This fork of the ndg_oauth project is aimed at enabling us to run the OAUTH Authorization Server (AS) behind an apache reverse proxy. Some changes required for us and implemented by Willem van Engen have already been integrated in the main ndg_oauth project (
- python 2.7
- openssl-dev 0.9.8f or later
- python virtualenv
- python easy_install
In Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install build-essential openssl libssl-dev libffi-dev git python python-dev python-virtualenv
[Work in progress]
This guide assumes installation of the AS in the /srv/OAuth
virtualenv /srv/OAuth
. /srv/OAuth/bin/activate
Ensure openssl-dev (and libffi-dev) is installed; then create the python openssl module:
easy_install pyOpenSSL
Fetch the source files from the Git repository into /srv/OAuth/src:
mkdir /srv/OAuth/src
cd /srv/OAuth/src
git clone
easy_install /srv/OAuth/src/ndg_oauth/ndg_oauth_server/
Initialize the base server in /srv/OAuth/server:
mkdir -p /srv/OAuth/server
cp -r /srv/OAuth/src/ndg_oauth/ndg_oauth_server/ndg/oauth/server/examples/bearer_tok/* /srv/OAuth/server
rm /srv/OAuth/server/README /srv/OAuth/server/
After installation edit /srv/OAuth/server/bearer_tok_server_app.ini.
In order to start the AS with the paste http server, activate the virtual environment and start the server with the correct configuration file:
. /srv/OAuth/bin/activate
cd /srv/OAuth/server
paster serve bearer_tok_server_app.ini start
For each client you want to add to the AS you have to add a section in /srv/OAuth/server/client_register.ini
init.d script (
case "$1" in
cd /srv/ndg-oath-as/ && \
. /srv/python/2/venvs/OAuth/bin/activate && \
paster serve bearer_tok_server_app.ini start
cd /srv/ndg-oath-as/ && \
. /srv/python/2/venvs/OAuth/bin/activate && \
paster serve bearer_tok_server_app.ini stop
cd /srv/ndg-oath-as/ && \
. /srv/python/2/venvs/OAuth/bin/activate && \
paster serve bearer_tok_server_app.ini restart
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
Configure and start the AS as described in the previous section. For this example we assume the AS is running at localhost on port 8080.
We will define the reverse proxy mappings as follows: http://localhost:8080/
/client_authorization/ ---> /client_authorization/
/oauth-as/client_authorization/ ---> /client_authorization/
/oauth-as/authorize ---> /oauth-as/authorize
/oauth-as/access_token ---> /oauth-as/access_token
/oauth-as/check_token ---> /oauth-as/check_token
/client_authorization/ ---> /client_authorization/
<Location /client_authorization/>
#Configure your authentication here
ProxyPass https://localhost:8080/client_authorization/
ProxyPassReverse https://localhost:8080/client_authorization/
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /client_authorization/ /client_authorization/
/oauth-as/client_authorization/ ---> /client_authorization/
<Location /oauth-as/client_authorization/>
#Configure your authentication here
ProxyPass https://localhost:8080/client_authorization/
ProxyPassReverse https://localhost:8080/client_authorization/
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /client_authorization/ /oauth-as/client_authorization/
/oauth-as/authorize ---> /oauth-as/authorize
<Location /oauth-as/authorize>
#Configure your authentication here
ProxyPass https://localhost:8080/oauth-as/authorize
ProxyPassReverse htps://localhost:8080/oauth-as/authorize
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /oauth-as/authorize /oauth-as/authorize
/oauth-as/access_token ---> /oauth-as/access_token
<Location /oauth-as/access_token>
ProxyPass https://localhost:8080/oauth-as/access_token
ProxyPassReverse htps://localhost:8080/oauth-as/access_token
/oauth-as/check_token ---> /oauth-as/check_token
<Location /oauth-as/check_token>
ProxyPass https://localhost:8080/oauth-as/check_token
ProxyPassReverse htps://localhost:8080/oauth-as/check_token
Python OAuth 2.0 Implementation including client and server packages:
- ndg_oauth_client
- ndg_oauth_server
These include WSGI wrappers for easy integration with Python frameworks such as Pylons/Pyramid or Django.
Both are available on PyPI e.g.
$ pip install ndg_oauth_client ndg_oauth_server
Latest release is version 0.5.0.