- Workflow sources from other platforms need to be converted into a .dot file to use Pasta.
- Plase follow the file
for expected format.
Explanation of the sample file:
digraph {
"5400285081714527009_2" [label=GroupBy] // <operator_1_id> <operator_1_type>
"5400285081714527009_1" [label="CSV Reader"] // <operator_2_id> <operator_2_type>
"5400285081714527009_1" -> "5400285081714527009_2" [label="data: 340741; is_blocking: False"]
// edge_1 expressed as: <operator_2_id> -> <operator_1_id>, labels annotate cost and blocking information.
- Clone and open this repo in Intellij IDEA.
- Open
and executeRunWorkflowExperimentsOnSingleDotFile
with Intellij with two CLI arguments specifying input file and output directory, respectively. - An example CLI argument:
"<path_to_your_input_directory>/<input_file>.dot" "<path_to_your_output_directory>"
. - The input physical plan as well as the output execution plans of each method will be written to your specified directory.
- Additionally, you will see a CSV file specifying the details of all the experiments on this file.
- The experiments for a single include 32 combinations of 5 different configs:
- Top-down / Bottom-up Search
- Exhaustive / Greedy Search
- Optimization 1 (Early Stopping) disabled / enabled.
- Optimization 2 (Chains) disabled / enabled.
- Optimization 3 (Clean Edges) disabled / enabled.