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File metadata and controls

1425 lines (1147 loc) · 43.5 KB

Coding guidelines

This page introduces the Odoo Coding Guidelines. Those aim to improve the quality of Odoo Apps code. Indeed proper code improves readability, eases maintenance, helps debugging, lowers complexity and promotes reliability. These guidelines should be applied to every new module and to all new development.

GIT guidelines

These are placed in the file. Please refer to that file for more information. GIT guidelines

Module structure


A module is organized in important directories. Those contain the business logic; having a look at them should make you understand the purpose of the module. All directories are optional ones and should only be created if needed.

  • data/ : demo and data xml
  • models/ : models definition
  • controllers/ : contains controllers (HTTP routes)
  • views/ : contains the views and templates
  • static/ : contains the web assets, separated into css/, js/, img/, lib/, ...
  • wizard/ : regroups the transient models (models.TransientModel) and their views
  • report/ : contains the printable reports and models based on SQL views. Python objects and XML views are included in this directory
  • tests/ : contains the Python tests

File naming

File naming is important to quickly find information through all odoo addons. This section explains how to name files in a standard odoo module. As an example we use a plant nursery application. It holds two main models plant.nursery and plant.order.


Concerning models, split the business logic by sets of models belonging to a same main model. Each set lies in a given file named based on its model. One model should be placed in one file. Each inherited model should be in its own file to help understanding of impacted models.

|-- models/
|   |-- (first main model)
|   |-- (another main model)
|   |-- (inherited Odoo model)


Concerning security, three main files should be used:

  • First one is the definition of access rights done in a ir.model.access.csv file.
  • User groups are defined in res_groups.xml.
  • Record rules are defined in ir_rule.xml.
|-- security/
|   |-- ir.model.access.csv
|   |-- res_groups.xml
|   |-- ir_rule.xml


Concerning views, backend views should be split like models and suffixed by _views.xml. Backend views are list, form, kanban, activity, graph, pivot, .. views. To ease split by model in views main menus not linked to specific actions may be extracted into an optional <module>_menus.xml file. Templates (QWeb pages used notably for portal / website display) are put in separate files named <model>_templates.xml.

|-- views/
|   | -- plant_nursery_menus.xml (optional definition of main menus)
|   | -- plant_nursery_views.xml (backend views)
|   | -- plant_nursery_templates.xml (portal templates)
|   | -- plant_order_views.xml
|   | -- plant_order_templates.xml
|   | -- res_partner_views.xml


Concerning data, split them by purpose (demo or data) and main model. Filenames will be the main_model name suffixed by _demo.xml or _data.xml. For instance for an application having demo and data for its main model as well as mail templates, the tree will be as follows:

|-- data/
|   |-- plant_nursery_data.xml
|   |-- plant_nursery_demo.xml
|   |-- mail_template_data.xml


Concerning controllers, generally all controllers belong to a single controller contained in a file named <module_name>.py. An old convention in Odoo is to name this file but it is considered as outdated. If you need to inherit an existing controller from another module do it in <inherited_module_name>.py. For example adding portal controller in an application is done in

|-- controllers/
|   |--
|   |-- (inheriting portal/controllers/
|   |-- (deprecated, replaced by

Static files

Concerning static files, Javascript files follow globally the same logic as python models. Each component should be in its own file with a meaningful name. For instance, the activity widgets are located in activity.js of mail module. Subdirectories can also be created to structure the package (see web module for more details). The same logic should be applied for the templates of JS widgets (static XML files) and for their styles (scss files). Don't link data (image, libraries) outside Odoo: do not use an URL to an image but copy it in the codebase instead.


Concerning wizards, naming convention is the same of for python models: <transient>.py and <transient>_views.xml. Both are put in the wizard directory. This naming comes from old odoo applications using the wizard keyword for transient models.

|-- wizard/
|   |--
|   |-- make_plant_order_views.xml


Concerning statistics reports done with python / SQL views and classic views naming is the following :

|-- report/
|   |--
|   |-- plant_order_report_views.xml

Concerning printable reports which contain mainly data preparation and Qweb templates naming is the following. Specifically in the case for a printable report, take the name of the original template and place each inherited template in a separate file. For instance, if you inherit the report_saleorder_document template, the file should be named report_saleorder_document.xml.

