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Soroban support

The following shows you how to use the PHP SDK to interact with Soroban.

Quick Start

iOS SDK Soroban support allows you to deploy and to invoke smart contracts.

To deploy and/or invoke smart contracts with the iOS SDK use the SorobanServer class. It connects to a given local or remote Soroban-RPC Server.

Soroban-RPC can be simply described as a “live network gateway for Soroban”. It provides information that the network currently has in its view (i.e. current state). It also has the ability to send a transaction to the network and query the network for the status of previously sent transactions.

You can install your own instance of a Soroban-RPC Server as described here. Alternatively, you can use a public remote instance for testing.

The Soroban-RPC API is described here.

Initialize SorobanServer

Provide the url to the endpoint of the Soroban-RPC server to connect to:

let sorobanServer = SorobanServer(endpoint: "")

General node health check

let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.getHealth()
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let healthResponse):
    if(HealthStatus.HEALTHY == healthResponse.status) {
        // ...         
case .failure(let error):

Get account data

You first need an account on Futurenet. You can fund it like this:

let accountKeyPair = try KeyPair.generateRandomKeyPair()
let accountId = accountKeyPair.accountId

await sdk.accounts.createTestAccount(accountId: accountId) //...

Next you can fetch current information about your Stellar account using the iOS SDK:

let responseEnum = await sdk.accounts.getAccountDetails(accountId: accountId)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let accResponse):
    print("Sequence: \(accResponse.sequence)")
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

Deploy your contract

If you want to create a smart contract for testing, you can find the official examples here. You can also create smart contracts with our AssemblyScript Soroban SDK. Examples can be found here.

To upload the contract code, first build a transaction containing the corresponding operation:

// Create the operation for uploading the contract code (*.wasm file content)
let operation = try InvokeHostFunctionOperation.forUploadingContractWasm(contractCode: contractCode)

// Build the transaction
let transaction = try Transaction(sourceAccount: account,
                                  operations: [operation], 
                                  memo: Memo.none)

Next we need to simulate the transaction to obtain the soroban transaction data and the resource fee needed for final submission:

// Simulate first to obtain the transaction data and ressource fee
let simulateTxRequest = SimulateTransactionRequest(transaction: transaction);
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.simulateTransaction(simulateTxRequest: simulateTxRequest)
switch respresponseEnumonse {
case .success(let simulateResponse):
    let transactionData = simulateResponse.transactionData
    let resourceFee = simulateResponse.minResourceFee
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

On success, one can find the soroban transaction data and the minimum resource fee in the response.

Next we need to set the soroban transaction data to our transaction, add the resource fee and sign the transaction before sending it to the network using the SorobanServer:

transaction.setSorobanTransactionData(data: simulateResponse.transactionData!)
transaction.addResourceFee(resourceFee: simulateResponse.minResourceFee!)
try transaction.sign(keyPair: accountKeyPair, network: Network.testnet)

// send transaction to soroban rpc server
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.sendTransaction(transaction: transaction)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let sendResponse):
    let transactionId = sendResponse.transactionId
    let status = sendResponse.status
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

On success, the response contains the id and status of the transaction:

print("Transaction Id: " + sendResponse.transactionId)
print("Status: " + sendResponse.status) // pending

The status is pending because the transaction needs to be processed by the Soroban-RPC Server first. Therefore we need to wait a bit and poll for the current transaction status by using the getTransaction request:

// Fetch transaction status
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.getTransaction(transactionHash: transactionId)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let statusResponse):
    if TransactionStatus.SUCCESS == statusResponse.status {
        let wasmId = statusResponse.wasmId
        // ...
    } else if GetTransactionResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS == statusResponse.status {
        // try again later

    } else if GetTransactionResponse.ERROR == statusResponse.status {
        // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

If the transaction was successful, the status response contains the wasmId of the installed contract code. We need the wasmId in our next step to create the contract:

// Build the operation for creating the contract
let operation = try InvokeHostFunctionOperation.forCreatingContract(wasmId: wasmId, 
        address: SCAddressXDR(accountId: accountId))

// Build the transaction for creating the contract
let transaction = try Transaction(sourceAccount: accountResponse,
                                  operations: [operation], 
                                  memo: Memo.none)

With the introduction of Protocol 22, contracts with constructor can also be created. The InvokeHostFunctionOperation.forCreatingContractWithConstructor function is used to create the operation.

Next we need to simulate the transaction to obtain the resources needed for final submission:

// Simulate first to obtain the transaction data, fee and soroban auth
let simulateTxRequest = SimulateTransactionRequest(transaction: transaction);
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.simulateTransaction(simulateTxRequest: simulateTxRequest)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let simulateResponse):
    let transactionData = simulateResponse.transactionData
    let resourceFee = simulateResponse.minResourceFee
    let sorobanAuth = simulateResponse.sorobanAuth
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

On success, one can find the soroban transaction data, the minimum resource fee and the soroban auth entries in the response.

