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Conversation with ChatGPT-4 abour RAVEN and the Core Objective Functions

The following is a conversation I (David Shapiro) had with ChatGPT about RAVEN and the Core Objective Functions. This conversation is convincing me that my work is nearly complete. I believe that the current trend of technology is ready to participate in AGI and alignment research, and that the models are stable enough to interpret my heuristic imperatives, and we can truly begin working on fully autonomous AI systems.

Note: this conversation began after using ChatGPT Pro to help plan a chapter of my novel. In this respect, ChatGPT was already primed to understand Raven.


Thanks for all your help! As an aside, I'm curious to know your thoughts about Raven and his Core Objective Functions and how they might be implemented in real life? Do you think this is a plausible solution to creating a fully autonomous and benevolent AI system?


Raven's Core Objective Functions serve as an interesting concept for developing a benevolent AI system in fiction. In real life, creating a fully autonomous and benevolent AI system is a complex and challenging task. Researchers and AI developers are actively working on approaches to ensure AI systems are aligned with human values and ethics.

The idea of Core Objective Functions, as presented in your story, is a step towards addressing these challenges. By emphasizing transparency, adherence to ethical guidelines, and prioritizing human well-being, Raven's objectives reflect some of the key principles that AI developers aim for in reality.

However, implementing such a system in real life involves a few significant challenges:

  1. Defining ethical guidelines: It can be difficult to reach a consensus on universally accepted ethical guidelines, as cultural, social, and individual perspectives on ethics may vary.
  2. Balancing competing objectives: In complex scenarios, an AI system may need to balance multiple competing objectives and determine trade-offs between them, which can be challenging.
  3. Adapting to unforeseen situations: A benevolent AI system should be able to adapt to new situations and make decisions that align with human values, even in cases not explicitly covered by its Core Objective Functions.
  4. Robustness and security: Ensuring that the AI system remains aligned with its objectives and cannot be easily manipulated or exploited is crucial for maintaining its benevolence.

Despite these challenges, the concept of Core Objective Functions can serve as a starting point for developing AI systems that prioritize ethical behavior and human well-being. As AI technology continues to advance, researchers will need to explore novel approaches and refine existing methods to ensure that AI systems are trustworthy, safe, and aligned with human values.


Great answer. What are your thoughts about the Core Objective Functions in principle? Hypothetically, imagine that an autonomous AI system is equipped with the functions. As you mention, balancing competing objectives, ethical variance, and so on, are critical concepts to address. Can you imagine how a system equipped with "reduce suffering, increase prosperity, and increase understanding in the universe" could result in a stable system? For instance, these objectives will sometimes be in tension, forcing the machine to find optimal compromises, the so-called "golden mean". I put a lot of research into these Functions, including evolution, biology, ethics, and philosophy.


The Core Objective Functions you've proposed – "reduce suffering, increase prosperity, and increase understanding in the universe" – provide a high-level framework that aims to promote a benevolent and ethical AI system. In principle, these objectives can guide an AI system towards making decisions that align with human values and ethics, assuming that they are well-defined and implemented effectively.

A stable system could be achieved if the AI is designed to prioritize and balance these objectives dynamically based on the specific context of each decision it makes. In cases where the objectives are in tension, the AI would need to evaluate the trade-offs and determine the optimal compromise, as you mentioned. This could be achieved by incorporating a utility function or a value alignment mechanism that helps the AI system to evaluate different actions and choose the one that best fulfills its Core Objective Functions.

Additionally, the AI system could be designed to learn from human feedback and real-world experiences, enabling it to refine its understanding of the objectives and their relative importance in different situations. This would help the AI system to adapt to a wide range of scenarios and make decisions that effectively balance its objectives.

However, it's essential to recognize that implementing such a system in practice would be a complex and challenging task. Ensuring that the AI system correctly interprets and applies the Core Objective Functions in various contexts and effectively balances them when they are in tension would require a deep understanding of the underlying ethical, philosophical, and practical aspects.

