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Mpris not working? #1221

Arbee4ever opened this issue Sep 3, 2023 · 12 comments

Mpris not working? #1221

Arbee4ever opened this issue Sep 3, 2023 · 12 comments
bug A functionality or parts of a program that do not work as intended


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Arbee4ever commented Sep 3, 2023

When I start spotifyd, it looks like mpris is not working, as I can't control the playback using my "Music PLayer" Extension or playerctl.

To Reproduce

  1. Start spotifyd
  2. play music
  3. try controling it with playerctl

Expected behavior
Playerctl and the extension should be able to control it.


Click to show logs
Loading config from "/home/arbee/.config/spotifyd/spotifyd.conf"
CliConfig { config_path: None, no_daemon: true, verbose: true, pid: None, shared_config: SharedConfigValues { username: Some("taken out for privacy"), username_cmd: None, password: Some("taken out for privacy"), password_cmd: None, use_keyring: false, use_mpris: None, dbus_type: None, on_song_change_hook: None, cache_path: None, no-audio-cache: false, backend: None, volume_controller: Some(Alsa), device: None, control: None, mixer: None, device_name: Some("spotifyd"), bitrate: None, audio_format: None, initial_volume: None, volume_normalisation: false, normalisation_pregain: None, zeroconf_port: None, proxy: None, device_type: Some(Computer), autoplay: false, max_cache_size: None } }
Found user shell: Some("/bin/bash")
No proxy specified
registering event source with poller: token=Token(2147483649), interests=READABLE
Using alsa volume controller.
registering event source with poller: token=Token(0), interests=READABLE | WRITABLE
signal: Want
signal found waiting giver, notifying
poll_want: taker wants!
signal: Want
signal: Want
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Ignoring blacklisted access point
deregistering event source from poller
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Connecting to AP ""
signal: Closed
registering event source with poller: token=Token(16777216), interests=READABLE | WRITABLE
Authenticated as "1doctorproctor1" !
new Session[0]
Session[0] strong=3 weak=1
Country: "DE"
new Spirc[0]
canonical_username: 1doctorproctor1
new MercuryManager
new Player[0]
Converting with ditherer: tpdf
Using AlsaSink with format: S16
subscribed uri=hm://remote/user/1doctorproctor1/ count=0
kMessageTypeNotify "Pixel 6" 07d93ca34490b752c30032f3eaf210a6424d4942 1558149747 1693775263583 kPlayStatusStop
kMessageTypeNotify "Pixel 6" 07d93ca34490b752c30032f3eaf210a6424d4942 1558164304 1693775278140 kPlayStatusPlay
kMessageTypeNotify "Pixel 6" 07d93ca34490b752c30032f3eaf210a6424d4942 1558169700 1693775283536 kPlayStatusPlay
kMessageTypeLoad "Pixel 6" 07d93ca34490b752c30032f3eaf210a6424d4942 1558170646 1693775283536 kPlayStatusPlay
State: context_uri: "spotify:playlist:3rKLlnjjjcNhDmQKS5qdHH" index: 0 position_ms: 19098 status: kPlayStatusPlay position_measured_at: 1693775284525 context_description: "" shuffle: true repeat: true playing_from_fallback: true row: 0 playing_track_index: 0 track {gid: "\360\334\355.r\232N\311\270k\336\304\0003\"a"} track {gid: "\005n\033\222K?C\023\230\266\243\312\300J\275\240"} track {gid: "U\272\224*\254\257J\331\245\275\270\366p\3511Q"} track {gid: "\363n\n\344\022\222I\272\250[\303\017H\351\021T"} track {gid: "\277\301\035K\010\240G:\242D\010\310\245\332+\253"} track {gid: "R\016\234\237\341\003Mk\231\\Ef\2320c\365"} track {gid: "u\213\345(\3042K8\245Xc\242q\337\367\352"} track {gid: "0\201R\202\025\343D\203\256]\307\322\r\325\207C"} track {gid: "h%\232\235J\234O\222\243X\263f\314yo\336"} track {gid: "p\025\323\261\007]F\373\277G\375\2454r\370;"} track {gid: "\201V\364\376\216\020B2\252\021\230\360\261\213O\356"} track {gid: "\316M\214\234\333&J\026\253\227\003\0216\257\263\027"} track {gid: "\263P\330vc\300Mf\251a\006\271(\236j\341"} track {gid: "\241\352\236\271\245\310K?