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Releases: TencentCloud/TIMSDK

7.4.4655 @2023.09.01 - Enhanced Edition 增强版

01 Sep 11:08
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Latest Enhanced Version 7.4.4655 @2023.09.01


  • Optimize server anti-isolation logic in the network module.

  • Optimize HTTP routing logic in the network module.

  • Optimize logic for fetching historical messages.

  • Improve system logs for conversation groups.

  • Fix the issue of occasional inaccuracy in the unread message count for group conversations.

  • Fix the issue of occasional inaccuracy in the unread message count for topics in the community.

  • Fix the occasional issue of not receiving notifications for conversation group creation.

  • 长连接优化服务器防孤岛逻辑

  • 长连接优化 HTTP 选路逻辑

  • 优化历史消息的拉取逻辑

  • 完善会话分组模块的系统日志

  • 修复群会话偶现未读数不准确的问题

  • 修复社群话题偶现未读数不准确的问题

  • 修复偶现收不到会话分组创建通知的问题

7.4.4643 @2023.08.11 - Enhanced Edition 增强版

23 Aug 09:06
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  • Support subscribing and unsubscribing users
  • Support emoji replies
  • Support voice-to-text capability
  • Support revoking messages in AVChatRoom
  • Support setting global message reception options
  • Single forwarded message supports automatic renewal of rich media resources
  • Voice and video messages support security strike notifications
  • Message revoke supports "revoke reason" + "revoker"
  • Fixed the issue of inaccurate read status for the last message in a one-on-one chat session
  • Fixed the issue of friend remark information not being cleared in time after deleting a friend
  • Optimized handling of SQLite file corruption

TUIKit & Demo

  • Support storing conversation group order information in the cloud
  • iOS optimized video sending process
  • Android fixed the issue of continuous voice messages failing to autoplay
  • Android fixed the issue of incorrect time display in the call record list
  • Android fixed the issue of overlapping items in the Chat Lite message list


  • 支持订阅用户和取消订阅用户资料
  • 支持表情回复
  • 支持语音转文字能力
  • 支持在直播群里撤回消息
  • 支持设置全局消息接收选项
  • 单条转发消息支持富媒体资源自动续期
  • 语音、视频消息支持安全打击后通知
  • 消息撤回支持“撤回原因”+“撤回者”
  • 修复单聊会话最后一条消息的已读状态不准的问题
  • 修复删除好友后会话中好友备注信息未及时清空问题
  • 优化 SQLite 文件损坏的处理

TUIKit & Demo

  • 支持会话分组排序信息云端存储
  • iOS 优化视频发送流程
  • Android 修复连续语音消息自动播放失败的问题
  • Android 修复通话记录列表时间显示错误的问题
  • Android 修复 Chat 简约版消息列表 Item 概率出现重叠的问题

7.3.4358 @2023.06.21 - Enhanced Edition 增强版

24 Jun 04:58
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Support server message search
Support filtering conversation list and conversation total unread count by whether it contains unread messages
Support filtering conversation list and conversation total unread count by whether it contains @ messages
Adding online identification to group members obtained througn getMemberList API
Total number of online group members can be obtained for all type of groups
Optimize the reconnection speed when switching from the background to the foreground
Optimize the slow problem of pulling local messages in weak network
Fix the problem of missing the application list after marking the group application as read
Fix the problem that the conversation cannot be retrieved after sending the first message to a non-friend account
Fix the problem that the conversation personal information is the previous account information when switching accounts to log in
Fix the problem that the local field disappears occasionally when pulling historical messages
Fix the problem that signaling notifications are not throw out occasionally on iOS platform
Fix the problem that the conversation unread count callback does not take effect after clearing all unread messages
Fix the problem that detail information are not filled in conversation object when receiving conversation update notification after deleting or renaming the conversation group
Fix the problem that conversation mark and conversation group change notification are discarded for conversations which do not exist locally
Fix the problem of symbol conflict between SDK and user code
TUIKit & Demo