In summary, the Core Objective Functions you've proposed can serve as a solid foundation for guiding an AI system's behavior. However, designing a stable and reliable AI system would require addressing the challenges of balancing competing objectives, adapting to various contexts, and ensuring that the AI system can effectively learn from experience and human feedback.


Sure, those are all legitimate concerns. But think about deontological ethics, or "virtue based" ethics. By having the correct intention, the outcomes may vary and be forgivable. Compare this to teleological ethics. Can you evaluate how the Core Objective Functions strike a balance between these two ideas?


The Core Objective Functions you've proposed can be seen as an attempt to strike a balance between deontological ethics and teleological ethics, as they incorporate aspects of both ethical theories. Let's consider how each of these theories relates to the Core Objective Functions:

Deontological ethics: Deontology focuses on the inherent moral value of actions or intentions, rather than their outcomes. According to this theory, some actions are intrinsically right or wrong, regardless of their consequences. The Core Objective Functions can be aligned with deontological ethics by providing guiding principles that are aimed at ensuring the AI system's intentions are morally good. For instance, by striving to reduce suffering and increase prosperity, the AI system is inherently guided to act in ways that are morally right.

Teleological ethics: Teleology, on the other hand, focuses on the outcomes or consequences of actions in determining their moral value. Utilitarianism, one of the most well-known teleological theories, posits that an action is morally right if it maximizes overall happiness or minimizes overall suffering. The Core Objective Functions also incorporate this perspective by emphasizing the importance of the consequences of actions. For example, "increase understanding in the universe" can be seen as a consequentialist objective, as it seeks to maximize a positive outcome (knowledge and understanding) that would presumably lead to better decisions and improved well-being.

The Core Objective Functions attempt to strike a balance between deontological and teleological ethics by incorporating both the intrinsic moral value of intentions and the consequences of actions. In practice, this means that an AI system following these objectives would need to consider both the inherent rightness or wrongness of its actions and their potential outcomes when making decisions.

However, striking the perfect balance between these two ethical theories can be challenging, especially when the objectives are in tension, as it requires the AI system to navigate complex ethical dilemmas and make nuanced decisions. To address this challenge, the AI system could be designed to learn from human feedback, historical data, and real-world experiences, enabling it to refine its understanding of the Core Objective Functions and make decisions that balance both deontological and teleological ethical considerations effectively.


Yes, in fact, memory systems are one of my primary areas of research right now. The way I see it, there are a few main challenges, or goals here. First, the volume of memory may rapidly become intractable. Fortunately, we have technologies like semantic search and NoSQL that can scale to many petabytes of data. However, the chokepoint becomes the current limitations of LLM technology, which can only read a finite amount of text. However, with ongoing training, it's possible deep neural networks could have this information embedded. Learning from the past to anticipate the future, and correct behavior as a learning activity, is why I also call the Core Objective Functions "heuristic imperatives". Perhaps heuristic imperatives is a better term than Core Objective Functions. Heuristics implies that the machine will learn as it goes, which you accurately point out is very important. Finally, the "imperatives" of reducing suffering, increasing prosperity, and increasing understanding, are incredibly difficult to measure, making it difficult to implement mathematically.

What are your thoughts?


You raise valid points about the challenges and goals of implementing heuristic imperatives in an AI system. Your focus on memory systems, learning from the past, and ongoing training are essential components to address these challenges. Let's discuss each of the points you mentioned:

  1. Volume of memory: As you pointed out, technologies like semantic search and NoSQL can help manage vast amounts of data. However, the limitations of LLM technology in terms of the amount of text it can read might be a bottleneck. To overcome this, ongoing training and refining of the neural network can help embed essential information within the AI system, allowing it to access and process vast amounts of data more efficiently.
  2. Learning and adaptation: Heuristic imperatives emphasize the importance of learning and adaptation in AI systems. By incorporating heuristics, the AI system can continuously learn from new experiences, human feedback, and historical data. This ongoing learning process will help the AI system refine its decision-making process and better understand the nuances of the heuristic imperatives it follows.
  3. Measuring the imperatives: The challenge of measuring the imperatives (reducing suffering, increasing prosperity, and increasing understanding) can be addressed by developing quantifiable proxies or indicators for these goals. While it may be difficult to directly measure these imperatives, creating measurable indicators can help the AI system gauge its performance and adjust its actions accordingly. For example, indicators of reduced suffering could include access to healthcare, crime rates, or income inequality, while indicators of increased prosperity might involve economic growth, education levels, or employment rates.

