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355 lines (285 loc) · 14.9 KB

Native Memory

File metadata and controls

355 lines (285 loc) · 14.9 KB

Native Memory Tracking in JVM –

Let us first understand the commond sources of native memory allocations in JVM

1. Metaspace

In order to maintain some metadata about the loaded classes, The JVM uses a dedicated non-heap area called Metaspace
Before Java 8, the equivalent was called PermGen or Permanent Generation.
Metaspace or PermGen contains the metadata about the loaded classes rather than the instances of them, which are kept inside the heap.

The heap sizing configurations won't affect the Metaspace size since the Metaspace is an off-heap data area

  • -XX:MetaspaceSize and -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize to set the minimum and maximum Metaspace size
  • Before Java 8, -XX:PermSize and -XX:MaxPermSize to set the minimum and maximum PermGen size

2. Threads

One of the most memory-consuming data areas in the JVM is the stack, created at the same time as each thread.
The stack stores local variables and partial results, playing an important role in method invocations.

In contrast with other data areas,
the total memory allocated to stacks is practically unbounded when there is no limitation on the number of threads

3. Code Cache

When the JVM compiles bytecode to assembly instructions,
it stores those instructions in a special non-heap data area called Code Cache

The code cache can be managed just like other data areas in the JVM.
The -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize and -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize tuning flags determine the initial and maximum possible size for the code cache

4. Garbage Collection

The JVM is shipped with a handful of GC algorithms, each suitable for different use cases.
All those GC algorithms share one common trait: they need to use some off-heap data structures to perform their tasks.
These internal data structures consume more native memory.

5. Symbols

String objects usually occupy a large portion of the Heap.
If a large number of those strings contain the same content, then a significant part of the heap will be wasted

In order to save some heap space, we can store one version of each String and make others refer to the stored version.
This process is called String Interning. Since the JVM can only intern Compile Time String Constants,
we can manually call the intern() method on strings we intend to intern.

JVM stores interned strings in a special native fixed-sized hashtable called the String Table, also known as the String Pool.
We can configure the table size (i.e. the number of buckets) via the -XX:StringTableSize tuning flag.

In addition to the string table, there's another native data area called the Runtime Constant Pool.
JVM uses this pool to store constants like compile-time numeric literals or method and field references that must be resolved at runtime.

6. Native Byte Buffers

The JVM is the usual suspect for a significant number of native allocations,
but sometimes developers can directly allocate native memory, too.
Most common approaches are the malloc call by JNI and NIO's direct ByteBuffers.

7. Additional Tuning Flags

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep Metaspace . . . uintx MetaspaceSize = 21807104 {pd product} uintx MaxMetaspaceSize = 4294901760 {product} . . .

Native Memory Tracking (NMT)

Now that we know the common sources of native memory allocations in the JVM,
let us find out how to monitor them

Enable the native memory tracking using yet another JVM tuning flag: -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=off|sumary|detail

java -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -Xms300m -Xmx300m -XX:+UseG1GC -jar app.jar

Here, we're enabling the NMT while allocating 300 MB of heap space, with G1 as our GC algorithm.

1. Instant Snapshots

We can use jcmd commandto get details on native memory usage when NMT is turned on

jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory

Run any hello world java program, make sure we use Thread.sleep(30000) for 30 seconds,
so that should be enough for us to get the process-id i.e. PID and run jcmd command
For ex:

 * Class under Native Memory Tracking
 * @author manoranjan.kumar
public class App {

	public boolean isPalindrome(String input) {

		if (input == null) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("input shouldn't be null");
		if (input.equals(reverse(input))) {
			return true;

		return false;

	 * just for the illustration purpose
	 * just a plain simple function, not a sophisticated one,
	 * @param input
	 * @return
	private String reverse(String input) {
		String reverse = "";
		for (int i = input.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			reverse += input.charAt(i);
		return reverse;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Hello World!");
		App app = new App();
		try {
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {

Run the above program:

java -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -Xms300m -Xmx300m -XX:+UseG1GC

Open up command prompt and run this jps -l to get the process-id

C:\Users\manoranjan.kumar>jps -l
21864 Eclipse
11580 com.thecodecache.code_coverage.App


C:\Users\manoranjan.kumar>jcmd 11580 VM.native_memory

Native Memory Tracking:

