (regression introduced in 12.3.0).
  • global-reference-to-import discovers exports in files with a .js.erb suffix
  • avoid-returning-unused-results now handles additional edge cases.


  • eslint-plugin-shopify/mocha now disables some rules that did not work well with Chai’s expect syntax.
  • eslint-plugin-shopify now ignores imports of style files to play nicely with CSS modules.



  • Added an existential-assignment-to-if-statement transform that removes dead code from decaf's ?= output.
  • Added an arguments-to-args-spread transform that adds an ...args spread to functions that reference arguments.
  • Added a split-if-assignments transform that moves assignments out of if conditions.
  • arrow-body-style guidance for a single multiline return.
  • Default options for the global-identifier-to-import transform to import twine when referencing Bindings or Twine in the original code.


  • ignores-if-else-with-following-statements now handles argumentless return statements.
  • README now includes details of doc file generation/update for transforms managed by create-transform/rename-transform scripts.
  • global-reference-to-import now handles named exports.


  • Added a looser peer dependency on ESLint for eslint-plugin-shopify.



  • Added guidance for installing a search binary to global-reference-to-import's error message.
  • Added an iife-to-ternary-expression transform that converts some IIFE assignments to ternary assignments.


  • global-assignment-to-default-export now allows prototype assignments to the default export object.



  • Fixed the naming of the avoid-returning-unused-results transform.


  • Transform generator script now generates documentation files. (#180)



  • Added a split-return-assignments transform to move any returned assignment expressions to be an assignment expression followed by a return statement of just the final value. (#134)
  • Added a avoid-returning-unused-results transform to remove return statement arguments from callbacks that are known to be ignored by the callee. (#173)
  • Added a avoid-returning-useless-expressions transform to remove return statement arguments that are known to return undefined. (#173)
  • Added a remove-unused-expressions transform to remove any expression without side effects. (#173)


  • esify no longer changes the case of the transformed file. (#178)


  • Fixes the method for running ESLint so it does not spawn a new process for each file. (#177)


  • Moved documentation of all codemods in shopify-codemod to be separate markdown files. (#168)

[12.2.0] - 2016-06-02


  • esify now will find and run a locally-installed version of ESLint with the --fix flag in order to correct simple formatting issues. (#152)

[12.1.0] - 2016-06-01


  • Added a add-missing-parseint-radix transform to add missing radix parameters to parseInt calls. (#145)
  • Added a implicit-coercion-to-explicit transform to convert !!foo and +foo to their more explicit counterparts. (#149)
  • Added a empty-func-to-lodash-noop transform to correct empty function linting errors by replacing empty functions with _.noop. (#148)
  • Added a remove-empty-statements transform to get rid of pesky excess semicolons. (#151)


  • Fixed edge cases that were failing for the default-export-object-to-named-exports transform. (#151)


  • Fixed the name for transform tests generated by bin/create-transform. (#151)

[12.0.2] - 2016-05-30


  • Added a simple set of warnings for esify to signal potentially problematic transformations, and added documentation as to what kinds of CoffeeScript patterns might not translate correctly. (#146)


  • Fixed an incorrect path in esify that caused the transformations to fail.

[12.0.1] - 2016-05-27


  • Updated spaced-comment ESLint rule to allow for = immediately after comments (used in Sprockets directives). (#144)

[12.0.0] - 2016-05-27


  • Added a global-identifier-to-import transform to import any global from a user-provided list used in a module. (#90)
  • Added a remove-trailing-else-undefined-return transform to remove useless trailing alternate returns. (#91)
  • Added a convert-default-export-objects-to-named-exports. (#129)
  • Updated ESLint and all plugins for eslint-plugin-shopify, which added the following rules (in addition to many fixes): ava/assertion-arguments, babel/flow-object-type, import/no-extraneous-dependencies, import/no-mutable-exports, import/no-nodejs-modules, import/extensions, import/order, import/newline-after-import, import/prefer-default-export, lodash/consistent-compose, no-unsafe-finally, and react/jsx-no-target-blank. (#93)
  • esify now accepts multiple files or glob patterns for conversion. (#89)
  • Added rename-identifier and rename-property transforms to make it easy to transition between aliased names. (#139)
  • Added a computed-literal-keys-to-dot-notation transform to correct any linting errors related to dot-notation. (#141)


