diff --git a/spec.bs b/spec.bs
index 49842c8..ba52a04 100644
--- a/spec.bs
+++ b/spec.bs
@@ -254,8 +254,6 @@ The {{SharedStorageWorklet}} object allows developers to supply [=module scripts
@@ -271,7 +269,7 @@ The {{SharedStorageWorklet}} object allows developers to supply [=module scripts
Each {{SharedStorageWorklet}} has an associated boolean addModule initiated, initialized to false.
-Each {{SharedStorageWorklet}} has an associated {{SharedStorageDataOrigin}} data origin, initialized to `"context-origin"`.
+Each {{SharedStorageWorklet}} has an associated {{DOMString}} data origin, initialized to `"context-origin"`.
Each {{SharedStorageWorklet}} has an associated boolean has cross-origin data origin, initialized to false.
@@ -314,6 +312,10 @@ When {{Worklet/addModule()}} is called for a worklet, it will run [=check if add
1. Set |worklet|'s [=addModule initiated=] to true.
1. Let |workletDataOrigin| be the [=current settings object=]'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
1. If |worklet|'s [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=] is `"script-origin"`, set |workletDataOrigin| to |moduleURLRecord|'s [=url/origin=].
+ 1. Otherwise, if |worklet|'s [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=] is not `"context-origin"`:
+ 1. Let |customOriginUrl| be the result of running a [=URL parser=] on |worklet|'s [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=].
+ 1. If |customOriginUrl| is not a valid [=/URL=], return "DisallowedDueToNonPreferenceError".
+ 1. Set |workletDataOrigin| to |customOriginUrl|'s [=url/origin=].
1. Let |hasCrossOriginDataOrigin| be false.
1. If |workletDataOrigin| and the [=current settings object=]'s [=environment settings object/origin=] are not [=same origin=], then set |hasCrossOriginDataOrigin| to true.
1. Let |allowedInOpaqueOriginContext| be |hasCrossOriginDataOrigin|.
@@ -628,10 +630,14 @@ Moreover, each {{SharedStorageWorklet}}'s [=global scopes|list of global scopes=
1. If |workletGlobalScope| is not {{SharedStorageWorkletGlobalScope}}, return |origin|.
1. [=Assert=] that |worklet| is a {{SharedStorageWorklet}}.
1. If |worklet|'s [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=] is `"context-origin"`, return outsideSettings's [=environment settings object/origin=].
- 1. Let |pendingAddedModules| be a [=list/clone=] of |worklet|'s [=added modules list=].
- 1. [=Assert=]: |pendingAddedModules|'s [=list/size=] is 1.
- 1. Let |moduleURL| be |pendingAddedModules|[0].
- 1. Return |moduleURL|'s [=url/origin=].
+ 1. Otherwise, if [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=] is `"script-origin"`:
+ 1. Let |pendingAddedModules| be a [=list/clone=] of |worklet|'s [=added modules list=].
+ 1. [=Assert=]: |pendingAddedModules|'s [=list/size=] is 1.
+ 1. Let |moduleURL| be |pendingAddedModules|[0].
+ 1. Return |moduleURL|'s [=url/origin=].
+ 1. Otherwise, let |customOriginUrl| be the result of running a [=URL parser=] on [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=].
+ 1. [=Assert=] |customOriginUrl| is a valid [=/URL=].
+ 1. Return |customOriginUrl|'s [=url/origin=].
@@ -687,6 +693,55 @@ Moreover, each {{SharedStorageWorklet}}'s [=global scopes|list of global scopes=
This rationale also applies to the handling for user preferences error for {{SharedStorageWorklet/selectURL()}} and {{SharedStorageWorklet/run()}}.
+ After the step "Let addedSuccessfully be false", we need to include the following step:
+ 4. If |this| is of type {{SharedStorageWorklet}}, [=SharedStorageWorklet/has cross-origin data origin=] is true, and [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=] is not `"script-origin"`:
+ 1. [=Assert=] |pendingTasks| is 1.
+ 1. Set |pendingTasks| to 2.
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=networking task source=] given workletGlobalScope to perform the following steps:
+ 1. Let |customOriginUrl| be the result of running a [=URL parser=] on [=SharedStorageWorklet/data origin=].
+ 1. [=Assert=] |customOriginUrl| is a valid [=/URL=].
+ 1. Set |customOriginUrl|'s [=url/path=] to ≪".well-known", "shared-storage", "trusted-origins"≫.
+ 1. Let |request| be a new [=/request=] whose [=request/URL=] is |customOriginUrl|, [=request/mode=] is `"cors"`, [=request/referrer=] is `"client"`, [=request/destination=] is `"json"`, [=request/initiator type=] is `"script"`, and [=request/client=] is |outsideSettings|.
