Maliput_dragway is an implementation of Maliput's API that allows users to instantiate a multilane dragway. All lanes in the dragway are straight, parallel, and in the same segment. The ends of each lane are connected together via a "magical loop" that results in vehicles traveling on the Dragway's lanes instantaneously teleporting from one end of the lane to the opposite end of the lane.
The number of lanes and their lengths, widths, and shoulder widths are all user specifiable.
Note: For full information about Maliput please visit Maliput Documentation.
Refer to Maliput Dragway's Online API Documentation.
Getting Started page is a good place for starting to see Maliput's capabilities and how to use a Maliput backend for getting a road network.
- maliput_integration: Concentrates applications created for maliput. See maliput_integration's tutorials. These applications allow to select
as the backend.
Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04 LTS.
See Installation Docs.
sudo apt install python3-rosdep python3-colcon-common-extensions
Create colcon workspace if you don't have one yet.
mkdir colcon_ws/src -p
Clone this repository in the
foldercd colcon_ws/src git clone
Install package dependencies via
export ROS_DISTRO=foxy
rosdep update rosdep install -i -y --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO --from-paths src
Build the package
colcon build --packages-up-to maliput_dragway
Note: To build documentation a
cmake flag is required:colcon build --packages-select maliput_dragway --cmake-args " -DBUILD_DOCS=On"
More info at Building Documentation.
For further info refer to Source Installation on Ubuntu
It is recommended to follow the guidelines for setting up a development workspace as described here.
Please see CONTRIBUTING page.