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File metadata and controls

635 lines (548 loc) · 27.7 KB

Tasks Reference (v2)

.. dragon:task::

    Find beats in an audio file.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the audio file
    :input_type url: string
    :output beats: An array containing the timestamps of the detected beats, in seconds
    :output_type beats: object
    :output duration: The processed audio file duration in seconds
    :output_type duration: integer
    :output downbeats: An array containing the timestamps of the detected downbeats, in seconds
    :output_type downbeats: object


.. dragon:task:: audio.convert

    Transcode audio file (mp3, vorbis), and return audio duration.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the audio file to be converted.
    :input_type url: string
    :input codec: Desired codec for the output file.  *(choices:* ``'mp3'``, ``'vorbis'``, ``'aac'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'mp3'`` *)*
    :input_type codec: string
    :input force: Force encoding.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type force: boolean
    :output duration: Duration of the audio file in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output content_type: Output file content type.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :file output: URL of the output file.

.. dragon:task::

    Return duration and codec of an audio file.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the audio file to be scanned.
    :input_type url: string
    :output duration: Duration of the audio file in seconds, rounded to 1/100th second.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output content_type: Content-type of the audio file.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :output codec: Codec of the audio file.
    :output_type codec: string


.. dragon:task:: audio.waveform

    Create a waveform image from an audio file.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the audio file to be scanned.
    :input_type url: string
    :input width:    *(default:* ``1024`` *)*
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height:    *(default:* ``60`` *)*
    :input_type height: integer
    :input vmargin: Vertical margin.   *(default:* ``0`` *)*
    :input_type vmargin: integer
    :input fill: Color of the wave-form.   *(default:* ``u'#000000'`` *)*
    :input_type fill: string
    :input background: Color of the background.   *(default:* ``u'#FFFFFF'`` *)*
    :input_type background: string
    :input start: Seconds to start from.   *(default:* ``0.0`` *)*
    :input_type start: float
    :input end: Generate waveform up to this point, in seconds.
    :input_type end: float
    :input format: Output image format.  *(choices:* ``'png'``, ``'jpeg'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'jpeg'`` *)*
    :input_type format: string
    :output duration: Duration of the audio file in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output width:
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height:
    :output_type height: integer
    :output content_type:
    :output_type content_type: string
    :file output: URL of the output file.


.. dragon:task:: html.scrape

    Scrape html webpage to return videos & images found

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the html page
    :input_type url: string
    :output hits:
    :output_type hits: object
    :output page_title:
    :output_type page_title: string


.. dragon:task:: image.gif

    Create an animated GIF from a list of images.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input images: The list of image URLs that will be used to create the animated GIF.
    :input_type images: list of strings
    :input loop: The number of loops of the GIF, 0 means to loop forever, and -1 no loop.   *(default:* ``0`` *)*
    :input_type loop: integer
    :input frame_duration: The duration in seconds during which each image will be shown when the GIF is playing, rounded to 1/100th of a second.   *(default:* ``0.1`` *)*
    :input_type frame_duration: float
    :input width: The pixel width of the output GIF. Leave empty to use source images width.
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height: The pixel height of the output GIF. Leave empty to use source images height.
    :input_type height: integer
    :file output: The URL of the output GIF.

.. dragon:task::

    Return image file information.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the image file to be scanned.
    :input_type url: string
    :output content_type: Content-Type of the image file.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :output type: Type of the file.
    :output_type type: string
    :output width:
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height:
    :output_type height: integer
    :output alpha:
    :output_type alpha: boolean
    :output exif_orientation: The exif orientation that should be applied to the image to see it as it was shot, as an integer x, where:

        * x=1: The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.

        * x=2: The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side

        * x=3: The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side.

        * x=4: The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side.

        * x=5: The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.

        * x=6: The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top.

        * x=7: The 0th row is the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.