\206n\350>^\256\350\236"} track {gid: "\001\3648\210{&E\214\240\227p\325\201\021\211\325"} track {gid: "\325\304m\t\232\035Hg\224\325\314\007\207R8)"} track {gid: "l\265\035\333\342\233JL\244%\230\242\255\010\341W"} track {gid: "\242{\351V\"TIB\226\227\361Dn\376\352\325"} track {gid: "\035/@\'\326<H\377\212.\036\235U\313S\246"} track {gid: "\317\362\333;\245\275E)\220\216\\\031\315\253H\021"} track {gid: "\263\004i([\272N\236\262\365\211\325b\371M\362"} track {gid: "\273,\353\221\325\016GB\241\256.]\301St\017"} track {gid: "K\336\307Q\317\272H\031\207j\376\343\335\360\245\256"} track {gid: "\027\004\302\311\0313Dl\213<\347m\226\325\3044"} track {gid: "\207QvK\3258Ix\261\203\262(MW\372h"} track {gid: "\022\345\201B\3511N\311\213D\017\313\215.\203h"} track {gid: "\315\353\344h5\234@\'\200nf\\\247:\241\323"} track {gid: "\360\027\306<\370/I\267\207\304l\000\327\254\360@"} track {gid: "\tLp}8\032J\264\206\341\325\305\\\364\322>"} track {gid: "\217\\\322K\026\333N\301\256\334F\316\317F\255\177"} track {gid: "\371\260\370t\212fB;\205\002\372\212\353o\004\225"} track {gid: "\005\0314\362\325nHd\225Z\247\237H\334p!"} track {gid: "]\032\347\"\334\033Mb\267\003>\256\277\204@\302"} track {gid: "e.\022\244\242\265B\001\256\3224-D\003\370\027"} track {gid: "\r\326c\201\356\206C\353\272_\r\216\323\221\215\363"} track {gid: "\0226\367\033]\305J\371\205\3010lm\247M\277"} track {gid: "\370\ti\333h\215@\265\232\265\214\214;.\377\313"} track {gid: "Y\354bk\307uM\272\263\023\223\010\216q\276\t"} track {gid: "?}\246\"\205\231I\374\274<\222\003\032\217\220\023"} track {gid: "\351\211b\010\365!E*\255\344\031{\315\340R\300"} track {gid: "\027\033\235@\376\313M\343\277\243\240t6\2141\027"} track {gid: "\310\232\023\r\027TK\303\217\003&&\310.\305\220"} track {gid: "\216\353\244\214\034\341C\267\264\266\212\300h\027\315\263"} track {gid: "\177;p\361\343\231L\\\202Ae\006\230\t\235\252"} 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"8\251z\332\244@D\230\224S\203\'m\206\325\334"} track {gid: "\345?R\'\247\330I\362\217\320\034\002\360\031\267\325"} track {gid: "\265\372\351\000\271kM\326\232\341\241z \226\200\357"} track {gid: "Y2|\366$\245F\001\263\366\031\274e\030\202;"} track {gid: "\233(\301c(\201M\237\272f\026\362H\361,\371"}
Frame has 81 tracks
Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay]
command=Load(SpotifyId { id: 320161834908296850438764581895649043041, audio_type: Track }, true, 19098)
Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay]
Loading <Southern Nights> with Spotify URI <spotify:track:7kv7zBjMtVf0eIJle2VZxn>
Downloading file ad9d96330e3bf746d37fa1cd2763b785084d6fad
new ChannelManager
kMessageTypeNotify "Pixel 6" 07d93ca34490b752c30032f3eaf210a6424d4942 1558171388 1693775285224 kPlayStatusStop
new AudioKeyManager
<Southern Nights> (180026 ms) loaded
== Starting sink ==
Desired Frames per Buffer: 22050
Desired Frames per Period: 5512
Actual Frames per Buffer: 22050
Actual Frames per Period: 5512
Period Buffer size in bytes: 22048
Period Buffer capacity: 22048
Sending status to server: [kPlayStatusPlay]
==> kPlayStatusPlay
File ad9d96330e3bf746d37fa1cd2763b785084d6fad complete