  • Reorganized transforms to catch more issues. (#90)
  • remove-useless-return-from-test transform now also removes trailing IIFEs. (#90)
  • Changed object-shorthand linting rule to warn (was off), except in cases where the keys of objects require quotes. (#93)
  • Changed object-shorthand linting rule to warn (was off) when single-line object literals have spaces inside the curly braces. (#93)
  • global-reference-to-import transform now avoids importing the file itself when using the global name of the exported object. It also uses a global cache for lookups, which increases the speed of transformations for large groups of files. (#131)


  • function-to-arrow now correctly removes blocks from single-return arrow function expressions. (#136)
  • mocha-context-to-closure now avoids transforming context assignments that are computed rather than a literal. (#128)
  • Fixed some jQuery reference detection edge cases for the jquery-dollar-sign-reference linting rule. (#142)
  • Fixed some additional existential/ soak operator edge cases for the coffeescript-soak-to-condition transform. (#135)


  • Removed generator-eslint-shopify. (#93)


  • Updated all development dependencies. (#93)
  • Added scripts for generating new transforms and renaming existing transforms. (#130)
  • Improved the process and quality of this document (#140)



  • Added coffeescript-soak-to-condition transform to better handle CoffeeScript’s soak and existential operator.
  • Added remove-addeventlistener-returns and remove-empty-returns transforms to remove unecessary transforms left from CoffeeScript conversions.


  • Improved the order of transforms so that the most generic/ stylistic transforms are run last.



  • Moved more generic transforms to the end of esify’s transform list to ensure that they pick up any changes introduced in earlier transforms.
  • Improved CoffeeScript range transform.
  • Misconfigured eslint rules in esify.


  • Added flexible esify configuration (esify.config.js.)
  • Added constructor-literal-assignment-to-class-property transform that converts static/instance constructor assignments to class properties.
  • Added strip-template-literal-parenthesis transform that removes unnecessary parenthesis from template strings.
  • Added more jsx-a11y rules.


  • Updated jsx-a11y rules.
  • Style guide no longer recommends shopify/prefer-class-properties.
  • Removed prefer-class-properties warning removed from eslint-plugin-shopify.



  • Fixed an issue where jquery-dollar-sign-reference would incorrectly report null values.



  • Fixed a configuration error in eslint-plugin-react.



  • Added a no-fully-static-classes rule to prevent classes with only static members.
  • Added a code of conduct.



  • Fixed an error in sinon-prefer-meaningful-assertions when there was an empty expect call expression.
  • Fixed an error in prefer-early-return related to conditional expressions that consist only of a single expression.



  • Fixed a case where the jquery-dollar-sign-reference rule would fail when a name in a jQuery chain matched a built-in object property name.



  • Added additional ESLint rules to the ESNext shared configuration from the following plugins: eslint-plugin-sort-class-members, eslint-plugin-import, and eslint-plugin-promise, which provide additional linting rules around classes, import/ export statements, and promises.
  • Added additional plugins and custom configurations for lodash, mocha/ sinon/ chai, AVA, flow, and jQuery. These custom configurations are exported by eslint-plugin-shopify, and are meant to be used in addition to the es5, esnext, or react core configurations. See the eslint-plugin-shopify readme for details.
  • Added additional accessibility-related rules to the react shared ESLint configuration.
  • Added the following custom ESLint rules to the relevant configurations: class-property-semi, jquery-dollar-sign-reference, no-useless-computed-properties, prefer-class-properties, prefer-early-return, restrict-full-import, sinon-no-restricted-features, and sinon-prefer-meaningful-assertions.
  • Added esify, a tool for converting Shopify’s CoffeeScript to JavaScript, as a package in this repo.


  • Removed node-related rules from the es5 shared configuration. Node rules (including some new rules to help with pragmas and require statements) are now available through a separate node shared configuration, which is meant to be used in conjunction with one of the core configurations.
  • Updated versions of eslint and eslint-plugin-shopify.


  • Updated all development dependencies to the latest versions.



  • Added a coffeescript-range-output-to-helper transform to shopify-codemod to provide a better conversion for CoffeeScript range syntax.



  • Renamed mocha-context-to-global-references transform to mocha-context-to-global-reference.



  • Added a mocha-context-to-global-reference transform to shopify-codemod to transform uses of context-injected properties (from, for instance, a sinon sandbox) to use a specified global instead.
  • Added Enzyme as a recommended utility for testing React codebases.



  • Added a conditional-assign-to-if-statement transform to shopify-codemod to convert the common CoffeeScript translation idiom of foo || (foo = bar) into a more appropriate JavaScript idiom.



