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@github-actions github-actions released this 04 Apr 18:31
· 102 commits to main since this release

Minor Changes

  • 03b41e1: Breaking: jsonValidationSet's schemas public API change

    Now takes a function of the following signature:

    interface JsonValidationSet = {
      schemas: (context: 'theme' | 'app') => Promise<SchemaDefinition[]>

    Reason being we want to support fileMatch overloading of blocks/*.liquid files and we needed a way to identify which context you're in.

    Unfortunately, the JSON schema for blocks/*.liquid files in theme app extensions isn't the same one we have in themes. There doesn't seem to be a way to unify them either.

  • 03b41e1: Add support for the schemas manifest on Shopify/theme-liquid-docs

    Shopify/theme-liquid-docs now supports composable JSON schemas (with relative paths). To solve the blocks/*.liquid file match JSON schema overload depending on the context (app or theme), we defined two manifests that describe the schemas required by your solution and define the fileMatch rules:

    @shopify/theme-check-docs-updater now reads those manifests and downloads the tree of dependency that they require. We will no longer need to make new theme-tools releases whenever we add new schemas. We'll be able to dev them and their file associations directly from Shopify/theme-liquid-docs and have downstream consumers updated automatically (the same way docs are automatically updated).

  • 03b41e1: Breaking: the Config object requires a context property.

    This is mostly for internal use, but documented here anyway.

Patch Changes