Versions (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Fedora 38
  • Spotifyd: v0.25.0
  • cargo: 1.72.0

Additional context
Config File:

# Fill this in with your Spotify login.
username = "1doctorproctor1"
password = [REDACTED]

# How this machine shows up in Spotify Connect.
device_name = "spotifyd"
device_type = "computer"

use_mpris = true

volume_controller = "alsa"

(Also I just noticed that --verbose hides the username in the "CliConfig" line for privacy, but not later on, which is not very private)

@Arbee4ever Arbee4ever added the bug A functionality or parts of a program that do not work as intended label Sep 3, 2023
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slondr commented Oct 3, 2023

that's a pretty old version, try upgrading.

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I've faced with something similar;
Operating System Type: linux-gnueabihf
Spotifyd 0.3.5
cargo 1.72.0
playerctl v2.4.1

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eladyn commented Dec 3, 2023

Has your spotifyd binary MPRIS support built in? As in: Did you install the full binary and enable the use_mpris flag?

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I'm not sure about full install
but I've build this bin with cargo by faq from this page:

and restart spotifyd service with these params:

backend = "alsa"
use_mpris = true
dbus_type = "session"

In unit logs I seeing these:

 Couldn't read volume from alsa device with name "default".
 Couldn't set volume: "Couldn't find selem with name 'Master'."

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eladyn commented Dec 5, 2023

Which audio backend were you using before? Otherwise, you'll need to find the correct configuration, e.g. using aplay -L.

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nsklyarov commented Dec 5, 2023

I've resolved troubles with volume control.
playerctl still No players found.

When I change on dbus_type = "system"
I receive this exception:

Message: Failed to register dbus player name: D-Bus error: Connection ":1.119" is not allowed to own the service "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifyd.instance3022" due to security policies in the configuration file (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied)

Maybe the reason is that I use Alsa with this dbus_type?

UPDATE: Seems relates to #244

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eladyn commented Dec 5, 2023

Are you on a headless system? If so, you'll either need to make sure that a session dbus is available and accessible from spotifyd as well as playerctl.

Or you use dbus_type = "system" and roll your own controlling solution (since playerctl doesn't work with the system dbus), but that will require additional configuration to fix that security policy issue above. (See the other issue you linked for details on that.)

If you have a working session dbus, you can check that spotifyd is connecting correctly via

# dbus-monitor --session --monitor "type='signal',interface='org.freedesktop.DBus'"
signal time=1701811349.860905 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=(null destination) serial=4294967295 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameOwnerChanged
   string ":1.1266"
   string ""
   string ":1.1266"
signal time=1701811349.861010 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=:1.1266 serial=4294967295 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameAcquired
   string ":1.1266"
signal time=1701811349.861855 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=(null destination) serial=4294967295 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameOwnerChanged
   string "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifyd.instance215550"
   string ""
   string ":1.1266"
signal time=1701811349.861945 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=:1.1266 serial=4294967295 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameAcquired
   string "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotifyd.instance215550"

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Kodiak-Web commented Apr 23, 2024

i'm experiencing this issue on as well on Ubuntu 23.10 with a rustup managed rust, spotifyd 0.3.5, use_mpris=true & dbus_type=session
how do i build the "full" version? i ran cargo install spotifyd for installation.
also, log says use_mpris: none

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eladyn commented Apr 23, 2024

You'll need to add --features dbus_mpris.

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ran cargo install spotifyd --features dbus_keyring,dbus_mpris,default,portaudio_backend,pulseaudio_backend,rodio_backend
TIL how cargo features work ig
a --features all would be nice

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eladyn commented Apr 25, 2024

Well, there's --all-features. ^^

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Hey there, I was having the same issue. It turns out I was trying to use the session dbus from while starting from a systemd user unit. This meant that spotifyd didn't have the proper pointers to dbus via environment variable. The proper way to do this is by running:

systemctl --user import-environment; systemctl --user daemon-reload

... apparently. But I'm not sure when/where to do that. Probably via your DE 'autostart' if you have one. Once you've done that, all user units will import your environment on reload.

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bug A functionality or parts of a program that do not work as intended
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6 participants