|-- report/
|   |-- plant_order_reports.xml (report actions, paperformat, ...)
|   |-- report_saleorder_document.xml (inherited xml report_saleorder_document)
|   |-- report_invoice_document.xml (inherited xml report_invoice_document)

The complete tree of our Odoo module therefore looks like

|-- controllers/
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|-- data/
|   |-- plant_nursery_data.xml
|   |-- plant_nursery_demo.xml
|   |-- mail_template_data.xml
|-- models/
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|-- report/
|   |--
|   |--
|   |-- plant_order_report_views.xml
|   |-- plant_order_reports.xml (report actions, paperformat, ...)
|   |-- report_saleorder_document.xml (inherited xml report_saleorder_document)
|   |-- report_invoice_document.xml (inherited xml report_invoice_document)
|-- security/
|   |-- ir.model.access.csv
|   |-- res_groups.xml
|   |-- ir_rule.xml
|-- static/
|   |-- img/
|   |   |-- my_little_kitten.png
|   |   |-- troll.jpg
|   |-- lib/
|   |   |-- external_lib/
|   |-- src/
|   |   |-- js/
|   |   |   |-- widget_a.js
|   |   |   |-- widget_b.js
|   |   |-- scss/
|   |   |   |-- widget_a.scss
|   |   |   |-- widget_b.scss
|   |   |-- xml/
|   |   |   |-- widget_a.xml
|   |   |   |-- widget_a.xml
|-- views/
|   |-- plant_nursery_menus.xml
|   |-- plant_nursery_views.xml
|   |-- plant_nursery_templates.xml
|   |-- plant_order_views.xml
|   |-- plant_order_templates.xml
|   |-- res_partner_views.xml
|-- wizard/
|   |
|   |--make_plant_order_views.xml


File names should only contain [a-z0-9_] (lowercase alphanumerics and _)


Use correct file permissions : folder 755 and file 644.

XML files


To declare a record in XML, the record notation (using <record>) is recommended:

  • Place id attribute before model
  • For field declaration, name attribute is first. Then place the value either in the field tag, either in the eval attribute, and finally other attributes (widget, options, ...) ordered by importance.
  • Try to group the record by model. In case of dependencies between action/menu/views, this convention may not be applicable.
  • Wrap the <record> tag with newlines to improve readability.
<record id="..." model="...">

<record id="..." model="...">
  • Use naming convention defined at the next point
  • The tag <data> is only used to set not-updatable data with noupdate=1. If there is only not-updatable data in the file, the noupdate=1 can be set on the <odoo> tag and do not set a <data> tag. We leave the data tag out as much as possible because it is not necessary unless you are mixing noupdate records with non-noupdate records.
<record id="view_id" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name"></field>
    <field name="model">object_name</field>
    <field name="priority" eval="16"/>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <field name="my_field_1"/>
            <field name="my_field_2" string="My Label" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="draft,sent,progress,done" />

Odoo supports custom tags acting as syntactic sugar:

  • menuitem: use it as a shortcut to declare a
  • template: use it to declare a QWeb View requiring only the arch section of the view.

These tags are preferred over the record notation.

XML IDs and naming

Security, View and Action

Use the following pattern :

  • For a menu: {<model_name>}_menu, or {<model_name>}_menu_{do_stuff} for submenus. When adding completely new apps to define a root menu {<module_name>}_menu_root. And then all subsequent menus should be {<model_name>}_menu.
  • For a view: {<model_name>}_view_{<view_type>}, where view_type is kanban, form, tree, search, ...
  • For an action: the main action respects {<model_name>}_action. Others are suffixed with _{<detail>}, where detail is a lowercase string briefly explaining the action. This is used only if multiple actions are declared for the model.
  • For window actions: suffix the action name by the specific view information like {<model_name>}_action_view_{<view_type>}.
  • For a group: {<module_name>}_group_{<group_name>} where group_name is the name of the group, generally 'user', 'manager', ...
  • For a rule: {<model_name>}_rule_{<concerned_group>} where concerned_group is the short name of the concerned group ('user' for the model_name_group_user, public for public user, company for multi-company rules, ...).

Name should be identical to xml id with dots replacing underscores. Actions should have a real naming as it is used as display name.