+ 1. [=Fetch=] |request| with [=fetch/processResponseConsumeBody=] set to the following algorithm, given [=/response=] |response| and null, failurem or a [=/byte sequence=] |bodyBytes|:
+ 1. If any of the following are true:
+ * |bodyBytes| is null or failure; or
+ * |response|'s [=response/status=] is not an [=ok status=],
+ then:
+ 1. Set |pendingTasks| to −1.
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with an "TypeError" DOMException.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |mimeType| be the result of [=extracting a MIME type=] from |response|'s [=response/header list=].
+ 1. If |mimeType| is not a [=JSON MIME type=], then:
+ 1. Set |pendingTasks| to −1.
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with an "TypeError" DOMException.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |sourceText| be the result of [=UTF-8 decoding=] |bodyBytes|.
+ 1. Let |parsed| be the result of [=parsing a JSON string to an Infra value=] given |sourceText|.
+ 1. If |parsed| is not a [=list=] or if |parsed| is [=list/empty=], then:
+ 1. Set |pendingTasks| to −1.
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with an "TypeError" DOMException.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |doesMatch| be false.
+ 1. For each |item| of |parsed|:
+ 1. If |item| is not an [=ordered map=], then continue.
+ 1. If |item| does not [=map/contain=] `scriptOrigin` or |item| does not [=map/contain=] `contextOrigin`, then continue.
+ 1. Let |doesMatch| be the result of running [=check for script and context origin match=] on |item|[`scriptOrigin`], moduleURLRecord's [=url/origin=], |item|[`contextOrigin`], and |outsideSettings|'s [=environment settings object/origin=].
+ 1. If |doesMatch| is true:
+ 1. [=Queue a global task=] on the [=networking task source=] given |this|'s [=relevant global object=] to perform the following steps:
+ 1. If |pendingTasks| is not −1, then:
+ 1. Set |pendingTasks| to |pendingTasks| − 1.
+ 1. If |pendingTasks| is 0, perform the following steps:
+ 1. If |workletGlobalScope| has an associated boolean [=addModule success=], set |workletGlobalScope|'s [=addModule success=] to true.
+ 1. [=Resolve=] |promise|.
+ 1. Break.
+ 1. If |doesMatch| is false, then:
+ 1. Set |pendingTasks| to −1.
+ 1. [=Reject=] |promise| with an "TypeError" DOMException.
The penultimate step (i.e. the final indented step), currently "If |pendingTasks| is 0, then [=resolve=] |promise|.", should be updated to:
2. If |pendingTasks| is 0, perform the following steps:
@@ -723,6 +778,36 @@ Moreover, each {{SharedStorageWorklet}}'s [=global scopes|list of global scopes=
time, each with a different batching scope and debug scope. However,
only one can be currently executing.
+ A trusted origin type is a [=string=] or [=list=] of [=strings=].
+ To check for script and context origin match, given [=trusted origin type=] |itemScriptOrigin|, [=url/origin=] |actualScriptOrigin|, [=trusted origin type=] |itemContextOrigin|, and [=environment settings object/origin=] |actualContextOrigin|, peform the following steps:
+ 1. If the result of running [=check for trusted origin match=], given |itemScriptOrigin| and |actualScriptOrigin| is false, return false.
+ 1. Return the result of running [=check for trusted origin match=], given |itemContextOrigin| and |actualContextOrigin|.
+ To check for trusted origin match, given [=trusted origin type=] |itemOrigin| and [=url/origin=] |actualOrigin|, peform the following steps:
+ 1. If |itemOrigin| is a [=string=], return the result of running [=check for trusted origin match on a string=], given |itemOrigin| and |actualOrigin|.
+ 1. Otherwise, for each |originString| in |itemOrigin|:
+ 1. If the result of running [=check for trusted origin match on a string=] given |originString| and |actualOrigin| is true, return true.
+ 1. Return false.
+ To check for trusted origin match on a string, given [=string=] |itemOrigin| and [=url/origin=] |actualOrigin|, peform the following steps:
+ 1. If |itemOrigin| is `"*"`, return true.
+ 1. Let |itemOriginUrl| be the result of running a [=URL parser=] on |itemOrigin|.
+ 1. If |itemOriginUrl| is not a valid [=/URL=], then return false.
+ 1. If |itemOriginUrl|'s [=url/origin=] and |actualOrigin| are [=same origin=], return true.
+ 1. Otherwise, return false.
Add additional monkey patch pieces for out-of-process worklets.
## The {{SharedStorageWorkletGlobalScope}} ## {#global-scope}
@@ -1323,7 +1408,7 @@ On the other hand, methods for getting data from the [=shared storage database=]
dictionary SharedStorageWorkletOptions : WorkletOptions {
- SharedStorageDataOrigin dataOrigin = "context-origin";
+ DOMString dataOrigin = "context-origin";
@@ -1727,9 +1812,10 @@ The IDL attribute {{HTMLSharedStorageWritableElementUtils/sharedStorageWritable}
1. [=Assert=] that |dataOriginUrl| is not failure.
1. [=Assert=] that |request|'s [=request/origin=] is not "