        * x=8: The 0th row is the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom.
    :output_type exif_orientation: integer
    :output rotation: The rotation that should be applied to the image to see it as it was shot, in degrees. (None if a flip is required or info is not present in exif)
    :output_type rotation: float
    :output date_time:
    :output_type date_time: string
    :output flash:
    :output_type flash: boolean
    :output focal_length:
    :output_type focal_length: float
    :output iso_speed:
    :output_type iso_speed: float
    :output exposure_time:
    :output_type exposure_time: float


.. dragon:task:: image.strip

    Create an image strip of custom dimensions by concatenating images.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input urls: Array of the source images URLs.
    :input_type urls: MultiHttpFileField
    :input width: Pixel width of each frame stitched into film strip.
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height: Pixel height of each frame stitched into film strip.
    :input_type height: integer
    :input crop: If false, video frames fit each strip section. If true, video frames fill each strip section, aligning centers.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type crop: boolean
    :input wrap: Number of images that can be stitched horizontally before stitching starts onto a new line. Use it to create a two dimensional film strip, with count = int * wrap. If left unspecified, all frames are stitched on a single line.
    :input_type wrap: integer
    :input format: Output image file format  *(choices:* ``'jpeg'``, ``'png'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'jpeg'`` *)*
    :input_type format: string
    :output count: Actual number of frames in the output.
    :output_type count: integer
    :output width: Width of the output image in pixels.
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height: Height of the output image in pixels.
    :output_type height: integer
    :output content_type: Mime-type of the output image.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :file output: URL of the output image.


.. dragon:task:: image.thumb

    Create a new image of custom dimensions and orientation from an original image.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input width: Desired thumbnail width, in pixels.
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height: Desired thumbnail height, in pixels
    :input_type height: integer
    :input crop: If crop is true, original image fills new image dimensions. If crop is false, original image fits new image dimensions.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type crop: boolean
    :input url: URL of the source image
    :input_type url: string
    :input rotation: A counter clockwise rotation rotation to apply to the thumbnail, in degrees.  *(choices:* ``0``, ``90``, ``180``, ``270`` *)*  *(default:* ``0`` *)*
    :input_type rotation: integer
    :input poster: If true, a play icon is added in the center.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type poster: boolean
    :input format: The output format.  *(choices:* ``'jpeg'``, ``'gif'``, ``'png'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'jpeg'`` *)*
    :input_type format: string
    :output width: thumbnail width
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height: thumbnail height
    :output_type height: integer
    :output original_width: original image width
    :output_type original_width: integer
    :output original_height: original height
    :output_type original_height: integer
    :file output: URL of the thumbnail.


.. dragon:task:: video.convert

    Create transcoded video file with custom dimensions, and return its output values.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the source video
    :input_type url: string
    :input width:
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height:
    :input_type height: integer
    :input crop: Allows croping the video to fit in the output size   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type crop: boolean
    :input audio_codec: Desired audio audio.  *(choices:* ``'mp2'``, ``'mp3'``, ``'aac'``, ``'wmav1'``, ``'wmav2'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'aac'`` *)*
    :input_type audio_codec: string
    :input video_codec: Desired video codec.  *(choices:* ``'h264'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'h264'`` *)*
    :input_type video_codec: string
    :input video_bitrate: Desired video bitrate, in kbps.   *(default:* ``3000`` *)*
    :input_type video_bitrate: integer
    :input audio_bitrate: Desired audio bitrate, in kbps.   *(default:* ``128`` *)*
    :input_type audio_bitrate: integer
    :input sample_rate: Desired audio sample rate, in kHz.  *(choices:* ``22050``, ``44100``, ``48000`` *)*  *(default:* ``44100`` *)*
    :input_type sample_rate: integer
    :input crf: Output constant rate factor (video)   *(default:* ``23`` *)*
    :input_type crf: integer
    :input gop: Output group of picture (GOP) size   *(default:* ``250`` *)*
    :input_type gop: integer
    :output content_type: Output file content type.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :output width:
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height:
    :output_type height: integer
    :output original_width:
    :output_type original_width: integer
    :output original_height:
    :output_type original_height: integer
    :output duration: Duration of the video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output frame_rate:
    :output_type frame_rate: float
    :output audio_codec:
    :output_type audio_codec: string
    :output video_codec:
    :output_type video_codec: string
    :output alpha:
    :output_type alpha: boolean
    :output rotation: The counter clockwise rotation that should be applied to the video to see it as it was shot, in degrees.
    :output_type rotation: float
    :file output: URL of the converted file.


.. dragon:task:: video.create

    Create video file(s) from a `SXML definition
    <>`_ and video profile(s).