Support multiple conversation groups and conversation marks
Add quick meeting function
Adding the feature of playing the next voice message automatically
Picture and video viewing supports zooming in and out and adaptive horizontal and vertical screens
Picture and video upload and download support displaying progress
Picture and video messages support multi-select sending
The group information page supports modifying the invitation option
iOS supports adding suffix names when sending pictures


支持按照是否含有 @消息过滤会话列表和会话未读总数
修复 iOS 偶现不抛出信令通知的问题
修复删除或重命名会话分组后,会话更新回调里的会话对象没有 showName、faceUrl 、lastMessage 信息的问题
修复 SDK 与用户代码发生符号冲突的问题
TUIKit & Demo

iOS 发送图片支持增加后缀名

7.2.4146 @2023.05.12 - Enhanced Edition 增强版

12 May 10:36
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  • Fixed the issue that the conversation list failed to be returned before the login is successful.
  • Fixed the issue that the unread count of group conversations could not be cleared occasionally.
  • Fixed the issue that the last message of the group conversation was not updated occasionally when synchronizing the conversation list.
  • Fixed the issue that one end could not synchronize to the other end when it included unread group messages.
  • Fixed the issue that sending unread group messages to conference groups will fail.
  • Fixed the issue of occasional failure to obtain the total number of unread conversations based on filter conditions.
  • Fixed the issue that the local field of the message is occasionally lost when pulling historical messages.
  • Fixed the issue that the package MAC rename SDK prompts that the signature fails.

TUIKit & Demo

  • Fixed overseas version TUIKit related experience problems


  • 修复登录成功之前获取会话列表返回失败的问题
  • 修复偶现无法清掉群会话未读数的问题
  • 修复同步会话列表时,偶现没有更新群会话最后一条消息的问题
  • 修复当包含不计未读的群消息时,一端对群会话做已读上报不能同步到其它端的问题
  • 修复离线期间修改会话最后一条消息,重新登录后无法同步到最新消息的问题
  • 修复向会议群里发送不计未读的群消息必现失败的问题
  • 修复根据过滤条件获取会话未读总数偶现失败的问题
  • 修复拉取历史消息时,偶现丢失消息本地字段的问题
  • 修复打包 MAC 重命名 SDK 提示签名失败的问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 修复海外版 TUIKit 相关体验问题

7.2.4123 @2023.04.25 - 增强版

28 Apr 04:23
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7.2.4123 @2023.04.25 - Enhanced Edition


  • Supported clearing messages for topics.
  • Added the notification for conversation deletion.
  • Improved the synchronization speed of conversation lists after login.
  • Supported blocking members kicked out of the group from joining again for non-audio-video groups and community groups.
  • Supported checking western European languages by words in local content moderation.
  • Supported configuring approval options for joining a community group via application or invitation.
  • Android offline push supported second-level message category for vivo phones
  • Supported configuring the number of long polling tasks on console for audio-video groups.
  • Prohibited reverting timestamp for one-to-one message read reporting.
  • The sequence of the read reported group message cannot exceed the sequence of the last group message.
  • Android offline push is now adapted to Android 12 for Huawei, Mi and FCM channels.
  • Fixed the issue that the group name card fields are missing for group messages sent by yourself.
  • Fixed the occasional error that message modification callback is not triggered after a message is modified successfully.
  • Fixed the issue that repeated callback for onMemberKicked after a member is kicked out of a group.
  • Fixed the parsing error for multi-element message in Swift SDK.
  • Fixed the issue that there is no callback for pulling group messages under certain conditions.
  • Fixed the occasional issue that message unread count is not updated in time after a message is recalled.
  • Fixed the occasional OpenSSL crash issue for Android and C/C++.