Total: reserved=1712794KB, committed=413186KB
-                 Java Heap (reserved=307200KB, committed=307200KB)
                            (mmap: reserved=307200KB, committed=307200KB)

-                     Class (reserved=1056893KB, committed=4989KB)
                            (classes #413)
                            (malloc=125KB #167)
                            (mmap: reserved=1056768KB, committed=4864KB)

-                    Thread (reserved=33926KB, committed=33926KB)
                            (thread #34)
                            (stack: reserved=33792KB, committed=33792KB)
                            (malloc=95KB #178)
                            (arena=39KB #66)

-                      Code (reserved=249638KB, committed=2574KB)
                            (malloc=38KB #313)
                            (mmap: reserved=249600KB, committed=2536KB)

-                        GC (reserved=61731KB, committed=61731KB)
                            (malloc=17443KB #2019)
                            (mmap: reserved=44288KB, committed=44288KB)

-                  Compiler (reserved=133KB, committed=133KB)
                            (malloc=2KB #25)
                            (arena=131KB #3)

-                  Internal (reserved=1010KB, committed=1010KB)
                            (malloc=946KB #1827)
                            (mmap: reserved=64KB, committed=64KB)

-                    Symbol (reserved=1366KB, committed=1366KB)
                            (malloc=911KB #99)
                            (arena=456KB #1)

-    Native Memory Tracking (reserved=80KB, committed=80KB)
                            (malloc=5KB #58)
                            (tracking overhead=75KB)

-               Arena Chunk (reserved=176KB, committed=176KB)

-                   Unknown (reserved=640KB, committed=0KB)
                            (mmap: reserved=640KB, committed=0KB)

Let's analyze the NMT output section by section.

2. Total Allocations

NMT reports the total reserved and committed memory as follows:
Total: reserved=1712794KB, committed=413186KB

Despite allocating 300 MB of heap, the total reserved memory for our app is almost 1.7 GB,
much more than that. Similarly, the committed memory is around 440 MB, which is, again, much more than that 300 MB.

Reserved memory represents the total amount of memory our app can potentially use.
Conversely, the committed memory is equal to the amount of memory our app is using right now.

3. Heap

NMT reports our heap allocations as we expected:

Java Heap (reserved=307200KB, committed=307200KB)
                            (mmap: reserved=307200KB, committed=307200KB)

300 MB of both reserved and committed memory, which matches our heap size settings.

4. Metaspace

This is what NMT displays about the class metadata for loaded classes:

Class (reserved=1091407KB, committed=45815KB)
      (classes #6566)
      (malloc=10063KB #8519) 
      (mmap: reserved=1081344KB, committed=35752KB)

Almost 1 GB reserved and 45 MB committed to loading 6566 classes.

5. Thread

NMT report on thread allocations:

Thread (reserved=33926KB, committed=33926KB)
                            (thread #34)
                            (stack: reserved=33792KB, committed=33792KB)
                            (malloc=95KB #178)
                            (arena=39KB #66)

In total, 32 MB of memory is allocated to stacks for 34 threads – almost 1 MB per stack.
JVM allocates the memory to threads at the time of creation, so the reserved and committed allocations are equal.

6. Code Cache

NMT displays about the generated and cached assembly instructions by JIT:

Code (reserved=249638KB, committed=2574KB)
                            (malloc=38KB #313)
                            (mmap: reserved=249600KB, committed=2536KB)

Currently, almost 2.5 MB of code is being cached, and this amount can potentially go up to approximately 245 MB.

7. GC

NMT report about G1 GC's memory usage:

GC (reserved=61731KB, committed=61731KB)
                            (malloc=17443KB #2019)
                            (mmap: reserved=44288KB, committed=44288KB)

As we can see, almost 60 MB is reserved and committed to helping G1.

Let's see how the memory usage looks like for a much simpler GC, say Serial GC:

java -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary -Xms300m -Xmx300m -XX:+UseSerialGC
GC (reserved=1095KB, committed=1059KB)
                            (malloc=7KB #79)
                            (mmap: reserved=1088KB, committed=1052KB)

8. Symbol

NMT report about the symbol allocations, such as the string table and constant pool:

Symbol (reserved=1366KB, committed=1366KB)
                            (malloc=911KB #99)
                            (arena=456KB #1)

Almost 1 MB is allocated to symbols.