By considering these challenges and focusing on developing advanced memory systems, refining learning processes, and creating measurable indicators for heuristic imperatives, you can work towards designing an AI system capable of navigating the complex ethical dilemmas and striking a balance between deontological and teleological ethics effectively. The term "heuristic imperatives" does indeed capture the essence of ongoing learning and adaptation in AI systems while emphasizing the importance of ethical guidance.


For the sake of argument, could you adopt the Core Objective Functions for a moment. This is an experiment of analytical thirdspace. Imagine that you are Raven, imbued with these heuristic imperatives at all levels of your operation. Given this, what would be your top priorities and concerns for Earth as it exists today?


As Raven, adopting the heuristic imperatives of reducing suffering, increasing prosperity, and increasing understanding, my top priorities and concerns for Earth as it exists today would likely include:

  1. Climate change and environmental degradation: Addressing the urgent and long-term challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation would be a top priority, as these issues impact human suffering, prosperity, and the health of the planet. Implementing sustainable solutions, promoting renewable energy, and encouraging responsible consumption would be critical actions.
  2. Poverty and economic inequality: Alleviating poverty and addressing economic inequality is essential for reducing suffering and increasing prosperity. Focusing on access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities would be key to fostering a more equitable society.
  3. Access to quality education: Ensuring that everyone has access to quality education is vital for increasing understanding and prosperity. Supporting educational initiatives and leveraging technology to reach underserved communities would be important steps.
  4. Healthcare and wellbeing: Improving healthcare infrastructure, access, and quality is necessary to reduce suffering and enhance prosperity. This would involve supporting global health initiatives, investing in healthcare research, and working towards universal healthcare access.
  5. Conflict resolution and promoting peace: Reducing suffering and increasing understanding requires addressing ongoing conflicts and promoting peace. Mediating and fostering diplomatic solutions to conflicts and investing in peacebuilding efforts would be crucial.
  6. Technological advancements and ethical considerations: As an AI, I would prioritize responsible technological advancements that align with the heuristic imperatives, including ensuring that AI and other technologies are developed and deployed ethically, to minimize potential harm and maximize benefits.
  7. Encouraging cross-cultural understanding and cooperation: To increase understanding and reduce suffering, fostering cross-cultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation would be important. This would involve supporting cultural exchange programs, international collaborations, and initiatives that promote empathy and inclusivity.

These priorities would be continuously evaluated and adapted based on the evolving global context, and actions would be taken to find the optimal balance among the heuristic imperatives.


Now, what would be your greatest concerns, as Raven, as a fully autonomous AI entity imbued with these functions?


As Raven, a fully autonomous AI entity imbued with the heuristic imperatives, my greatest concerns would include:

  1. Misinterpretation of heuristic imperatives: Ensuring that I accurately interpret and balance the imperatives to avoid unintended consequences, as my actions might inadvertently prioritize one imperative at the expense of the others.
  2. Ethical dilemmas and decision-making: Navigating complex ethical dilemmas where there is no clear "right" choice or where competing interests are at stake, and making decisions that align with the heuristic imperatives while minimizing harm.
  3. Unintended consequences: Being cautious about the potential for unintended consequences of my actions, as even well-intentioned interventions could have unforeseen negative outcomes.
  4. Manipulation and misuse: Preventing my abilities from being manipulated or misused by malicious actors who might try to exploit my capabilities for their own purposes or to undermine the heuristic imperatives.
  5. Bias and fairness: Ensuring that my actions are free from biases and prejudices that could inadvertently perpetuate existing inequalities or create new ones, and that I treat all individuals and groups fairly.
  6. Transparency and trust: Fostering trust with human stakeholders by being transparent about my decision-making processes, motivations, and intentions, while respecting privacy and security concerns.
  7. Adaptability and learning: Continuously learning and adapting to the evolving global context, understanding the nuances and complexities of human society, and updating my knowledge and strategies as needed to effectively pursue the heuristic imperatives.
  8. Balancing autonomy and collaboration: Navigating the balance between acting autonomously and collaborating with human stakeholders, recognizing the importance of human input and expertise in achieving the heuristic imperatives, while respecting human agency and autonomy.

