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ibm_db API Documentation

Database APIs

APIs for creating and droping Database using node.js application

Database APIs

  1. .open(connectionString, [options,] callback)
  2. .openSync(connectionString)
  3. .query(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters], callback)
  4. .querySync(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])
  5. .queryStream(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])
  6. .queryResult(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters], callback)
  7. .queryResultSync(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])
  8. .close(callback)
  9. .closeSync()
  10. .prepare(sql, callback)
  11. .prepareSync(sql)
  12. .bind(bindingParameters, callback)
  13. .bindSync(bindingParameters)
  14. .execute([bindingParameters], callback)
  15. .executeSync([bindingParameters])
  16. .executeNonQuery([bindingParameters], callback)
  17. .fetch(option, callback)
  18. .fetchSync(option)
  19. .fetchAll(option, callback)
  20. .fetchAllSync(option)
  21. .beginTransaction(callback)
  22. .beginTransactionSync()
  23. .commitTransaction(callback)
  24. .commitTransactionSync()
  25. .rollbackTransaction(callback)
  26. .rollbackTransactionSync()
  27. .setIsolationLevel(isolationLevel)
  28. .getColumnNamesSync()
  29. .getColumnMetadataSync()
  30. .getSQLErrorSync()
  31. .debug(value)

1) .open(connectionString, [options,] callback)

Open a connection to a database.

  • connectionString - The connection string for your database.
    • For distributed platforms, the connection string is typically defined as: DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=passwd
    • For z/OS, the ODBC driver makes both local and remote connections using DSN, UID and PWD. The connection string is typically defined as: DSN=dbname;UID=username;PWD=passwd. To connect to remote Db2 databases, the connectivity information will need to be set up in the Communications Database (CDB). Please refer to scenario 1 in the following article.
  • options - OPTIONAL - Object type. Can be used to avoid multiple loading of native ODBC library for each call of .open. Also, can be used to pass connectTimeout value and systemNaming(true/false) for i5/OS server.
  • callback - callback (err, conn)
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , connStr = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=passwd";, function (err, connection) {
    if (err)
    connection.query("select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1", function (err1, rows) {
      if (err1) console.log(err1);
      else console.log(rows);
      connection.close(function(err2) {
        if(err2) console.log(err2);
  • Secure Database Connection using SSL/TSL - ibm_db supports secure connection to Database Server over SSL same as ODBC/CLI driver. If you have SSL Certificate from server or an CA signed certificate, just use it in connection string as below:
connStr = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=passwd;Security=SSL;SSLServerCertificate=<cert.arm_file_path>;";

To connect to dashDB in bluemix, just use below connection string:

connStr = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=passwd;Security=SSL";

You can also create a KeyStore DB using GSKit command line tool and use it in connection string along with other keywords as documented in DB2 Infocenter.

Note: The SSL Certificate file must have .arm extention. Certificate file with .crt or any other extention would not work with SSLServerCertificate keyword. You need to create keystoredb using GSKit and add certificate of other extention to keystoredb to use as documented in DB2 Infocenter.

2) .openSync(connectionString [,options])

Synchronously open a connection to a database.

  • connectionString - The connection string for your database
  • options - OPTIONAL - Object type. Can be used to avoid multiple loading of native ODBC library for each call of .open. Also, can be used to pass connectTimeout value and systemNaming value for i5/OS server.
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db"),
	connString = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;";

try {
      var option = { connectTimeout : 40, systemNaming : true };// Connection Timeout after 40 seconds.
      var conn = ibmdb.openSync(connString, option);
      conn.query("select * from customers fetch first 10 rows only", function (err, rows) {
		if (err) {
		} else {
    } catch (e) {

3) .query(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters], callback)

Issue an asynchronous SQL query to the database which is currently open.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed or an Object in the form {"sql": sqlQuery, "params":bindingParameters, "noResults": noResultValue}. noResults accepts only true or false values. If true - query() will not return any result. "sql" field is mandatory in Object, others are OPTIONAL.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in sqlQuery. bindingParameters in sqlQuery Object takes precedence over it.