  • Updated the mocha-context-to-closure rule to also transform uses of this inside contextually-declared functions.


  • Updated version of npm used in CI.



  • Added eslint-plugin-babel as a dependency for eslint-plugin-shopify to fix some linting issues with ESNext features. Most notably, this fixes the way object-curly-spacing would fail on some import statements, and how arrow-parens would fail for async functions. The following rules are now updated to use the eslint-plugin-babel equivalents: array-bracket-spacing, arrow-parens, generator-star-spacing, new-cap, no-await-in-loop, object-curly-spacing, and object-shorthand.
  • Added new ESLint rules: no-useless-escape, no-duplicate-imports, no-restricted-globals, and max-statements-per-line.
  • Added a new eslint-plugin-react rule: prefer-stateless-function (off by default, because of issues with React’s testing utilities).


  • Used the new string severity levels introduced in ESLint 2.5.0.


  • Bumped the node version for the project.
  • Updated to the most recent versions of dependencies.



  • Prevents the two transforms added in 10.7.0 from clobbering existing directives.



  • Added global-assignment-to-default-export transform, which automatically exports a single global set within a given file.
  • Added global-reference-to-import transform, which searches through the file system to find the source of a global reference, and transforms that reference into the appropriate identifier and import statement.



  • Prevented function-to-arrow transform in shopify-codemod from incorrectly transforming methods using the shorthand syntax.



  • Set up the babel config for shopify-codemod.



  • Add remove-useless-return-from-test rule to shopify-codemod repo, which removes unnecessary returns at the end of test files that the CoffeeScript to JavaScript conversion leaves behind.



  • Extracted chai-jscodeshift into its own package.


  • Moved all shared development dependencies to be in the root package.json in order to speed up bootsrapping. Only project-specific development dependencies should be in the individual projects.



  • Add function-to-arrow transform.



  • Add constant-function-expression-to-statement transform.
  • Add ternary-statement-to-if-statement transform.



  • Added the initial shopify-codemod package.



  • Set the default config of shopify/require-flow to disabled.



  • Added babel-plugin-transform-inline-environment-variables to babel-preset-shopify.



  • Added the babel-preset-shopify package to contain our recommended set of Babel transforms.


  • Removed rimraf and copyfiles as dependencies and used the native UNIX commands instead.



  • Fixed react/display-name’s ignoreTranspilerName, again (the new option negated the meaning of the passed value).



  • Fixed react/display-name’s ignoreTranspilerName option (the old option name was removed in the most recent version of the plugin).



  • Added new React ESLint rules: jsx-space-before-closing and sort-prop-types.


  • Updated Babel ESLint plugin.
  • Updated the React sort-comp rule to require static members of a React component appearing first.
  • Documented preference for storing configuration in package.json, or in .js files when package.json is not possible.


  • Removed deprecated React ESLint rule: jsx-sort-prop-types.


  • Updated ESLint and Babel configs to match our recommended locations (package.json and .eslintrc.js).



  • Updated ESLint peer dependency to 2.1.0.
  • Consolidated eslint-config-shopify into eslint-plugin-shopify as part of the new plugin configs offered by ESLint 2.0.0. This means that only a single package needs to be installed: eslint-plugin-shopify. The "extends" key in your .eslintrc will need to change to reflect this: "shopify" becomes "plugin:shopify/esnext", "shopify/react" becomes "plugin:shopify/react", and "shopify/es5" becomes "plugin:shopify/es5".
  • Moved babel-eslint and eslint-plugin-react to be dependencies of the new plugin, which means that consuming projects no longer need to install those dependencies themselves.
  • Made generator-eslint-shopify understand and install the correct packages.


  • Added new ESLint rules: array-callback-return, id-blacklist, keyword-spacing, newline-per-chained-call, no-confusing-arrow, no-empty-function, no-extra-label, no-implicit-globals, no-new-symbol, no-restricted-imports, no-self-assign, no-unmodified-loop-condition, no-unused-labels, no-useless-constructor, no-whitespace-before-property, one-var-declaration-per-line, prefer-rest-params, sort-imports, template-curly-spacing, and yield-star-spacing.


  • Removed deprecated ESLint rules: no-arrow-condition, no-empty-label, space-after-keywords, space-before-keywords, and space-return-throw-case.



  • Added back merge for eslint-config-shopify to prevent issues with older versions of node.


  • Initial commit of the new repo structure.