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OpenTelemetry Demo Helm Chart

The helm chart installs OpenTelemetry Demo in kubernetes cluster.


  • Kubernetes 1.24+
  • Helm 3.9+

Installing the Chart

Add OpenTelemetry Helm repository:

helm repo add open-telemetry

To install the chart with the release name my-otel-demo, run the following command:

helm install my-otel-demo open-telemetry/opentelemetry-demo




Installing the chart on OpenShift requires the following additional steps:

  1. Create a new project:
oc new-project opentelemetry-demo
  1. Create a new service account:
oc create sa opentelemetry-demo
  1. Add the service account to the anyuid SCC (may require cluster admin):
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z opentelemetry-demo
  1. Install the chart with the following command:
helm install my-otel-demo charts/opentelemetry-demo \
    --namespace opentelemetry-demo \
    --set serviceAccount.create=false \
    --set \
    --set prometheus.rbac.create=false \
    --set prometheus.serviceAccounts.server.create=false \
    --set \
    --set grafana.rbac.create=false \
    --set grafana.serviceAccount.create=false \

Chart Parameters

Chart parameters are separated in 4 general sections:

  • Default - Used to specify defaults applied to all demo components
  • Components - Used to configure the individual components (microservices) for the demo
  • Observability - Used to enable/disable dependencies
  • Sub-charts - Configuration for all sub-charts

Default parameters (applied to all demo components)

Property Description Default
default.env Environment variables added to all components Array of several OpenTelemetry environment variables
default.envOverrides Used to override individual environment variables without re-specifying the entire array. []
default.image.repository Demo components image name otel/demo
default.image.tag Demo components image tag (leave blank to use app version) nil
default.image.pullPolicy Demo components image pull policy IfNotPresent
default.image.pullSecrets Demo components image pull secrets []
default.replicas Number of replicas for each component 1
default.schedulingRules.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
default.schedulingRules.affinity Man of node/pod affinities {}
default.schedulingRules.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
default.securityContext Demo components container security context {}
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for the serviceAccount {}
serviceAccount.create Whether to create a serviceAccount or use an existing one true The name of the ServiceAccount to use for demo components ""

Component parameters

The OpenTelemetry demo contains several components (microservices). Each component is configured with a common set of parameters. All components will be defined within components.[NAME] where [NAME] is the name of the demo component.

Note The following parameters require a components.[NAME]. prefix where [NAME] is the name of the demo component

Parameter Description Default
enabled Is this component enabled true
useDefault.env Use the default environment variables in this component true
imageOverride.repository Name of image for this component Defaults to the overall default image repository
imageOverride.tag Tag of the image for this component Defaults to the overall default image tag
imageOverride.pullPolicy Image pull policy for this component IfNotPresent
imageOverride.pullSecrets Image pull secrets for this component []
service.type Service type used for this component ClusterIP
service.port Service port used for this component nil
service.nodePort Service node port used for this component nil
service.annotations Annotations to add to the component's service {}
ports Array of ports to open for deployment and service of this component []
env Array of environment variables added to this component Each component will have its own set of environment variables
envOverrides Used to override individual environment variables without re-specifying the entire array []
replicas Number of replicas for this component 1 for ffsPostgres, kafka, and redis ; nil otherwise
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits Each component will have a default memory limit set
schedulingRules.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
schedulingRules.affinity Man of node/pod affinities {}
schedulingRules.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
securityContext Container security context to define user ID (UID), group ID (GID) and other security policies {}
podSecurityContext Pod security context to define user ID (UID), group ID (GID) and other security policies {}
podAnnotations Pod annotations for this component {}
ingress.enabled Enable the creation of Ingress rules false
ingress.annotations Annotations to add to the ingress rule {}
ingress.ingressClassName Ingress class to use. If not specified default Ingress class will be used. nil
ingress.hosts Array of Hosts to use for the ingress rule. []
ingress.hosts[].paths Array of paths / routes to use for the ingress rule host. []
ingress.hosts[].paths[].path Actual path route to use nil
ingress.hosts[].paths[].pathType Path type to use for the given path. Typically this is Prefix. nil
ingress.hosts[].paths[].port Port to use for the given path nil
ingress.additionalIngresses Array of additional ingress rules to add. This is handy if you need to differently annotated ingress rules []
ingress.additionalIngresses[].name Each additional ingress rule needs to have a unique name nil
command Command & arguments to pass to the container being spun up for this service []
mountedConfigMaps[].name Name of the Volume that will be used for the ConfigMap mount nil
mountedConfigMaps[].mountPath Path where the ConfigMap data will be mounted nil
mountedConfigMaps[].subPath SubPath within the mountPath. Used to mount a single file into the path. nil
mountedConfigMaps[].existingConfigMap Name of the existing ConfigMap to mount nil
mountedConfigMaps[].data Contents of a ConfigMap. Keys should be the names of the files to be mounted. {}
initContainers Array of init containers to add to the pod []
initContainers[].name Name of the init container nil
initContainers[].image Image to use for the init container nil
initContainers[].command Command to run for the init container nil