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input definition: SXML video definition
    :input_type definition: string
    :input profile:    *(default:* ``u'360p'`` *)*
    :input_type profile: string
    :input preview:    *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type preview: boolean
    :input export:    *(default:* ``True`` *)*
    :input_type export: boolean
    :input thumbnail_time:    *(default:* ``1.0`` *)*
    :input_type thumbnail_time: float
    :input antialias:   *(choices:* ``1``, ``2``, ``4`` *)*  *(default:* ``4`` *)*
    :input_type antialias: integer
    :output duration:
    :output_type duration: float
    :output width: video width
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height: video height
    :output_type height: integer
    :file preview:
    :file export:
    :file thumbnail:

.. dragon:task::

    Return video file information.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the video file to be scanned.
    :input_type url: string
    :output content_type: Mime-type of the video file.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :output width: Video width, in pixels.
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height: Video height, in pixels.
    :output_type height: integer
    :output duration: Video duration, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output frame_rate: Video frame rate, in frames per second.
    :output_type frame_rate: float
    :output alpha: A boolean indicating if the video has an alpha channel.
    :output_type alpha: boolean
    :output rotation: The rotation that should be applied to the video to see it as it was shot, in degrees.
    :output_type rotation: float
    :output audio_codec: Audio codec name.
    :output_type audio_codec: string
    :output video_codec: Video codec name.
    :output_type video_codec: string


.. dragon:task:: video.reverse

    Create a reversed video file with custom dimensions, and return its output values.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the source video
    :input_type url: string
    :input width:
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height:
    :input_type height: integer
    :input crop: Allows croping the video to fit in the output size   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type crop: boolean
    :input video_codec: Desired video codec.  *(choices:* ``'h264'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'h264'`` *)*
    :input_type video_codec: string
    :input video_bitrate: Desired video bitrate, in kbps. Use source bitrate if left empty.
    :input_type video_bitrate: integer
    :input crf: Output constant rate factor (video)   *(default:* ``23`` *)*
    :input_type crf: integer
    :input gop: Output group of picture (GOP) size   *(default:* ``250`` *)*
    :input_type gop: integer
    :output duration: Duration of the video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :file output: URL of the converted file.


.. dragon:task:: video.strip

    Create a film strip image of custom dimensions showing stitched frames of a
    video, return output values for original video.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the source video.
    :input_type url: string
    :input width: Pixel width of each frame stitched into film strip.
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height: Pixel height of each frame stitched into film strip.
    :input_type height: integer
    :input crop: If false, video frames fit each strip section. If true, video frames fill each strip section, aligning centers.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type crop: boolean
    :input wrap: Number of video frames that can be stitched horizontally before stitching starts onto a new line. Use it to create a two dimensional film strip, with count = int * wrap. If left unspecified, all frames are stitched on a single line.
    :input_type wrap: integer
    :input start: Time of first frame extracted from video - by default first frame of video.   *(default:* ``0.0`` *)*
    :input_type start: float
    :input end: Time of last frame extracted from video - by default last frame of video.
    :input_type end: float
    :input count: Number of frames extracted from video, at equal time intervals between start and end times.   *(default:* ``10`` *)*
    :input_type count: integer
    :input format: Output image file format  *(choices:* ``'jpeg'``, ``'png'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'jpeg'`` *)*
    :input_type format: string
    :output count: Actual number of frames in the output.
    :output_type count: integer
    :output width: Width of the output image in pixels.
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height: Height of the output image in pixels.
    :output_type height: integer
    :output original_width: Width of the input video file, in pixels.
    :output_type original_width: integer
    :output original_height: Width of the input video file, in pixels.
    :output_type original_height: integer
    :output duration: Duration of the input video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output frame_rate: Frame rate of the input video file, in frames per second.
    :output_type frame_rate: float
    :output content_type: Mime-type of the output image.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :file output: URL of the output image.


.. dragon:task:: video.thumb

    Create a reversed video file with custom dimensions, and return its output values.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the source video.
    :input_type url: string
    :input width: Width of output image file, in pixels. The default is to use the original video width.
    :input_type width: integer
    :input height: Height of output image file, in pixels. The default is to use the original video height.
    :input_type height: integer
    :input crop: If false, video frame fits output image. If true, video frame fills output image.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type crop: boolean
    :input time: Timestamp of the video frame to extract, in seconds.   *(default:* ``0.0`` *)*
    :input_type time: float
    :input format: Output image file format.  *(choices:* ``'jpeg'``, ``'png'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'jpeg'`` *)*
    :input_type format: string
    :input poster: If true, a play icon is added in the center.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type poster: boolean
    :input quality: Output quality, from 1 to 95.   *(default:* ``75`` *)*
    :input_type quality: integer
    :output width: Width of the output image in pixels.
    :output_type width: integer
    :output height: Height of the output image in pixels.
    :output_type height: integer
    :output original_width: Width of the input video file.
    :output_type original_width: integer
    :output original_height: Width of the input video file.
    :output_type original_height: integer
    :output duration: Duration of the input video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :output content_type: Mime-type of the output image.
    :output_type content_type: string
    :file output: URL of the output image.