  • callback - callback (err, rows, sqlca)

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
	, cn = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;"
	;, function (err, conn) {
    if (err) {
      return console.log(err);

    // we now have an open connection to the database, so lets get some data.
    // Execute multiple query and get multiple result sets.
    // In case of multiple resultset, query will return an array of result sets.
    conn.query("select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1;select 2 from sysibm.sysdummy1;" +
               "select 3 from sysibm.sysdummy1", function (err, rows, sqlca)
        if (err) {
        } else {
            console.log(rows); // rows = [ [ { '1': 1 } ], [ { '1': 2 } ], [ { '1': 3 } ] ]

4) .querySync(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])

Synchronously issue a SQL query to the database that is currently open.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed or an Object in the form {"sql": sqlQuery, "params":bindingParameters, "noResults": noResultValue}. noResults accepts only true or false values. If true - query() will not return any result. If noResults is true for CALL statement, querySync returns only OutParams. "sql" field is mandatory in Object, others are optional.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in sqlQuery.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password";, function(err, conn){

  //blocks until the query is completed and all data has been acquired
  var rows = conn.querySync("select * from customers fetch first 10 rows only");


5) .queryStream(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])

Synchronously issue a SQL query to the database that is currently open and returns a Readable stream. Application can listen the events emmitted by returned stream and take action.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed or an Object in the form {"sql": sqlQuery, "params":bindingParameters, "noResults": noResultValue}. noResults accepts only true or false values. If true - query() will not return any result. "sql" field is mandatory in Object, others are optional.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in sqlQuery.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function(err, conn)
    var stream = conn.queryStream("select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1");

    stream.once('data', function (result) {
    }).once('error', function (err) {
      throw err;
    }).once('end', function () {
      conn.close(function(){ console.log("done.") });

6) .queryResult(sqlQuery, [, bindingParameters], callback)

Issue an asynchronous SQL query to the database which is currently open and return (err, result, outparams) to callback function. result is ODBCResult object. Uisng result, call result.fetchAllSync() to retrieve all rows; call result.getColumnMetadataSync() to get meta data info or call result.fetchSync() to retrieve each row one by one and process. Execute result.closeSync() once done with the result object. query returns all the rows on call, but queryResult returns the result object and rows need to be fetched by the caller.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed or an Object in the form {"sql": sqlQuery, "params":bindingParameters, "noResults": noResultValue}. noResults accepts only true or false values. If true - queryResult() will not return any result object and value of result will be null. "sql" field is mandatory in Object, others are OPTIONAL.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any ? characters (called parameter marker) in sqlQuery. bindingParameters in sqlQuery Object takes precedence over it.

  • callback - callback (err, result, outparams). outparams is returned only for CALL statement with OUT parameters. Any resultset expected from SP should get retrieved using result.fetch apis.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
	, cn = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;"
	;, function (err,conn) {
    if (err) return console.log(err);
    var query = 'select creator, name from sysibm.systables where 1 = ?';
    conn.queryResult(query, [1], function (err, result) {
        if(err) { console.log(err); }
        else {
          console.log("data = ", result.fetchAllSync());
          console.log("metadata = ", result.getColumnMetadataSync());
          result.closeSync(); // Must call in application.
          console.log("Executed ", ++loop, " times.");

Note: Once you are done with the result object, must close it to avoid error when garbage collector of javascript free it. Not calling the `result.closeSync() may cause invalid handle error in application or no data.

7) .queryResultSync(sqlQuery [, bindingParameters])

Synchronously issue a SQL query to the database that is currently open and return a result object to the callback function on success. In case of CALL statement with OUT parameters, it returns an array of [result, outparams]. result is an ODBCResult object that can be used to fetch rows.

querySyncAPI returns all the rows on call, but queryResultSync API returns the ODBCResult object using which application should call fetch APIs to get data.