The OpenTelemetry Demo Helm chart depends on 4 sub-charts:

  • OpenTelemetry Collector
  • Jaeger
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

Parameters for each sub-chart can be specified within that sub-chart's respective top level. This chart will override some of the dependent sub-chart parameters by default. The overriden parameters are specified below.

OpenTelemetry Collector

Note The following parameters have a opentelemetry-collector. prefix.

Parameter Description Default
enabled Install the OpenTelemetry collector true
nameOverride Name that will be used by the sub-chart release otelcol
mode The Deployment or Daemonset mode deployment
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits 100Mi memory limit
service.type Service Type to use ClusterIP
ports Ports to enabled for the collector pod and service metrics is enabled and prometheus is defined/enabled
podAnnotations Pod annotations Annotations leveraged by Prometheus scrape
config OpenTelemetry Collector configuration Configuration required for demo


Note The following parameters have a jaeger. prefix.

Parameter Description Default
enabled Install the Jaeger sub-chart true
provisionDataStore.cassandra Provision a cassandra data store false (required for AllInOne mode)
allInOne.enabled Enable All in One In-Memory Configuration true
allInOne.args Command arguments to pass to All in One deployment ["--memory.max-traces", "10000", "--query.base-path", "/jaeger/ui"]
allInOne.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for All in One 275Mi memory limit
storage.type Storage type to use none (required for AllInOne mode)
agent.enabled Enable Jaeger agent false (required for AllInOne mode)
collector.enabled Enable Jaeger Collector false (required for AllInOne mode)
query.enabled Enable Jaeger Query false (required for AllInOne mode)


Note The following parameters have a prometheus. prefix.

Parameter Description Default
enabled Install the Prometheus sub-chart true
alertmanager.enabled Install the alertmanager false
configmapReload.prometheus.enabled Install the configmap-reload container false
kube-state-metrics.enabled Install the kube-state-metrics sub-chart false
prometheus-node-exporter.enabled Install the Prometheus Node Exporter sub-chart false
prometheus-pushgateway.enabled Install the Prometheus Push Gateway sub-chart false
server.extraFlags Additional flags to add to Prometheus server ["enable-feature=exemplar-storage"]
server.persistentVolume.enabled Enable persistent storage for Prometheus data false How frequently to scrape targets by default 5s How long until a scrape request times out 3s How frequently to evaluate rules 30s
service.servicePort Service port used 9090
serverFiles.prometheus.yml Prometheus configuration file Scrape config to get metrics from OpenTelemetry collector


Note The following parameters have a grafana. prefix.

Parameter Description Default
enabled Install the Grafana sub-chart true
grafana.ini Grafana's primary configuration Enables anonymous login, and proxy through the frontendProxy service
adminPassword Password used by admin user admin
rbac.pspEnabled Enable PodSecurityPolicy resources false
datasources Configure grafana datasources (passed through tpl) Prometheus and Jaeger data sources
dashboardProviders Configure grafana dashboard providers Defines a default provider based on a file path
dashboardConfigMaps ConfigMaps reference that contains dashboards Dashboard config map deployed with this Helm chart