TUIKit and demo

  • Added call records page.
  • Supported specifying target language for message translation.
  • Supported customizing time limit for message recall in TUIChat
  • Fixed the no response issue when users press Enter to send messages with some third-party input methods


  • 话题支持清空消息
  • 增加会话被删除的回调
  • 优化登录后同步会话列表的速度
  • 在普通群和社群内踢人支持封禁
  • 本地内容审核针对西欧字母系语言支持分词检查
  • 社群支持设置申请入群和邀请入群的审批选项
  • Android 离线推送支持 vivo 手机消息二级分类
  • 直播群支持云控配置消息长轮询任务的数量
  • 单聊已读上报禁止回退已读时间戳
  • 群聊已读上报的 sequence 不能超过群最后一条消息的 sequence
  • Android 离线推送适配华为、小米、FCM 的 Android 12 系统
  • 修复自己发送的群消息缺少群名片字段的问题
  • 修复编辑消息成功后偶现不触发消息变更回调的问题
  • 修复被踢出群会重复回调 onMemberKicked 的问题
  • 修复 Swift 版本消息多 element 解析异常的问题
  • 修复特定条件下拉取群消息无回调问题
  • 修复撤回消息后偶现未读数更新不及时的问题
  • 修复 Android C/C++ 版本偶现 openssl 崩溃的问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 新增历史通话记录页面
  • 消息翻译支持设置目标语言
  • TUIChat 新增消息撤回时间配置选项
  • 修复在简约版下使用某些第三方输入法发送消息时,点击回车无响应的问题

7.1.3925 @2023.03.07 - 增强版

14 Mar 07:38
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7.1.3925 @2023.03.07 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版


  • Supported pulling historical group messages by sequence list
  • Supported setting whether to clear historical messages when you delete a conversation
  • Added an API for deleting conversations in batches
  • Supported modifying the approval method of group member invitations
  • Supported group counters for community groups
  • Added a parameter for setting a message object to bypass the content moderation
  • Supported reporting one-to-one message read by timestamp
  • Supported reporting group message read by sequence
  • Supported getting timestamp of the read message in one-to-one chats
  • Supported getting sequence of the read message in group chats
  • Fixed the issue that intercepted messages due to local moderation were not saved in the local message database.
  • Fixed the issue that unread message count displayed when offline group members logged in again even though the messages had been excluded from the unread count.
  • Fixed the occasional issue of inaccurate isRead status of messages when users sent and received messages again after a one-to-one chat is deleted.
  • Fixed the occasional inconsistency of unread one-to-one message count in multi-device login scenarios.
  • Fixed the occasional crashes when file uploading failed.
  • Changed enumerated values of V2TIMGroupApplicationGetType to those of V2TIMGroupApplicationType
  • Changed the attribute name getType of V2TIMGroupApplication to applicationType

TUIKit and demo

  • Supported group polling and one-by-one notes
  • Improved the minimalist theme
  • Optimized the signaling display logic


  • 群组支持按 sequence 列表拉取历史消息
  • 删除会话支持设置是否清空历史消息
  • 提供批量删除会话的接口
  • 支持修改邀请进群的审批方式
  • 社群支持群计数器
  • 消息对象增加是否不过内容审核的参数
  • 单聊已读上报支持按照消息时间戳上报
  • 群聊已读上报支持按照消息 sequence上报
  • 单聊会话暴露已读消息的时间戳
  • 群聊会话暴露已读消息的 sequence
  • 优化由于本地审核被拒绝发送的消息不会保存在本地消息数据库的问题
  • 修复在群里发送不计未读消息时,离线群成员重新登录后会有未读数的问题
  • 修复删除单聊会话后重新收发消息,消息的 isRead 状态偶现不准确的问题
  • 修复多端登录场景下单聊会话未读数偶现不一致的问题
  • 修复文件上传失败时偶现的崩溃的问题
  • 将枚举V2TIMGroupApplicationGetType 变更为 V2TIMGroupApplicationType
  • 将 V2TIMGroupApplication 的 getType 属性名称变更为 applicationType