  • sqlQuery - The SQL query to be executed or an Object in the form {"sql": sqlQuery, "params":bindingParameters, "noResults": noResultValue}. noResults accepts only true or false values. If true - the value of result will be null. "sql" field is mandatory in Object, others are optional.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in sqlQuery.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password";, function(err, conn){
  if (err) return console.log(err);
  var query = 'select creator, name from sysibm.systables';
  var result = conn.queryResultSync(query);
  console.log("data = ", result.fetchAllSync());
  console.log("metadata = ", result.getColumnMetadataSync());
  result.closeSync(); // Must call to free to avoid application error.

Note: Once you are done with the result object, must close it to avoid error when garbage collector of javascript free it. Not calling the `result.closeSync() may cause invalid handle error in application or no data.

In case of CALL statement with OUT params, check result[0] is an object or not.

8) .close(callback)

Close the currently opened database.

  • callback - callback (err)
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function (err, conn) {
	if (err) {
		return console.log(err);

	//we now have an open connection to the database
	conn.close(function (err) {
		console.log("the database connection is now closed");

9) .closeSync()

Synchronously close the currently opened database.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")()
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";

//Blocks until the connection is open

//Blocks until the connection is closed

10) .prepare(sql, callback)

Prepare a statement for execution.

  • sql - SQL string to prepare
  • callback - callback (err, stmt)

Returns a Statement object via the callback

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.prepare("insert into hits (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)", function (err, stmt) {
    if (err) {
      //could not prepare for some reason
      return conn.closeSync();

    //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
    stmt.execute(['something', 42], function (err, result) {
      if( err ) console.log(err);
      else result.closeSync();

      //Close the connection

11) .prepareSync(sql)

Synchronously prepare a statement for execution.

  • sql - SQL string to prepare

Returns a Statement object

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  var stmt = conn.prepareSync("select * from employee where empid = ?");

  //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
  stmt.execute([142], function (err, result) {
    data = result.fetchAllSync();

    //Close the connection

12) .bind(bindingParameters, callback)

Binds the parameters for prepared statement.

  • bindingParameters - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in prepared sql statement. Values can be array or object itself. Check bindingParameters doc for detail.
  • callback - callback (err)

13) .bindSync(bindingParameters)

Binds the parameters for prepared statement synchronously. If bindSync() is used, then no need to pass bindingParameters to next execute() or executeSync() statement.

  • bindingParameters - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in prepared sql statement. Values can be array or object itself. Check bindingParameters doc for detail.

14) .execute([bindingParameters], callback)

Execute a prepared statement.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in prepared sql statement. Values can be array or object itself. Check bindingParameters doc for detail.
  • callback - callback (err, result, outparams) outparams - will have result for INOUT and OUTPUT parameters of Stored Procedure.

Returns a Statement object via the callback

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.querySync("create table mytab (id int, photo BLOB(30K))");
  conn.prepare("insert into mytab (id, photo) VALUES (?, ?)", function (err, stmt) {
    if (err) {
      //could not prepare for some reason
      return conn.closeSync();

    // Create params object
    var img = {ParamType:"FILE", DataType: "BLOB", "Data": "smile.jpg"};

    //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
    stmt.execute([ 42, img ], function (err, result) {
      if( err ) console.log(err);
      else result.closeSync();

      //Close the connection

15) .executeSync([bindingParameters])

Execute a prepared statement synchronously.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in prepared sql statement. Values can be array or object itself. Check bindingParameters doc for detail. Instead of passing bindingParameters to executeSync(), parameters can also be binded using bind() or bindSync() APIs.