Next we need to set the resources to our transaction and sign the transaction before sending it to the network using the SorobanServer:

transaction.setSorobanTransactionData(data: simulateResponse.transactionData!)
transaction.setSorobanAuth(auth: simulateResponse.sorobanAuth)
transaction.addResourceFee(resourceFee: simulateResponse.minResourceFee!)
try transaction.sign(keyPair: accountKeyPair, network: Network.testnet)

// send transaction to soroban rpc server
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.sendTransaction(transaction: transaction) 
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let sendResponse):
    let transactionId = sendResponse.transactionId
    let status = sendResponse.status
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

On success, the response contains the id and status of the transaction:

print("Transaction Id: " + sendResponse.transactionId)
print("Status: " + sendResponse.status) // pending

The status is pending because the transaction needs to be processed by the Soroban-RPC Server first. Therefore we need to wait a bit and poll for the current transaction status by using the getTransaction request:

// Fetch transaction status
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.sendTransaction(transaction: transaction) 
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let statusResponse):
    if GetTransactionResponse.SUCCESS == statusResponse.status {
        self.contractId = statusResponse.createdContractId // yey!
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...


Get Ledger Entries

The Soroban-RPC server also provides the possibility to request values of ledger entries directly. It will allow you to directly inspect the current state of a contract, a contract’s code, or any other ledger entry.

For example, to fetch contract wasm byte-code, use the ContractCode ledger entry key:

let contractCodeKey = LedgerKeyContractCodeXDR(wasmId: wasmId, bodyType: ContractEntryBodyType.dataEntry)
let ledgerKey = LedgerKeyXDR.contractCode(contractCodeKey)

sorobanServer.getLedgerEntries(base64EncodedKeys:[ledgerKey.xdrEncoded]) { (response) -> (Void) in // ...

If you already have a contractId you can load the code as follows:

sorobanServer.getContractCodeForContractId(contractId: contractId) { (response) -> (Void) in // ...

If you have a wasmId:

sorobanServer.getContractCodeForWasmId(wasmId: wasmId) { (response) -> (Void) in // ...

Requesting the latest ledger:

sorobanServer.getLatestLedger() { (response) -> (Void) in // ...

Invoking a contract

Now, that we successfully deployed our contract, we are going to invoke it using the iOS SDK.

First let's have a look to a simple (hello word) contract created with the Rust Soroban SDK. The code and instructions on how to build it, can be found in the official soroban docs. Hello Word contract code:

impl HelloContract {
    pub fn hello(env: Env, to: Symbol) -> Vec<Symbol> {
        vec![&env, symbol_short!("Hello"), to]

It's only function is called hello and it accepts a symbol as an argument. It returns a vector containing two symbols.

To invoke the contract with the iOS SDK, we first need to build the corresponding operation and transaction:

// Name of the function to be invoked
let functionName = "hello"

// Prepare the argument (Symbol)
let arg = SCValXDR.symbol("friend")

// Prepare the "invoke" operation
let operation = try InvokeHostFunctionOperation.forInvokingContract(contractId: contractId,
                                                                    functionName: functionName,
                                                                    functionArguments: [arg])

// Build the transaction
let transaction = try Transaction(sourceAccount: accountResponse,
                                  operations: [operation], 
                                  memo: Memo.none)

Next we need to simulate the transaction to obtain the transaction data and resource fee needed for final submission:

// Simulate first to obtain the footprint
let simulateTxRequest = SimulateTransactionRequest(transaction: transaction);
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.simulateTransaction(simulateTxRequest: simulateTxRequest)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let simulateResponse):
    let transactionData = simulateResponse.transactionData
    let resourceFee = simulateResponse.minResourceFee
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

On success, one can find the transaction data and the resource fee in the response.