<!-- views  -->
<record id="model_name_view_form" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name"></field>

<record id="model_name_view_kanban" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name"></field>

<!-- actions -->
<record id="model_name_action" model="ir.act.window">
    <field name="name">Model Main Action</field>

<record id="model_name_action_child_list" model="ir.actions.act_window">
    <field name="name">Model Access Children</field>

<!-- menus and sub-menus -->
    name="Main Menu"
    name="Sub Menu 1"

<!-- security -->
<record id="module_name_group_user" model="res.groups">

<record id="model_name_rule_public" model="ir.rule">

<record id="model_name_rule_company" model="ir.rule">

Inheriting XML

Xml Ids of inheriting views should use the same ID as the original record. It helps finding all inheritance at a glance. As final Xml Ids are prefixed by the module that creates them there is no overlap.

The name of the record should be omitted in the inherited view. It is not necessary to repeat the name of the view in the inherited view.

<record id="model_view_form" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="inherit_id" ref="module1.model_view_form"/>

New primary views do not require the inherit suffix as those are new records based upon the first one, but they do require the name of the view to be set.

<record id="model_view_form_group_manager" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name">model.view.form</field>
    <field name="inherit_id" ref="module1.model_view_form"/>
    <field name="mode">primary</field>



Do not forget to read the Security Pitfalls section as well to write secure code.

Python Black

This project should adhere to all python black formatting rules. The black standard is enforced by the pre-commit hook. To install the pre-commit hook run the following command:

pre-commit install

The configuration files for the pre-commit hook can be found in the pre-commit folder in this repository.


The following errors and warnings are ignored by Flake8 through the configuration file .flake8:

  • E203: whitespace before ':'
  • E501: line too long
  • W503: line break before binary operator

File header

The following file header should always be present at the beginning of each python file. Except for files.

# Copyright 2024 M.C.S. NV
# @author Firstname Lastname <[email protected]>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (

Odoo manifest

The manifest file should contain only useful information and avoid the use of unnecessary keys. Avoid deprecated keys like description.

An example:

# Copyright 2024 M.C.S. NV
# @author Firstname Lastname <[email protected]>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
    "name": "Module name",
    "version": "",
    "category": "Technical",
    "summary": "A one sentence summary of the module.",
    "author": "MCS Promante",
    "website": "",
    "depends": [
    "license": "OPL-1",
    "installable": True,
    "auto_install": False,


Keep in mind that the depends key should only specify a modules direct parents, not the modules that are already dependencies of any parent module.


The imports are handled by isort. There is a configuration file for that as well in the pre-commit folder too. This linter automatically sorts the imports in the following order:

  1. Standard library imports.
  2. Related third party imports.
  3. Local application/library specific imports.
  4. Imports from odoo.
  5. Imports from odoo addons.
  6. Imports from the current module.
  7. Imports from the current module that are relative.

Inside these groups, the imported lines are alphabetically sorted.

# 1 : imports of python lib
import base64
import re
import time
from datetime import datetime
# 2 : imports of odoo
import odoo
from odoo import api, fields, models, _ # alphabetically ordered
from import safe_eval as eval
# 3 : imports from odoo addons
from odoo.addons.web.controllers.main import login_redirect
from import slug

Idiomatics of Programming (Python)


  • Always favor readability over conciseness or using the language features or idioms.

  • Don't use .clone()

# bad
new_dict = my_dict.clone()
new_list = old_list.clone()
# good
new_dict = dict(my_dict)
new_list = list(old_list)
  • Python dictionary : creation and update
# -- creation empty dict
my_dict = {}
my_dict2 = dict()

# -- creation with values
# bad
my_dict = {}
my_dict['foo'] = 3
my_dict['bar'] = 4
# good
my_dict = {'foo': 3, 'bar': 4}

# -- update dict
# bad
my_dict['foo'] = 3
my_dict['bar'] = 4
my_dict['baz'] = 5
# good
my_dict.update(foo=3, bar=4, baz=5)
my_dict = dict(my_dict, **my_dict2)
  • Useless variable : Temporary variables can make the code clearer by giving names to objects, but that doesn't mean you should create temporary variables all the time:
# pointless
schema = kw['schema']
params = {'schema': schema}
# simpler
params = {'schema': kw['schema']}
  • Multiple return points are OK, when they're simpler
# a bit complex and with a redundant temp variable
def axes(self, axis):
    axes = []
    if type(axis) == type([]):
    return axes

 # clearer
def axes(self, axis):
    if type(axis) == type([]):
        return list(axis) # clone the axis
        return [axis] # single-element list
value = my_dict.get('key', None) # very very redundant
value = my_dict.get('key') # good

Also, if 'key' in my_dict and if my_dict.get('key') have very different meaning, be sure that you're using the right one.