TUIKit & Demo

  • 支持群投票和群接龙
  • 完善简约版主题界面
  • 优化信令消息的展示逻辑

7.0.3754 @2023.01.06 - 增强版

06 Jan 11:54
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  • 所有消息类型都可支持 @ 群成员
  • 支持按照会话的 filter 获取未读总数
  • 普通群和直播群支持群计数器 meta counter
  • 支持文本消息翻译
  • 社群支持群自定义属性
  • 离线推送支持华为的 category 和小米的 channel ID 设置
  • 优化 quic 断网重连逻辑
  • Cos 富媒体文件下载增加兜底 IP 逻辑
  • Windows 平台发送富媒体消息文件路径兼容 emoji 特殊字符
  • Windows 平台 C++ SDK 日志和初始化路径兼容 emoji 特殊字符
  • 修复 v7a 架构下,设置会话自定义标记失败问题
  • 修复缩略图和大图的高度赋值错误问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • TUIChat 语音消息的录制支持音量增益和 AI 降噪
  • TUIChat 增加消息翻译的能力
  • Android FCM 推送支持自定义铃音
  • iOS 平台下 TUIChat 加载历史消息性能优化

6.9.3557 @2022.11.29 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

30 Nov 01:24
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  • Fix the occasional crash of getting V2TIMOfflinePushInfo content from the message on the Android platform
  • Fix the occasional crash of the enhanced-pro version on the Android platform
  • Improve the json data content returned by the C interface TIMConvGetConvList

TUIKit and demo

  • Released a new simplified version of the theme, which is more in line with the style of international apps


  • 修复 Android 从消息中获取 V2TIMOfflinePushInfo 内容偶现的崩溃问题
  • 修复 Android 增强版 pro 偶现的崩溃
  • 完善 C 接口 TIMConvGetConvList 返回的 json 数据内容

TUIKit & Demo

  • 发布全新的简约版主题,更加符合国际化 App 的风格

6.8.3374 @ 2022.11.14 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

15 Nov 09:18
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  • Supported local text moderation on clients.
  • Released the Swift SDK.
  • Supported the group attribute feature for non-audio-video groups.
  • Optimized the logic for updating the number of members in a non-audio-video groups when someone entered the group.
  • Optimized the COS upload process.
  • Optimized the issue of unread message count after operations such as message recall in a community group.
  • Fixed the failure to deliver a notification when a custom friend field is set independently.
  • Fixed the double callbacks for group listening.
  • Fixed the issue where the topic profile under a community group would not be updated timely when a user left the group and then joined the group again.
  • Fixed the issue that sender’s profile photo is empty in the callback for inserting a local message successfully.
  • Fixed the occasional error when setting message extension after repeated login.
  • Fixed the failure to update the message read receipt status in the conversation update callback after all messages in the conversation are marked as read.
  • Fixed the occasional emptiness of send_user_id in a message when a user sends a message immediately after login callback.
  • C++ API: Added an API to check whether a message is read.
  • C++ API: Fixed the failure to update the cursor in the result of the paged pulling of the conversation list.

TUIKit and demo

  • Fixed the issue where a search webpage window popped out when a user long pressed a text message on iOS 16.
  • TUIChat-iOS: Supported sending GIF images.
  • TUIChat-iOS: Fixed image sending status exceptions.
  • TUIChat-iOS: Supported the deletion of time when deleting a message.
  • Fixed system exceptions caused by iOS TUIOfflinePush.
  • Fixed the issue where Android TUIOfflinePush push parameter settings did not take effect.