Next we need to set the soroban transaction data to our transaction, to add the resource fee and sign the transaction to send it to the network using the SorobanServer:

transaction.setSorobanTransactionData(data: simulateResponse.transactionData!)
transaction.addResourceFee(resourceFee: simulateResponse.minResourceFee!)
try transaction.sign(keyPair: accountKeyPair, network: Network.testnet)

// send transaction to soroban rpc server
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.sendTransaction(transaction: transaction)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let sendResponse):
    let transactionId = sendResponse.transactionId
    let status = sendResponse.status
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

On success, the response contains the id and status of the transaction:

print("Transaction Id: " + sendResponse.transactionId)
print("Status: " + sendResponse.status) // pending

The status is pending because the transaction needs to be processed by the Soroban-RPC Server first. Therefore we need to wait a bit and poll for the current transaction status by using the getTransactionStatus request:

// Fetch transaction status
let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.getTransactionStatus(transactionHash: transactionId)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let statusResponse):
    if TransactionStatus.SUCCESS == statusResponse.status {
        let resultVal = statusResponse.resultValue
        // ...
    } else if TransactionStatus.PENDING == statusResponse.status {
        // try again later

    } else if TransactionStatus.ERROR == statusResponse.status {
        let error = stausResponse.error
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

If the transaction was successful, the status response contains the result:

let resultVal = statusResponse.resultValue

// Extract the Vector & Print result
if let vec = resultValue?.vec, vec.count > 1 {
    print("[" + vec[0].symbol! + "," + vec[1].symbol! + "]")
    // [Hello, friend]


Deploying Stellar Asset Contract (SAC)

The iOS SDK also provides support for deploying the build-in Stellar Asset Contract (SAC). The following operations are available for this purpose:

  1. Deploy SAC with source account:
let operation = try InvokeHostFunctionOperation.forDeploySACWithSourceAccount(address: SCAddressXDR(accountId: accountId))
  1. Deploy SAC with asset:
let operation = try InvokeHostFunctionOperation.forDeploySACWithAsset(asset: asset)

Soroban Authorization

The iOS SDK provides support for the Soroban Authorization Framework.

To provide authorization you can add an array of SorobanAuthorizationEntry to the transaction before sending it.

transaction.setSorobanAuth(auth: myArray)

The easiest way to do this is to use the auth data generated by the simulation.

transaction.setSorobanAuth(auth: simulateResponse.sorobanAuth)

But you can also compose the authorization entries by yourself.

If the entries need to be signed you can do it as follows:

// sign auth and set it to the transaction
var sorobanAuth = simulateResponse.sorobanAuth!
for i in sorobanAuth.indices {
    try sorobanAuth[i].sign(signer: invokerKeyPair,
                        network: Network.testnet,
                        signatureExpirationLedger: latestLedger + 10)
transaction.setSorobanAuth(auth: sorobanAuth)             

To load the latest ledger sequence you can use:

self.sorobanServer.getLatestLedger() { (response) -> (Void) in // ...

You can find multiple examples in the Soroban Auth Test and in the Atomic Swap Test of the SDK.

Get Events

The Soroban-RPC server provides the possibility to request contract events.

You can use the iOS SDK to request events like this:

let topicFilter = TopicFilter(segmentMatchers:["*", SCValXDR.symbol("increment").xdrEncoded!])
let eventFilter = EventFilter(type:"contract", contractIds: [contractId], topics: [topicFilter])

let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.getEvents(startLedger: ledger, eventFilters: [eventFilter])           
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let eventsResponse):
    // ...
case .failure(let error):
    // ...

contractId must currently start with "C...". If you only have the hex value you can encode it with: contractId.encodeContractIdHex()

Find the complete code in the Soroban Events Test.

Hints and Tips

You can find the working code and more in the Soroban Test, the Soroban Auth Test and in the Atomic Swap Test of the iOS SDK. The wasm byte-code files can also be found there.

For a better understanding of an error you can enable the SorobanServer logging:

sorobanServer.enableLogging = true

This will log the responses received from the Soroban-RPC server.

If you find any issues please report them here. It will help us to improve the SDK.

Soroban contract parser

The soroban contract parser allows you to access the contract info stored in the contract bytecode. You can access the environment metadata, contract spec and contract meta.

The environment metadata holds the interface version that should match the version of the soroban environment host functions supported.

The contract spec contains a SCSpecEntryXDR for every function, struct, and union exported by the contract.

In the contract meta, contracts may store any metadata in the entries that can be used by applications and tooling off-network.

You can access the parser directly if you have the contract bytecode:

let byteCode = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: 'path to .wasm file')
let contractInfo = try SorobanContractParser.parseContractByteCode(byteCode: byteCode)

Or you can use SorobanServer methods to load the contract code form the network and parse it.

By contract id:

let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.getContractInfoForContractId(contractId: contractId)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let contractInfo):
    // ...
case .rpcFailure(let error):
    // ...
case .parsingFailure (let error):
    // ...

By wasm id:

let responseEnum = await sorobanServer.getContractInfoForWasmId(wasmId: wasmId)
switch responseEnum {
case .success(let contractInfo):
    // ...
case .rpcFailure(let error):
    // ...
case .parsingFailure (let error):
    // ...

The parser returns a SorobanContractInfo object containing the parsed data. In SorobanParserTest.swift you can find a detailed example of how you can access the parsed data.