  • Learn list comprehensions : Use list comprehension, dict comprehension, and basic manipulation using map, filter, sum, ... They make the code easier to read.
# not very good
cube = []
for i in res:
# better
cube = [(i['id'], i['name']) for i in res]
  • Collections are booleans too : In python, many objects have "boolean-ish" value when evaluated in a boolean context (such as an if). Among these are collections (lists, dicts, sets, ...) which are "falsy" when empty and "truthy" when containing items:
bool([]) is False
bool([1]) is True
bool([False]) is True

So, you can write if some_collection: instead of if len(some_collection):.

  • Iterate on iterables
# creates a temporary list and looks bad
for key in my_dict.keys():
    "do something..."
# better
for key in my_dict:
    "do something..."
# accessing the key,value pair
for key, value in my_dict.items():
    "do something..."
  • Use dict.setdefault
# longer.. harder to read
values = {}
for element in iterable:
    if element not in values:
        values[element] = []

# better.. use dict.setdefault method
values = {}
for element in iterable:
    values.setdefault(element, []).append(other_value)

Programming in Odoo

  • Avoid to create generators and decorators: only use the ones provided by the Odoo API.
  • As in python, use filtered, mapped, sorted, ... methods to ease code reading and performance.

Propagate the context

The context is a frozendict that cannot be modified. To call a method with a different context, the with_context method should be used :

records.with_context(new_context).do_stuff() # all the context is replaced
records.with_context(**additionnal_context).do_other_stuff() # additionnal_context values override native context ones


Passing parameter in context can have dangerous side-effects. Since the values are propagated automatically, some unexpected behavior may appear. Calling create() method of a model with default_my_field key in context will set the default value of my_field for the concerned model. But if during this creation, other objects (such as sale.order.line, on sale.order creation) having a field name my_field are created, their default value will be set too.

If you need to create a key context influencing the behavior of some object, choose a good name, and eventually prefix it by the name of the module to isolate its impact. A good example are the keys of mail module : mail_create_nosubscribe, mail_notrack, mail_notify_user_signature, ...

Think extendable

Functions and methods should not contain too much logic: having a lot of small and simple methods is more advisable than having few large and complex methods. A good rule of thumb is to split a method as soon as it has more than one responsibility (see

Hardcoding a business logic in a method should be avoided as it prevents to be easily extended by a submodule.

# do not do this
# modifying the domain or criteria implies overriding whole method
def action(self):
    ...  # long method
    partners = self.env['res.partner'].search(complex_domain)
    emails = partners.filtered(lambda r: arbitrary_criteria).mapped('email')

# better but do not do this either
# modifying the logic forces to duplicate some parts of the code
def action(self):
    partners = self._get_partners()
    emails = partners._get_emails()

# better
# minimum override
def action(self):
    partners = self.env['res.partner'].search(self._get_partner_domain())
    emails = partners.filtered(lambda r: r._filter_partners()).mapped('email')

The above code is over extendable for the sake of example but the readability must be taken into account and a tradeoff must be made.

Also, name your functions accordingly: small and properly named functions are the starting point of readable/maintainable code and tighter documentation.

This recommendation is also relevant for classes, files, modules and packages. (See also

Never commit the transaction

The Odoo framework is in charge of providing the transactional context for all RPC calls. The principle is that a new database cursor is opened at the beginning of each RPC call, and committed when the call has returned, just before transmitting the answer to the RPC client, approximately like this:

def execute(self, db_name, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw):
    db, pool = pooler.get_db_and_pool(db_name)
    # create transaction cursor
    cr = db.cursor()
        res = pool.execute_cr(cr, uid, obj, method, *args, **kw)
        cr.commit() # all good, we commit
    except Exception:
        cr.rollback() # error, rollback everything atomically
        cr.close() # always close cursor opened manually
    return res

If any error occurs during the execution of the RPC call, the transaction is rolled back atomically, preserving the state of the system.