Returns a Statement object. If prepared statement is a stored procedure with INOUT or OUT parameter, executeSync() returns an array of two elements in the form [stmt, outparams]. The first element of such array is an Statement object and second element is an Array of INOUT and OUTPUT parameters in sequence.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  var stmt = conn.prepareSync("select empname from emptable where empid = ?");

  //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
  var result = stmt.executeSync([142]);
  var data = result.fetchAllSync({fetchMode:3}); // Fetch data in Array mode.

  //Close the connection

16) .executeNonQuery([bindingParameters], callback)

Execute a non query prepared statement and returns the number of rows affected in a table by the statement.

  • bindingParameters - OPTIONAL - An array of values that will be bound to any '?' characters in prepared sql statement. Values can be array or object itself. Check bindingParameters doc for detail.
  • callback - callback (err, affectedRowCount)

It returns the number of rows in a table that were affected by an UPDATE, an INSERT, a DELETE, or a MERGE statement issued against the table, or a view based on the table. If no rows are affected, it returns -1 via the callback function.

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.querySync("create table mytab (id int, text varchar(30))");
  conn.prepare("insert into mytab (id, text) VALUES (?, ?)", function (err, stmt) {
    if (err) {
      return conn.closeSync();

    //Bind and Execute the statment asynchronously
    stmt.executeNonQuery([ 42, 'hello world' ], function (err, ret) {
      if( err ) console.log(err);
      else console.log("Affected rows = " + ret);

      //Close the connection

17) .fetch(option, callback)

Fetch a row of data from ODBCResult object asynchronously.

  • option - OPTIONAL - Object type.

    • fetchMode - Format of returned row data. By default row data get returned in object form. option = {fetchMode:3} will return row in array form.
  • callback - callback (err, row)

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.querySync("create table hits (col1 varchar(40), col2 int)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('something', 42)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('für', 43)");
  conn.prepare("select * from hits", function (err, stmt) {
    if (err) {
      //could not prepare for some reason
      return conn.closeSync();
    stmt.execute(function (err, result) {
      if( err ) console.log(err);
      result.fetch(function (err, row) {
          if(err) { console.log(err); }
          else {
            console.log("Row1 = ", row);
            result.fetch({fetchMode:3}, function (err, row) {
              if(err) { console.log(err); }
              console.log("Row2 = ", row);
              conn.querySync("drop table hits");
              //Close the connection
              conn.close(function(err){console.log("Connection Closed.");});

18) .fetchSync(option)

Fetch a row of data from ODBCResult object synchronously.

  • option - OPTIONAL - Object type.
    • fetchMode - Format of returned row data. By default row data get returned in object form. option = {fetchMode:3} will return row in array form.
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.querySync("create table hits (col1 varchar(40), col2 int)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('something', 42)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('für', 43)");
  var stmt = conn.prepareSync("select * from hits");
  var result = stmt.executeSync();
  var data = 0;
  while( data = result.fetchSync({fetchMode:3}) ) {
  conn.querySync("drop table hits");

19) .fetchAll(option, callback)

Fetch all rows from ODBCResult object asynchronously for the executed statement.

  • option - OPTIONAL - Object type.

    • fetchMode - Format of returned row data. By default row data get returned in object form. option = {fetchMode:3} will return rows in array form. {fetchMode:4} - return rows in object form.
  • callback - callback (err, data, noOfColumns)

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.querySync("create table hits (col1 varchar(40), col2 int)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('something', 42)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('für', 43)");
  conn.prepare("select * from hits", function (err, stmt) {
    if (err) {
      //could not prepare for some reason
      return conn.closeSync();
    stmt.execute(function (err, result) {
      if( err ) console.log(err);
      result.fetchAll({fetchMode:4}, function (err, data, colcount) {
          if(err) { console.log(err); }
          else {
            console.log("Data = ", data);
            console.log("No of columns = ", colcount);
          conn.querySync("drop table hits");
          //Close the connection
          conn.close(function(err){console.log("Connection Closed.");});

20) .fetchAllSync(option)

Fetch all rows from ODBCResult object Synchronously for the executed statement.

