LAB 2B Expansion Board Proposal
This program aims to light 2 different LEDs based on the character input by the user. On pressing the key " C " , the green LED starts blinking , and the blue LED blinks upon pressing the key " D". The SCL1
pin of the QTPy RP2040 is connected to the GPIO23
pin and the SDA1
pin is connected to the GPIO22
pin. We set the GPIO
direction to out using gpio_set_dir
and initialise the GPIO
pins 22 and 23. The user input is read by using getchar_timeout_us which accepts a single character.
This image is a representation of the pins present on the QTPy RP2040
- Breadboard
- LEDs( Blue and green)
- Resistors( 1K Ohm and 100 Ohm)
- RP2040 Microcontroller