- Let's create a command:
namespace Acme\Foo\Command;
use Prooph\Common\Messaging\Command;
use Prooph\Common\Messaging\PayloadConstructable;
use Prooph\Common\Messaging\PayloadTrait;
use Prooph\ServiceBus\Async\AsyncMessage;
final class RenameUser extends Command implements PayloadConstructable, AsyncMessage
use PayloadTrait;
public static function withData($uuid, $firstname, $lastname)
return new self([
'uuid' => $uuid,
'firstname' => $firstname,
'lastname' => $lastname
- Create the handler:
/!\ The handler name and __invoke signature is important, since prooph give a message router which will automatically maps command to handler.
If you receive a message CommandBus was not able to identify a CommandHandler for command Acme\Foo\Command\RenameUser
it's because:
- You didn't register this handler has a service and tag it with command bus router.
- Signature of __invoke method isn't valid.
- Delete the cache, the route mapper is in a compiler pass.
namespace Acme\Foo\CommandHandler;
use Acme\Foo\Command\RenameUser;
final class RenameUserHandler
public function __invoke(RenameUser $command)
// get the user from repository
// rename it
// save user on repositoryj
- Register the handler service
class: Acme\Foo\CommandHandler\RenameUserHandler
public: true
# create tag for each command bus this handler should be registered.
- { name: 'prooph_service_bus.synchronous_command_bus.route_target', message_detection: true }
That's done
$bus = $kernel->getContainer()->get('prooph_service_bus.synchronous_bus');
$bus->dispatch(Acme\Foo\Command\RenameUser::withData('uuid here ...', 'john', 'doe'));