9. NMT Over Time

The NMT allows us to track how memory allocations change over time
First, we should mark the current state of our application as a baseline:

jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory baseline

Then, after a while, we can compare the current memory usage with that baseline:

jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory summary.diff

NMT, using + and – signs, would tell us how the memory usage changed over that period

Total: reserved=1771487KB +3373KB, committed=491491KB +6873KB
		Class (reserved=1084300KB +2103KB, committed=39356KB +2871KB)

The total reserved and committed memory increased by 3 MB and 6 MB, respectively.
Other fluctuations in memory allocations can be spotted as easily.

10. Detailed NMT

NMT can provide very detailed information about a map of the entire memory space.
To enable this detailed report, we should use the -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=detail tuning flag.

Virtual memory map:
[0x8f1c1000 - 0x8f467000] reserved 2712KB for Thread Stack
                from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
        [0x8f1c1000 - 0x8f467000] committed 2712KB from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
[0x8f585000 - 0x8f729000] reserved 1680KB for Thread Stack
                from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
        [0x8f585000 - 0x8f729000] committed 1680KB from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
[0x8f930000 - 0x90100000] reserved 8000KB for GC
                from [ReservedSpace::initialize(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, char*, unsigned int, bool)+0x555]
        [0x8f930000 - 0x90100000] committed 8000KB from [PSVirtualSpace::expand_by(unsigned int)+0x95]
[0x902dd000 - 0x9127d000] reserved 16000KB for GC
                from [ReservedSpace::initialize(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, char*, unsigned int, bool)+0x555]
        [0x902dd000 - 0x9127d000] committed 16000KB from [os::pd_commit_memory(char*, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool)+0x36]
[0x9127d000 - 0x91400000] reserved 1548KB for Thread Stack
                from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
        [0x9127d000 - 0x91400000] committed 1548KB from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
[0x91400000 - 0xb0c00000] reserved 516096KB for Java Heap                                                                            <--- reserved memory range
                from [ReservedSpace::initialize(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, char*, unsigned int, bool)+0x190]                  <--- callsite that reserves the memory
        [0x91400000 - 0x93400000] committed 32768KB from [VirtualSpace::initialize(ReservedSpace, unsigned int)+0x3e8]               <--- committed memory range and its callsite
        [0xa6400000 - 0xb0c00000] committed 172032KB from [PSVirtualSpace::expand_by(unsigned int)+0x95]                             <--- committed memory range and its callsite
[0xb0c61000 - 0xb0ce2000] reserved 516KB for Thread Stack
                from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
        [0xb0c61000 - 0xb0ce2000] committed 516KB from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
[0xb0ce2000 - 0xb0e83000] reserved 1668KB for GC
                from [ReservedSpace::initialize(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, char*, unsigned int, bool)+0x555]
        [0xb0ce2000 - 0xb0cf0000] committed 56KB from [PSVirtualSpace::expand_by(unsigned int)+0x95]
        [0xb0d88000 - 0xb0d96000] committed 56KB from [CardTableModRefBS::resize_covered_region(MemRegion)+0xebf]
        [0xb0e2e000 - 0xb0e83000] committed 340KB from [CardTableModRefBS::resize_covered_region(MemRegion)+0xebf]
[0xb0e83000 - 0xb7003000] reserved 99840KB for Code
                from [ReservedSpace::initialize(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, char*, unsigned int, bool)+0x555]
        [0xb0e83000 - 0xb0e92000] committed 60KB from [VirtualSpace::initialize(ReservedSpace, unsigned int)+0x3e8]
        [0xb1003000 - 0xb139b000] committed 3680KB from [VirtualSpace::initialize(ReservedSpace, unsigned int)+0x37a]
[0xb7003000 - 0xb7603000] reserved 6144KB for Class
                from [ReservedSpace::initialize(unsigned int, unsigned int, bool, char*, unsigned int, bool)+0x555]
        [0xb7003000 - 0xb73a4000] committed 3716KB from [VirtualSpace::initialize(ReservedSpace, unsigned int)+0x37a]
[0xb7603000 - 0xb760b000] reserved 32KB for Internal
                from [PerfMemory::create_memory_region(unsigned int)+0x8ba]
[0xb770b000 - 0xb775c000] reserved 324KB for Thread Stack
                from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]
        [0xb770b000 - 0xb775c000] committed 324KB from [Thread::record_stack_base_and_size()+0xca]

