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SaltStack Integration Pack

Pack which allows integration with SaltStack.


This pack depends on the salt Python library which requires the following dependencies to be installed:

  • SSL development headers and libraries (libssl-dev package on Ubuntu)
  • Swig (swig package on Ubuntu)

Those requirements need to be installed on the server where the actions will be running on and where the StackStorm packs are installed.

Usage Options

Scenario 1: StackStorm Installed on a Salt Master


If StackStorm is installed on the master, no local configuration is required.


    st2 run salt.client matches='web*'
    st2 run salt.client module=pkg.install kwargs='{"pkgs":["git","httpd"]}'

    st2 run salt.bootstrap instance_id=<uuid> provider=my-nova

Scenario 2: StackStorm using Salt NetAPI


Copy the example configuration in salt.yaml.example to /opt/stackstorm/configs/salt.yaml and edit as required.

It must contain this:

username: stella
password: clams

Note : When modifying the configuration in /opt/stackstorm/configs/ please remember reload StackStorm to load these new values with the command: st2ctl reload --register-configs


    st2 run salt.runner_manage.up
    st2 run salt.runner_job.list_jobs kwargs='{"ext_source":"blah"}'
    st2 run salt.local_pillar.items args=this,that

One can also use the generic "runner" action to execute arbitrary runners and execution modules.

    st2 run salt.runner module=manage.down
    st2 run salt.local module=grains.get args=os
    st2 run salt.local module=pillar.items args=thing1,thing2

Wheel command allows manipulation of keys on the master and requires careful crafting of the runner call.

    st2 run salt.runner module=wheel kwargs='{"client": "wheel", "fun": "key.finger", "match": "*"}'


Saltstack runner/execution module function calls are represented as StackStorm actions. Considering Saltstack's archive execution module, every function would be exposed as an StackStorm action.

StackStorm actions for this pack are namespaced relative to their Saltstack NetAPI client name and module name. Thus having the form:

[NetAPI client name]_[module name].[function name]

An action named runner_manage.down calls the down function from the manage runner.

Runner Actions

  • runner_cache.clear_all
  • runner_cache.clear_grains
  • runner_cache.clear_mine_func
  • runner_cache.clear_mine
  • runner_cache.clear_pillar
  • runner_cache.grains
  • runner_cache.mine
  • runner_cache.pillar
  • runner_cloud.action
  • runner_cloud.full_query
  • runner_cloud.list_images
  • runner_cloud.list_locations
  • runner_cloud.list_sizes
  • runner_cloud.profile
  • runner_cloud.query
  • runner_cloud.select_query
  • runner_jobs.list_jobs
  • runner_manage.down
  • runner_manage.status
  • runner_manage.up
  • runner_manage.versions
  • runner_pillar.show_pillar
  • runner_pillar.show_top
  • runner_thin.generate

Execution Module Actions

  • local_archive.gzip
  • local_archive.rar
  • local_archive.tar
  • local_archive.unrar
  • local_archive.unzip
  • local_archive.zip_
  • local_cloud.action
  • local_cloud.create
  • local_cloud.destroy
  • local_cloud.network_create
  • local_cloud.profile_
  • local_cloud.virtual_interface_create
  • local_cloud.volume_attach
  • local_cloud.volume_create
  • local_cloud.volume_delete
  • local_cloud.volume_detach
  • local_cmdmod.run_chroot
  • local_cmdmod.script
  • local_cp.get_file
  • local_cp.get_url
  • local_cp.push_dir
  • local_cp.push
  • local_cron.rm_env
  • local_cron.rm_job
  • local_cron.set_env
  • local_cron.set_job
  • local_data.cas
  • local_data.dump
  • local_data.getval
  • local_data.update
  • local_event.fire_master
  • local_event.send
  • local_file.access
  • local_file.chgrp
  • local_file.chown
  • local_file.directory_exists
  • local_file.file_exists
  • local_file.find
  • local_file.manage_file
  • local_file.mkdir
  • local_file.remove
  • local_file.replace
  • local_file.symlink
  • local_file.touch
  • local_file.truncate
  • local_grains.append
  • local_grains.delval
  • local_grains.get
  • local_grains.remove
  • local_grains.setval
  • local_hosts.add_hosts
  • local_hosts.get_alias
  • local_hosts.get_ip
  • local_hosts.rm_host
  • local_hosts.set_host
  • local_htpasswd.useradd
  • local_htpasswd.userdel
  • local_mine.delete
  • local_mine.get
  • local_mine.send
  • local_mine.update
  • local_network.connect
  • local_network.interface_ip
  • local_network.ipaddrs
  • local_network.subnets
  • local_pillar.get
  • local_pip.freeze
  • local_pip.install
  • local_pip.uninstall
  • local_pkg.install
  • local_pkg.refresh_db
  • local_pkg.remove
  • local_puppet.disable
  • local_puppet.enable
  • local_puppet.fact
  • local_puppet.noop
  • local_puppet.status
  • local_puppet.summary
  • local_ret.get_fun
  • local_ret.get_jids
  • local_ret.get_jid
  • local_ret.get_minions
  • local_saltutil.sync_all
  • local_saltutil.sync_grains
  • local_saltutil.sync_modules
  • local_saltutil.sync_outputters
  • local_saltutil.sync_renderers
  • local_saltutil.sync_returners
  • local_saltutil.sync_states
  • local_saltutil.sync_utils
  • local_schedule.add
  • local_schedule.delete
  • local_schedule.disable_job
  • local_schedule.enable_job
  • local_schedule.run_job
  • local_service.available
  • local_service.restart
  • local_service.start
  • local_service.status
  • local_service.stop
  • local_shadow.del_password
  • local_shadow.gen_password
  • local_shadow.set_expire
  • local_state.highstate
  • local_state.single
  • local_state.sls
  • local_supervisord.add
  • local_supervisord.custom
  • local_supervisord.remove
  • local_supervisord.reread
  • local_supervisord.restart
  • local_supervisord.start
  • local_supervisord.stop
  • local_systemd.available
  • local_systemd.disable
  • local_systemd.enable
  • local_systemd.restart
  • local_systemd.start
  • local_systemd.stop
  • local_systemd.systemctl_reload
  • local_test.cross_test
  • local_test.echo
  • local_useradd.add
  • local_useradd.chshell
  • local_useradd.delete