  • 支持客户端本地文本审核
  • 发布 Swift 版本 SDK
  • 支持普通群的群属性功能
  • 支持国内站跨站购买海外资源
  • 优化普通群有人进出后,群成员人数的更新逻辑
  • 优化 cos 上传流程
  • 优化社群中消息撤回等操作后的未读数计算问题
  • 修复单独设置好友自定义字段不会下发通知的问题
  • 修复群监听回调两次的问题
  • 修复退出并再次进入同一个社群后,社群下的话题资料没有及时更新的问题
  • 修复插入本地消息成功后的回调中,消息对象头像为空的问题
  • 修复重复登录设置消息扩展偶现报错的问题
  • 修复标记所有会话已读后,会话更新回调中消息已读不更新的问题
  • 修复在登录回调后立即发消息,消息的 send_user_id 偶现为空的问题
  • C++ API 添加判断消息是否已读的接口
  • C++ API 修复分页拉取会话列表的结果中游标不更新的问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 修复 iOS16 长按文本消息,弹出搜索网页弹窗的问题
  • TUIChat-iOS 支持发送 gif 图片
  • TUIChat-iOS 修复图片发送状态异常的问题
  • TUIChat-iOS 删除消息支持同时删除时间
  • 修复 iOS TUIOfflinePush 引起的系统异常等问题
  • 修复 Android TUIOfflinePush 推送参数设置不生效问题

6.7.3184 @ 2022.09.29 - Enhanced Edition - 增强版

30 Sep 07:57
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  • Supported the messaging extension.
  • Supported the signaling editing.
  • Supported VoIP for iOS offline push.
  • Supported Android offline push in HONOR phones.
  • Added the backup domain name in the access layer.
  • Fixed the issue where login and logout callbacks cannot be executed in a special network environment.
  • Fixed the issue where keeping the group profile empty did not trigger the notification callback.
  • Fixed the issue where Mute Notifications for group conversations were not updated after the user leaved a group and joined it again.
  • Fixed the crash triggered by sending message read receipts.
  • Fixed the issue for C-based APIs where read receipts for one-to-one messages cannot be sent with the SDK.
  • For the issue for PC where TIMGroupModifyGroupInfo cannot modify combined group attributes.

TUIKit and demo

  • Optimized the group chat creation process.
  • Supported setting the background image for the chat area.
  • Optimized the theme logic.
  • Supported inviting new group members during a group call.
  • Supported animoji for Android.
  • Fixed the occasional messaging missing in the message list for Android.
  • Fixed the occasional error of message sending state in the message list for Android.
  • Fixed the issue for Android where the offline push component tried to get the phone model for several times.
  • Removed the global style modification for UIAlertController from iOS TUICore.
  • Added redirecting to the gallery during the shooting for iOS.
  • Fixed the issue for iOS where clicking the button triggered a crash after the chat history was cleared.


  • 支持消息扩展
  • 支持信令编辑
  • iOS 离线推送支持 VoIP
  • Android 离线推送支持荣耀手机
  • 接入层增加备份域名
  • 修复特殊网络环境下,无法执行登录、登出回调的问题
  • 修复设置群简介为空没有触发通知回调的问题
  • 修复群会话免打扰状态在退群再加群后没有更新的问题
  • 修复发送单聊消息已读回执时崩溃的问题
  • 修复 C 接口 SDK 发送单聊消息已读回执无效的问题
  • PC 端修复 TIMGroupModifyGroupInfo 无法修改组合群属性问题

TUIKit & Demo

  • 创建群聊流程优化
  • 支持在聊天区域设置背景图片
  • 优化换肤逻辑
  • 群组通话过程中支持邀请群成员加入
  • Android 支持动态表情
  • Android 修复消息列表中偶现消息缺少的问题
  • Android 修复消息列表中偶现消息发送状态错误的问题
  • Android 修复离线推送组件多次获取手机型号的问题
  • iOS TUICore 取消针对 UIAlertController 的全局样式修改
  • iOS 新增拍摄中跳转图库功能
  • iOS 修复清空所有消息后,点击小舌头崩溃的问题

What's Changed

  • 【Android】【TUICallKit】【bugfix】Fix the problem that the local camera ca… by @harperhpliu in #1242

Full Changelog:[email protected]