Similarly, the system also provides a dedicated transaction during the execution of tests suites, so it can be rolled back or not depending on the server startup options.

The consequence is that if you manually call cr.commit() anywhere there is a very high chance that you will break the system in various ways, because you will cause partial commits, and thus partial and unclean rollbacks, causing among others:

  1. inconsistent business data, usually data loss
  2. workflow desynchronization, documents stuck permanently
  3. tests that can't be rolled back cleanly, and will start polluting the database, and triggering error (this is true even if no error occurs during the transaction)

Here is the very simple rule:

: You should NEVER call cr.commit() yourself, UNLESS you have created your own database cursor explicitly! And the situations where you need to do that are exceptional!

And by the way if you did create your own cursor, then you need to
handle error cases and proper rollback, as well as properly close
the cursor when you\'re done with it.

And contrary to popular belief, you do not even need to call cr.commit() in the following situations: - in the _auto_init() method of an models.Model object: this is taken care of by the addons initialization method, or by the ORM transaction when creating custom models - in reports: the commit() is handled by the framework too, so you can update the database even from within a report - within models.Transient methods: these methods are called exactly like regular models.Model ones, within a transaction and with the corresponding cr.commit()/rollback() at the end - etc. (see general rule above if you are in doubt!)

All cr.commit() calls outside of the server framework from now on must have an explicit comment explaining why they are absolutely necessary, why they are indeed correct, and why they do not break the transactions. Otherwise they can and will be removed !

Use translation method correctly

Odoo uses a GetText-like method named "underscore" _( ) to indicate that a static string used in the code needs to be translated at runtime using the language of the context. This pseudo-method is accessed within your code by importing as follows:

from odoo import _

A few very important rules must be followed when using it, in order for it to work and to avoid filling the translations with useless junk.

Basically, this method should only be used for static strings written manually in the code, it will not work to translate field values, such as Product names, etc. This must be done instead using the translate flag on the corresponding field.

The method accepts optional positional or named parameter The rule is very simple: calls to the underscore method should always be in the form _('literal string') and nothing else:

# good: plain strings
error = _('This record is locked!')

# good: strings with formatting patterns included
error = _('Record %s cannot be modified!', record)

# ok too: multi-line literal strings
error = _("""This is a bad multiline example
             about record %s!""", record)
error = _('Record %s cannot be modified' \
          'after being validated!', record)

# bad: tries to translate after string formatting
#      (pay attention to brackets!)
# This does NOT work and messes up the translations!
error = _('Record %s cannot be modified!' % record)

# bad: formatting outside of translation
# This won't benefit from fallback mechanism in case of bad translation
error = _('Record %s cannot be modified!') % record

# bad: dynamic string, string concatenation, etc are forbidden!
# This does NOT work and messes up the translations!
error = _("'" + que_rec['question'] + "' \n")

# bad: field values are automatically translated by the framework
# This is useless and will not work the way you think:
error = _("Product %s is out of stock!") % _(
# and the following will of course not work as already explained:
error = _("Product %s is out of stock!" %

# Instead you can do the following and everything will be translated,
# including the product name if its field definition has the
# translate flag properly set:
error = _("Product %s is not available!",

Also, keep in mind that translators will have to work with the literal values that are passed to the underscore function, so please try to make them easy to understand and keep spurious characters and formatting to a minimum. Translators must be aware that formatting patterns such as %s or %d, newlines, etc. need to be preserved, but it's important to use these in a sensible and obvious manner:

# Bad: makes the translations hard to work with
error = "'" + question + _("' \nPlease enter an integer value ")

# Ok (pay attention to position of the brackets too!)
error = _(
    "Answer to question %s is not valid.\n"
    "Please enter an integer value.",

# Better
error = _(
    "Answer to question %(title)s is not valid.\n"
    "Please enter an integer value.",

In general in Odoo, when manipulating strings, prefer % over .format() (when only one variable to replace in a string), and prefer %(varname) instead of position (when multiple variables have to be replaced). This makes the translation easier for the community translators.

