Primary purpose is for Second Life with the following added:
- Working streaming media on 64-bit systems.
- Working vivox on 64-bit builds.
- Spacenav 3D joystick support.
- Many build fixes, no more stupid gcc errors that prevent builds.
- Some pjira bugfix patches.
- Some pjira feature add patches.
- A few third party patches that are useful to the everyday user while not interfering with the existing User Interface. IE:One can not or turn off the feature within the client.
As root:
layman -f -a Techwolf -o ''
Or if using paludis:
playman --layman-url -a techwolf
"emerge -av secondlife"
for the main client
"emerge -av firestorm-hg"
for the firestorm client
The secondlife package (that is no longer) provided by portage differs from this overlay:
- No voice support in the portage provided ebuild.
- No USE flags support for vivox, openal, webkit, gstreamer, fmod, or dbus in the portage provided ebuild.
- Joystick INTENDEDLY disabled in the portage provided ebuild. This includes all joysticks, including the spacenav 3D joystick.
- The ebuilds in this overlay provide full joystick support, voice support, USE flag support.
- openal: Enable the openal soft sound system, default on.
- vivox: Enable the voice support. This binary requires some 32-bit libs on 64-bit system. The 64-bit build of the Secondlife can use the 32-bit vivox binary. Default on.
- fmod: Enable the fmod sound support, default off.
- llwebkit: Enable the qt-webkit support. Disabling this may reduce some search functions within the Secondlife client. Default on.
- dbus: Enable or disable the dbus.
There are other secondlife related programs in this overlay.
Firestorm This is a homebrewn viewer which adds new functionality to the viewer with the intent of easing the users interaction with the environment. Popular with powerusers and l33t users.
"emerge -av firestorm-hg"
Imprudence Metaverse (SL) viewer with an emphasis on usability and bold changes.
Non-3D GUI clients, for when you just need to chat and other things that don't need a full 3D GUI view.
Radegast and Radegast-svn Text only client.
Slitechat A Lite IM/Chat Client for Second Life
There is several mercurial branches from Linden Labs and third party viewers. They are:
- secondlife-hg is a live hg pull from a viewer development or release canidate repro. This repro is being maintained by LL and the open source community.
- firestorm-hg is a live hg pull from the phoenix viewer project of Linden Labs viewer 2/3.x based code.
- All branches do a live pull from the hg repository, to update, just re-emerge them.
- All can be installed at the same time.
- To run the client, just use the menu or from the command line, secondlife or phoenix-hg or firestorm-hg for the client you wish to run.
3Dconnexion's SpaceNavigator users may need to do the following:
Uninstall any 3Dconnexion company supplied linux drivers as they conflict with the one built into the kernel. The SpaceNavigator shows up as a HID device that Secondlife can use.
Create some udev rules if they are not supplied with the distro. Currently gentoo does not.
cat << EOF > /etc/udev/rules.d/91-spacenavigator.rules KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c603", SYMLINK+="input/spacemouse", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="664" KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c623", SYMLINK+="input/spacetraveler", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="664" KERNEL=="event[0-9]*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="046d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="c626", SYMLINK+="input/spacenavigator", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="664" EOF
Create some hal policy rules to prevent the SpaceNavigator from being used as a mouse with hotpluggin on x-org. Only needed if you find the joystick controlling the mouse.
cat << EOF > /etc/hal/fdi/policy/3Dconnexion_SpaceNavigator.fdi <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <deviceinfo version="0.2"> <device> <match key="info.product" contains="3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator"> <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string"></merge> </match> </device> </deviceinfo> EOF