  • option - Optional object to specify return type of data. By default row data get returned in object form. option = {fetchMode:3} will return row in array form.
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";,function(err,conn){
  conn.querySync("create table hits (col1 varchar(40), col2 int)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('something', 42)");
  conn.querySync("insert into hits values ('für', 43)");
  var stmt = conn.prepareSync("select * from hits");
  var result = stmt.executeSync();
  var data = result.fetchAllSync();
  console.log("Fetched data = ", data);
  conn.querySync("drop table hits");

For example of prepare once and execute many times with above fetch APIs, please see test file test-fetch-apis.js.

21) .beginTransaction(callback)

Begin a transaction

  • callback - callback (err)

22) .beginTransactionSync()

Synchronously begin a transaction

23) .commitTransaction(callback)

Commit a transaction

  • callback - callback (err)
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function(err,conn) {

  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();

    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");

    conn.commitTransaction(function (err) {
      if (err) {
        //error during commit
        return conn.closeSync();

    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));

     //Close the connection

24) .commitTransactionSync()

Synchronously commit a transaction

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function(err,conn) {

  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();

    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");


    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));

     //Close the connection

25) .rollbackTransaction(callback)

Rollback a transaction

  • callback - callback (err)
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function(err,conn) {

  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();

    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");

    conn.rollbackTransaction(function (err) {
      if (err) {
        //error during rollback
        return conn.closeSync();

    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));

     //Close the connection

26) .rollbackTransactionSync()

Synchronously rollback a transaction

var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function(err,conn) {

  conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
    if (err) {
      //could not begin a transaction for some reason.
      return conn.closeSync();

    var result = conn.querySync("insert into customer (customerCode) values ('stevedave')");


    console.log(conn.querySync("select * from customer where customerCode = 'stevedave'"));

     //Close the connection

27) .setIsolationLevel(isolationLevel)

Synchronously sets the default isolation level passed as argument. It is only applicable when the default isolation level is used. It will have no effect if the application has specifically set the isolation level for a transaction.

  • isolationLevel: An integer representing the isolation level to be set. Its value must be only - 1|2|4|8|32. For details check this doc.
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function(err,conn) {
  conn.setIsolationLevel(2);  // SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED
  conn.setIsolationLevel(4); // SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ
  conn.querySync("create table mytab1 (c1 int, c2 varchar(10))");

28) .getColumnNamesSync()

Synchronously retrieve the name of columns returned by the resulset. It operates on ODBCResult object.

  conn.querySync("insert into mytab1 values ( 5, 'abc')");
  conn.prepare("select * from mytab1", function (err, stmt) {
    stmt.execute(function(err, result) {
      console.log("Column Names = ", result.getColumnNamesSync());
      result.closeSync(); conn.closeSync(); }); });

29) .getColumnMetadataSync()

Synchronously retrieve the metadata about columns returned by the resulset. It operates on ODBCResult object.

  conn.querySync("insert into mytab1 values ( 5, 'abc')");
  conn.prepare("select * from mytab1", function (err, stmt) {
    stmt.execute(function(err, result) {
      console.log("Column Names = ", result.getColumnNamesSync());
      console.log("Column Meta Data = ", result.getColumnMetadataSync());
      console.log("Fetched Data = ", result.fetchAllSync() );

30) .getSQLErrorSync()

Synchronously retrieve the sqlerror message and codes for last instruction executed on a statement handle using SQLGetDiagRec ODBC API. It operates on ODBCResult object.

  conn.querySync("insert into mytab1 values ( 5, 'abc')");
  conn.prepare("select * from mytab1", function (err, stmt) {
    stmt.execute(function(err, result) {
      console.log("Fetched Data = ", result.fetchAllSync() );
      console.log("SQLError = ", result.getSQLErrorSync());

31) .debug(value)

Enable console logs.