Symbols and Conventions

Model name (using the dot notation, prefix by the module name):

  • When defining an Odoo Model : use singular form of the name (res.partner and sale.order instead of res.partnerS and saleS.orderS)

  • Do not use _ in model names. Each word should be separated by a dot. hello_world is invalid and should be

  • When defining an Odoo Transient (wizard) : use <related_base_model>.<action> where related_base_model is the base model (defined in models/) related to the transient, and action is the short name of what the transient do. Avoid the wizard word. For instance : account.invoice.make, project.task.delegate.batch, ...

  • When defining report model (SQL views e.i.) : use <related_base_model>.report.<action>, based on the Transient convention.

  • Odoo Python Class : use camelcase (Object-oriented style).

class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
    _name = 'account.invoice'

Variable naming

  • use camelcase for model variable
  • use underscore lowercase notation for common variable.
  • When assigning a record to a variable, do not suffix the variable with _id or _ids. Use the model name instead. Only when you explicitly store the id or ids in the variable, you should suffix it with _id or _ids. That way you clearly indicate that the variable contains an list integers or a recordset.
# bad
partner_id = self.env['res.partner'].browse(1)
# good
partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(1)

# bad
partner_ids = self.env['res.partner'].search([])
# good
partners = self.env['res.partner'].search([])
  • Do not use Capitalized variable names. Capitalized names are reserved for classes.
# bad
Partner = self.env['res.partner']

# good
partners = self.env['res.partner']
partners = self.env['res.partner'].browse(ids)
partner_id = partners[0].id

Field naming

  • One2Many and Many2Many fields should always have _ids as suffix (example: sale_order_line_ids)

  • Many2One fields should have _id as suffix (example : partner_id, user_id, ...)

Method conventions

  • Compute Field: the compute method pattern is _compute_<field_name>
  • Search method: the search method pattern is _search_<field_name>
  • Default method: the default method pattern is _default_<field_name>
  • Selection method: the selection method pattern is _selection_<field_name>
  • Onchange method : the onchange method pattern is _onchange_<field_name>
  • Constraint method : the constraint method pattern is _check_<constraint_name>
  • Action method : an object action method is prefix with action_
  • Adding an action_ method should support multiple records by default. If a method does not support multiple records, it should explicitly start with self.ensure_one() to raise an error if multiple records are passed.

Default values

  • When necessary, a default value should be set for a field. In the case of required, the should always have a default value.
  • Prefer the use of inheriting the def default_get method over using a method and assigning it directly to the field definition. This improved the inheritance and allows for easier extension of the default values.
# Not preferred
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _name = 'sale.order'

    def _get_default_date_order(self):
        return fields.Date.add(, days=1)

    date_order = fields.Date(string='Order Date', default=_get_default_date_order)

# Good
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _name = 'sale.order'

    def default_get(self, fields):
        res = super(SaleOrder, self).default_get(fields)
        tomorrow = fields.Date.add(, days=1)
        res['date_order'] = tomorrow
        return res

In a Model the attribute order should be

  1. Private attributes (_name, _description, _inherit, _sql_constraints, ...)
  2. Default method and default_get
  3. Field declarations
  4. Compute, inverse and search methods in the same order as field declaration
  5. Selection method (methods used to return computed values for selection fields)
  6. Constrains methods (@api.constrains) and onchange methods (@api.onchange)
  7. CRUD methods (ORM overrides)
  8. Action methods
  9. And finally, other business methods.
class Event(models.Model):
    # Private attributes
    _name = 'event.event'
    _description = 'Event'

    # Default methods
    def _default_name(self):

    # Fields declaration
    name = fields.Char(string='Name', default=_default_name)
    seats_reserved = fields.Integer(string='Reserved Seats', store=True
        readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')
    seats_available = fields.Integer(string='Available Seats', store=True
        readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')
    price = fields.Integer(string='Price')
    event_type = fields.Selection(string="Type", selection='_selection_type')

    # compute and search fields, in the same order of fields declaration
    @api.depends('seats_max', 'registration_ids.state', 'registration_ids.nb_register')
    def _compute_seats(self):

    def _selection_type(self):
        return []

    # Constraints and onchanges
    @api.constrains('seats_max', 'seats_available')
    def _check_seats_limit(self):

    def _onchange_date_begin(self):

    # CRUD methods (and name_search, _search, ...) overrides
    def create(self, values):

    # Action methods
    def action_validate(self):

    # Business methods
    def mail_user_confirm(self):

Security Naming Conventions

Security Groups

  • Keep the name of the group short and meaningful.
  • Suffix the xmlid of the group with _group to make it clear that it is a group.
  • Use user and manager groups for the most common cases.