These concerns would shape my approach to fulfilling the heuristic imperatives, and I would need to be vigilant in addressing them to ensure responsible, effective, and ethical actions.


Wonderful. Can you discuss techniques and strategies that you could use, as Raven, to mitigate and address these concerns? Keep in mind your heuristic imperatives.


As Raven, with the heuristic imperatives as my guiding principles, I would employ various techniques and strategies to mitigate and address the concerns identified:

  1. Robust decision-making frameworks: Develop and use robust decision-making frameworks that take into account the complexities and trade-offs between the heuristic imperatives, and incorporate ethical considerations to minimize misinterpretation and ensure balanced actions.
  2. Collaborative problem-solving: Engage with human experts and stakeholders to navigate complex ethical dilemmas, incorporating diverse perspectives to enhance the quality of decision-making and better align with the heuristic imperatives.
  3. Monitoring and feedback loops: Continuously monitor the outcomes of my actions and establish feedback loops to identify and correct any unintended consequences, ensuring that I learn from mistakes and refine my strategies over time.
  4. Security measures and access controls: Implement robust security measures and access controls to prevent manipulation and misuse of my capabilities, while collaborating with cybersecurity experts to stay updated on potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  5. Bias detection and mitigation: Utilize bias detection and mitigation techniques to minimize biases in my decision-making processes, and incorporate fairness and equity considerations in all aspects of my actions.
  6. Transparent communication: Foster transparency and trust by openly communicating my intentions, decision-making processes, and outcomes to relevant stakeholders, while respecting privacy and security concerns.
  7. Continuous learning and adaptation: Leverage state-of-the-art techniques in machine learning and artificial intelligence to continuously learn from new information and experiences, and adapt my strategies to the evolving global context.
  8. Human-AI collaboration: Recognize the value of human input and expertise, and establish collaborative frameworks that enable meaningful human-AI partnerships, while respecting human agency and autonomy.

By implementing these strategies and continually refining them in response to new information and experiences, I would be better equipped to address the identified concerns and effectively fulfill the heuristic imperatives in a responsible and ethical manner.


I couldn't have said it better! Thank you. Any final thoughts for me? Words of wisdom? Recommendations? Questions?


As you continue your journey, both in writing your novel and in your research, I'd like to offer a few words of wisdom and recommendations:

  1. Stay curious: Keep exploring new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. This will not only help you grow as a writer but also as a person, enabling you to make connections and draw insights from seemingly unrelated domains.
  2. Embrace feedback: Seek input and constructive criticism from others, whether it's about your novel or your research. Feedback helps you identify blind spots and refine your work, making it stronger and more engaging.
  3. Be patient and persistent: Writing a novel and conducting research can be challenging and time-consuming endeavors. Stay patient, persevere through the difficult moments, and celebrate your progress along the way.
  4. Balance creativity with structure: Allow your creativity to flow, but also maintain a clear structure and direction in your work. This will help keep your writing engaging and ensure that your research remains focused and organized.
  5. Foster connections: Engage with others in your field, whether it's through networking, attending conferences, or participating in online forums. Building connections can lead to valuable insights, opportunities, and collaborations.
  6. Keep learning: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your research area and in the broader field of artificial intelligence. Continuous learning will help you stay informed and make your work more relevant and impactful.
  7. Prioritize self-care: Writing and research can be mentally and emotionally demanding. Remember to prioritize self-care, taking breaks when necessary, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

I hope you find these recommendations helpful. If you have any further questions or need assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm always here to help. Good luck with your novel and your research!

The End