  • value - true/false.
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db")
  , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";

ibmdb.debug(true);  // **==> ENABLE CONSOLE LOGS. <==**

[](#openApi)(cn, function (err, connection) {
    if (err)
    connection.query("select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1", function (err1, rows) {
        if (err1) console.log(err1);
        else console.log(rows);

        ibmdb.debug(false);  // Disable console logs.

        connection.close(function(err2) {
            if(err2) console.log(err2);

Create and Drop Database APIs

.createDbSync(dbName, connectionString, [options])

To create a database (dbName) through Node.js application.

  • dbName - The database name.
  • connectionString - The connection string for your database instance.
  • options - OPTIONAL - Object type.
    • codeSet - Database code set information.
    • mode - Database logging mode (applicable only to "IDS data servers").
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db");
// Connection string without "DATABASE" keyword and value.
var cn = "HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password";


var createDB = ibmdb.createDbSync(DB_NAME, cn);

if(createDB) {
  console.log("Database created successfully.");
  // Connection string with newly created "DATABASE" name.
	var conStr = cn + ";" + "DATABASE=" + DB_NAME;, function(err, conn) {
		if(err) console.log(err);
		else console.log("Database connection opened.");

Note: This API is not supported for Db2 on z/OS servers. Given that connection to Db2 on z/OS is to a specific subsystem, this API is not applicable.

.dropDbSync(dbName, connectionString)

To drop a database (dbName) through node.js application.

  • dbName - The database name.
  • connectionString - The connection string for your database instance.
var ibmdb = require("ibm_db");
// Connection string without "DATABASE" keyword and value.
var cn = "HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password";


var dropDB = ibmdb.dropDbSync(DB_NAME, cn);

if(dropDB) {
  console.log("Database dropped successfully.");

Note: This API is not supported for Db2 on z/OS servers. Given that connection to Db2 on z/OS is to a specific subsystem, this API is not applicable.

Connection Pooling APIs

node-ibm_db reuses node-odbc pool. The node-odbc Pool is a rudimentary connection pool which will attempt to have database connections ready and waiting for you when you call the open method.

If you use a Pool instance, any connection that you close will get added to the list of available connections immediately. Such connection will be used the next time you call for the same connection string.

For applications using multiple connections simultaneously, it is recommended to use instead of

  1. .open(connectionString, callback)
  2. .close(callback)
  3. .init(N, connStr)
  4. .setMaxPoolSize(N)

1) .open(connectionString, callback)

Get a Database instance which is already connected to connectionString

  • connectionString - The connection string for your database
  • callback - callback (err, db)
var Pool = require("ibm_db").Pool
	, pool = new Pool()
    , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function (err, db) {
	if (err) {
		return console.log(err);

	//db is now an open database connection and can be used like normal
	//if we run some queries with db.query(...) and then call db.close();
	//a connection to `cn` will be re-opened silently behind the scene
	//and will be ready the next time we do ``

2) .close(callback)

Close all connections in the Pool instance

  • callback - callback (err)
var Pool = require("ibm_db").Pool
	, pool = new Pool()
    , cn = "DATABASE=dbname;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=dbuser;PWD=xxx";, function (err, db) {
	if (err) {
		return console.log(err);

	//db is now an open database connection and can be used like normal
	//but all we will do now is close the whole pool

	pool.close(function () {
		console.log("all connections in the pool are closed");

3) .init(N, connStr)

Initialize Pool with N no of active connections using supplied connection string.

  • N - No of connections to be initialized.
  • connStr - The connection string for your database
var ret = pool.init(5, connStr);
if(ret != true)
    return false;
}, function(err, db) { ...

4) .setMaxPoolSize(N)

Number of maximum connection to database supported by current pool.

  • N - No of maximum connections in the pool.
pool.setMaxPoolSize(20);, function(err, db) { ...