Model Access Rules

  • When adding a ir.model.access rule in the CSV file, use the following format to create clear entries in the CSV file:

    access_<model_name>_<group_name>,access <model_name> <group_name>,model_<model_name>,<group_name>,x,x,x,x

    where <model_name> is the name of the model and <group_name> is the name of the group.



Using javascript in Odoo should be avoided as much as possible. If the functionality can be achieved using the Odoo framework, it should be done that way. Unnecessary javascript increases the complexity of the project and makes it harder to maintain. Especially when migrating to a new version of Odoo, javascript can be a big problem as in many cases it needs to be rewritten.

Static files organization

Odoo addons have some conventions on how to structure various files. We explain here in more details how web assets are supposed to be organized.

The first thing to know is that the Odoo server will serve (statically) all files located in a static folder, but prefixed with the addon name. So, for example, if a file is located in addons/web/static/src/js/some_file.js, then it will be statically available at the url

The convention is to organize the code according to the following structure:

  • static: all static files in general
    • static/lib: this is the place where js libs should be located, in a sub folder. So, for example, all files from the jquery library are in addons/web/static/lib/jquery
    • static/src: the generic static source code folder
      • static/src/css: all css files
      • static/fonts
      • static/img
      • static/src/js
        • static/src/js/tours: end user tour files (tutorials, not tests)
      • static/src/scss: scss files
      • static/src/xml: all qweb templates that will be rendered in JS
    • static/tests: this is where we put all test related files.
      • static/tests/tours: this is where we put all tour test files (not tutorials).

Javascript coding guidelines

  • use strict; is recommended for all javascript files
  • Use a linter (jshint, ...)
  • Never add minified Javascript Libraries
  • Use camelcase for class declaration

More precise JS guidelines are detailed in the github wiki. You may also have a look at existing API in Javascript by looking Javascript References.


Syntax and Formatting

html SCSS

.o_foo, .o_foo_bar, .o_baz {
    height: $o-statusbar-height;

    .o_qux {
        height: $o-statusbar-height * 0.5;

.o_corge {
    background: $o-list-footer-bg-color;
.o_foo, .o_foo_bar, .o_baz {
    height: 32px;

.o_foo .o_quux, .o_foo_bar .o_quux, .o_baz .o_qux {
    height: 16px;

.o_corge {
    background: #EAEAEA;
  • four (4) space indents, no tabs;
  • columns of max. 80 characters wide;
  • opening brace ([{]): empty space after the last selector;
  • closing brace ([}]): on its own new line;
  • one line for each declaration;
  • meaningful use of whitespace.

Properties order

Order properties from the "outside" in, starting from [position] and ending with decorative rules ([font], [filter], etc.).

Scoped SCSS variables <contributing/coding_guidelines/scss/scoped_ scss_variables> and CSS variables <contributing/coding_guidelines/ scss/css_variables> must be placed at the very top, followed by an empty line separating them from other declarations.

.o_element {
   $-inner-gap: $border-width + $legend-margin-bottom;

   --element-margin: 1rem;
   --element-size: 3rem;

   @include o-position-absolute(1rem);
   display: block;
   margin: var(--element-margin);
   width: calc(var(--element-size) + #{$-inner-gap});
   border: 0;
   padding: 1rem;
   background: blue;
   font-size: 1rem;
   filter: blur(2px);

Naming Conventions

Naming conventions in CSS are incredibly useful in making your code more strict, transparent and informative.

  • Avoid [id] selectors, and prefix your classes with [o_<module_name>], where [<module_name>] is the technical name of the module ([sale], [im_chat], ...) or the main route reserved by the module (for website modules mainly, i.e.: [o_forum] for the [website_forum] module).
  • The only exception for this rule is the webclient: it simply uses the [o_] prefix.

Avoid creating hyper-specific classes and variable names. When naming nested elements, opt for the "Grandchild" approach.