.. dragon:task:: video.upload.fb

    Upload a video to Facebook.

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: URL of the source video.
    :input_type url: string
    :input access_token: Target user's access token.
    :input_type access_token: string
    :input title: Video title.
    :input_type title: string
    :input description: Video description.
    :input_type description: string
    :input privacy: Privacy level of the video.  *(choices:* ``'AUTO'``, ``'EVERYONE'``, ``'ALL_FRIENDS'``, ``'FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS'``, ``'SELF'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'AUTO'`` *)*
    :input_type privacy: string
    :input no_story: If set to true, this will suppress feed and timeline story.   *(default:* ``False`` *)*
    :input_type no_story: boolean
    :input api_key: Facebook API key.   *(default:* ``u'-'`` *)*
    :input_type api_key: string
    :input app_secret: Facebook app secret.   *(default:* ``u'-'`` *)*
    :input_type app_secret: string
    :output duration: Duration of the input video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float
    :file output: URL of the uploaded video on Facebook.


.. dragon:task:: video.upload.vimeo

    Upload a video from user url on Vimeo.
    `Register your app to get a consumer key and secret <>`_.
    Then retrieve an access token key and a secret following
    `these instructions on Oauth for the Vimeo API <>`_.

    You can use either OAuth1 or OAuth2.

    OAuth2 parameter (Vimeo API v3):
        - oauth2_token

    OAuth1 parameters (Vimeo API v2):
        - consumer_key
        - consumer_secret
        - access_token_key
        - access_token_secret

    OAuth2 Token requires these privileges:
        - Edit (to edit titles / descriptions)
        - Upload

    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :input url: Video url to upload
    :input_type url: string
    :input title: Video title
    :input_type title: string
    :input description: Video description
    :input_type description: string
    :input consumer_key: OAuth1 Application consumer key
    :input_type consumer_key: string
    :input consumer_secret: OAuth1 Application consumer secret
    :input_type consumer_secret: string
    :input access_token_key: OAuth1 User access token key
    :input_type access_token_key: string
    :input access_token_secret: OAuth1 User access token secret
    :input_type access_token_secret: string
    :input oauth2_token: OAuth2 User access token secret
    :input_type oauth2_token: string
    :output free_space:
    :output_type free_space: integer
    :output uploaded_file_size:
    :output_type uploaded_file_size: integer
    :output output: URL of the uploaded video on Vimeo.
    :output_type output: string
    :output duration: Duration of the input video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float

.. dragon:task::

    Upload a video to Youtube using the version 3 of the API with OAuth2 Bearer authentication.
    `Register your app <>`_ and retrieve an access token following `these instructions <>`_.

    Otherwise, you can also get a `token with us from there <>`_

    :input url: URL of the source video.
    :input_type url: string
    :input access_token: Target user's access token with upload authorization.
    :input_type access_token: string
    :input developer_key: Youtube developer key of a registered app.
    :input_type developer_key: string
    :input title: Video title.
    :input_type title: string
    :input description: Video description.
    :input_type description: string
    :input tags:    *(default:* ``[]`` *)*
    :input_type tags: list of strings
    :input category_id: Video category ID number.The default value is 22, which refers to the People & Blogs category.
    :input_type category_id: integer
    :input privacy_status: Privacy status of the video.  *(choices:* ``'public'``, ``'private'``, ``'unlisted'`` *)*  *(default:* ``u'public'`` *)*
    :input_type privacy_status: string
    :input url_callback: URL to callback when the task completes successfully. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_callback: string
    :input url_errback: URL to callback when the task fails. See :doc:`callbacks` for details.
    :input_type url_errback: string
    :output output: URL of the uploaded video on Youtube.
    :output_type output: string
    :output duration: Duration of the input video file, in seconds.
    :output_type duration: float