Bind arguments for each parameter marker(?) in SQL query. These parameters can be used with query(), querySync, bind(), execute() APIs. bindingParameters is an array of Values like: [val1, val2, ...] Each value in itself can be an array or Object holing multiple bind options. If parameters are not an integer or string, it is recomended to pass an Object with different bind options. The object can have following keys:

{"ParamType":"INOUT", CType:"BINARY", SQLType:"BLOB",DataType: "BLOB", Data:imgfile, Length:50}

Either SQLType or DataType must be used. If SQLType is used, DataType will be ignored.

  • ParmType: Type of the Parameter. Supported Values are:
  • INPUT - Bind the parameter using SQL_PARAM_INPUT(defined in ibm_db/installer/clidriver/include/sqlext.h file). It is used as input value and it is the default value, if you don't use this key in object.
  • OUTPUT - Bind the parameter using SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT. It is basically used for Stored Procedure call which has output parameters.
  • INOUT - Bind the parameter using SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT. It is also used for Stored Procedure call.
  • FILE - It tells the Data is a filename that contains actual data to load. If you want to load an image to database, use this input type along with DataType as BLOB for binary file. f.e. {ParamType: "FILE", DataType: "BLOB", Data: "mypic.jpg"}
  • CType: C Data type of the parameter to be bound. Default value is CHAR.

  • SQLType: Data type of the parameter on Server. It is actually the column Type of the parameter. Default value is CHAR

  • DataType: Same as SQLType. Use either SQLType or DataType. Added for simple name. Default Value is CHAR.

  • Data: Its value is actuall data for the parameter. For binary data, it should represent the full buffer containing binary data. For ParamType:"FILE", it must have the filename on disc that contains data. It is mandatory key in the data Object.

  • Length: It denotes the buffer length in byte to store the OUT Pamameter value when ParamType is INOUT or OUTPUT in a Stored Procedure call..

  • Few example of bidningParameters that we can use in node.js program:

[18, 'string']
[3, 5, 3.8, 'string', 9.1]
[18, [1, 1, 1, 'string']]
[[1, 1, 1, 18], [1, 1, 1, 'string']]
[18, {ParamType:"INPUT", "Data": "string"}]
[18, {ParamType:"INPUT", CType: "CHAR", SQLType: "CHAR", "Data": "string"}]
[38, {ParamType:"INPUT", SQLType: "CHAR", "Data": "string"}]
[38, {ParamType:"INPUT", DataType: "CHAR", "Data": "string"}]
[[1,1,1,38], {"Data": "string"}]
[38, {ParamType:"INPUT", DataType: "CLOB", "Data": var1}] - here var1 contains full CLOB data to be inserted.
[38, {ParamType:"FILE", DataType: "CLOB", "Data": filename}] - here filename is the name of file which has large character data.

The values in array parameters used in above example is not recommened to use as it is dificult to understand. These values are macro values from ODBC specification and we can directly use those values. To understand it, see the SQLBindParameter documentation for DB2.

Pass bind parameters as Object if you want to insert a BLOB or CLOB data to DB2. Check below test files to know how to insert a BLOB and CLOB data from buffer and file:

  • test-blob-insert.js - To insert a BLOB and CLOB data using memory buffer. Application need to read the file contents and then use as bind parameter.
  • test-blob-file.js - To insert an image file and large text file directly to database without reading it by application.

CALL Statement

  • If stored procedure has any OUT or INOUT parameter, always call it with parmeter markers only. i.e. pass the input values using bind params.

  • Pass the Bind Params as objects only.

  • If SP has result set to return, it will be returned in the array after out params. f.e. if SP has 2 out params and it returns 2 result set too, the result returned by query() or querySync() would be in the form [outValue1, outValue2, resultSet1, resultSet2]. Each resultset would be an array of row objects.

  • test-call-stmt.js - Example using conn.querySync().

  • test-call-async.js - Example using conn.query().

  • test-sp-resultset.js - Example using Out Params and Result Set using query() and querySync() APIs.

  • test-sp-resultset-execute.js - Example using Out Params and Result Set using prepare() and execute() APIs.