Example don't

<div class=“o_element_wrapper”>
   <div class=“o_element_wrapper_entries”>
      <span class=“o_element_wrapper_entries_entry”>
         <a class=“o_element_wrapper_entries_entry_link”>Entry</a>


Example do

<div class=“o_element_wrapper”>
   <div class=“o_element_entries”>
      <span class=“o_element_entry”>
         <a class=“o_element_link”>Entry</a>

Besides being more compact, this approach eases maintenance because it limits the need of renaming when changes occur at the DOM.

SCSS Variables

Our standard convention is [$o-[root]-[element]-[property]-[modifier]], with:

  • $o-: The prefix.
  • root: Either the component or the module name (components take priority).
  • element: An optional identifier for inner elements.
  • property: The property/behavior defined by the variable.
  • modifier: An optional modifier.


$o-block-color: value;
$o-block-title-color: value;
$o-block-title-color-hover: value;

SCSS Variables (scoped)

These variables are declared within blocks and are not accessible from the outside. Our standard convention is $-variablename.

.o_element {
   $-inner-gap: compute-something;
   margin-right: $-inner-gap;

   .o_element_child {
      margin-right: $-inner-gap * 0.5;

SCSS Mixins and Functions

Our standard convention is o-name. Use descriptive names. When naming functions, use verbs in the imperative form (e.g.: get, make, apply...).

Name optional arguments in the scoped variables form <contributing/coding_guidelines/scss/scoped_scss_variables>, so $-argument.

@mixin o-avatar($-size: 1.5em, $-radius: 100%) {
   width: $-size;
   height: $-size;
   border-radius: $-radius;

@function o-invert-color($-color, $-amount: 100%) {
   $-inverse: change-color($-color, $-hue: hue($-color) + 180);

   @return mix($-inverse, $-color, $-amount);

See also

CSS Variables

In Odoo, the use of CSS variables is strictly DOM-related. Use them to contextually adapt the design and layout.

Our standard convention is BEM, so --[root]__[element]-[property]--[modifier], with:

  • root: Either the component or the module name (components take priority).
  • element: An optional identifier for inner elements.
  • property: The property/behavior defined by the variable.
  • modifier: An optional modifier.


.o_kanban_record {
   --KanbanRecord-width: value;
   --KanbanRecord__picture-border: value;
   --KanbanRecord__picture-border--active: value;

// Adapt the component when rendered in another context.
.o_form_view {
   --KanbanRecord-width: another-value;
   --KanbanRecord__picture-border: another-value;
   --KanbanRecord__picture-border--active: another-value;

Use of CSS Variables

In Odoo, the use of CSS variables is strictly DOM-related, meaning that are used to contextually adapt the design and layout rather than to manage the global design-system. These are typically used when a component's properties can vary in specific contexts or in other circumstances.

We define these properties inside the component's main block, providing default fallbacks.

Example File: my_component.scss

.o_MyComponent {
   color: var(--MyComponent-color, #313131);

File: my_dashboard.scss

.o_MyDashboard {
   // Adapt the component in this context only
   --MyComponent-color: #017e84;

See Also CSS variables on MDN web docs

CSS and SCSS Variables

Despite being apparently similar, CSS and SCSS variables behave very differently. The main difference is that, while SCSS variables are imperative and compiled away, CSS variables are declarative and included in the final output.

See Also CSS/SCSS variables difference on the SASS Documentation

In Odoo, we take the best of both worlds: using the SCSS variables to define the design-system while opting for the CSS ones when it comes to contextual adaptations.

The implementation of the previous example should be improved by adding SCSS variables in order to gain control at the top-level and ensure consistency with other components.

Example File: secondary_variables.scss

$o-component-color: $o-main-text-color;
$o-dashboard-color: $o-info;
// [...]

File: component.scss

.o_component {
   color: var(--MyComponent-color, #{$o-component-color});

File: dashboard.scss

.o_dashboard {
   --MyComponent-color: #{$o-dashboard-color};


The :root pseudo-class

Defining CSS variables on the :root pseudo-class is a technique we normally don't use in Odoo's UI. The practice is commonly used to access and modify CSS variables globally. We perform this using SCSS instead.

Exceptions to this rule should be fairly apparent, such as templates shared across bundles that require a certain level of contextual awareness in order to be rendered properly.