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A general python library for visual tracking algorithms.

Table of Contents

Running a tracker

The installation script will automatically generate a local configuration file "evaluation/". In case the file was not generated, run evaluation.environment.create_default_local_file() to generate it. Next, set the paths to the datasets you want to use for evaluations. You can also change the path to the networks folder, and the path to the results folder, if you do not want to use the default paths. If all the dependencies have been correctly installed, you are set to run the trackers.

The toolkit provides many ways to run a tracker.

Run the tracker on webcam feed
This is done using the run_webcam script. The arguments are the name of the tracker, and the name of the parameter file. You can select the object to track by drawing a bounding box. Note: It is possible to select multiple targets to track!

python tracker_name parameter_name    

Run the tracker on some dataset sequence
This is done using the run_tracker script.

python tracker_name parameter_name --dataset_name dataset_name --sequence sequence --debug debug --threads threads

Here, the dataset_name is the name of the dataset used for evaluation, e.g. otb. See for the list of datasets which are supported. The sequence can either be an integer denoting the index of the sequence in the dataset, or the name of the sequence, e.g. 'Soccer'. The debug parameter can be used to control the level of debug visualizations. threads parameter can be used to run on multiple threads.

Run the tracker on a set of datasets
This is done using the run_experiment script. To use this, first you need to create an experiment setting file in pytracking/experiments. See for reference.

python experiment_module experiment_name --dataset_name dataset_name --sequence sequence  --debug debug --threads threads

Here, experiment_module is the name of the experiment setting file, e.g. myexperiments , and experiment_name is the name of the experiment setting, e.g. atom_nfs_uav .

Run the tracker on a video file
This is done using the run_video script.

python tracker_name parameter_name videofile --optional_box optional_box --debug debug

Here, videofile is the path to the video file. You can either draw the box by hand or provide it directly in the optional_box argument.


The tookit consists of the following sub-modules.

  • analysis: Contains scripts to analyse tracking performance, e.g. obtain success plots, compute AUC score. It also contains a script to playback saved results for debugging.
  • evaluation: Contains the necessary scripts for running a tracker on a dataset. It also contains integration of a number of standard tracking and video object segmentation datasets, namely OTB-100, NFS, UAV123, Temple128, TrackingNet, GOT-10k, LaSOT, LaSOTExtSub, VOT, Temple Color 128, OxUvA, DAVIS, and YouTube-VOS.
  • experiments: The experiment setting files must be stored here,
  • features: Contains tools for feature extraction, data augmentation and wrapping networks.
  • libs: Includes libraries for optimization, dcf, etc.
  • notebooks Jupyter notebooks to analyze tracker performance.
  • parameter: Contains the parameter settings for different trackers.
  • tracker: Contains the implementations of different trackers.
  • util_scripts: Some util scripts for e.g. generating packed results for evaluation on GOT-10k and TrackingNet evaluation servers, downloading pre-computed results.
  • utils: Some util functions.
  • VOT: VOT Integration.


The toolkit contains the implementation of the following trackers.


The official implementation for RTS (paper).
The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.rts.
The trained models of RTS and STA can be found at this url.

Parameter Files

One parameter settings is provided.

  • rts50: This set of parameters was used to generate all results using a ResNet50 backbone.


The official implementation for ToMP (paper).
The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.tomp.
The trained models of ToMP and the base tracker can be found at tomp50.pth.tar and tomp101.pth.tar.

Parameter Files

Two parameter settings are provided.

  • tomp50: This set of parameters was used to generate all results using a ResNet50 backbone.
  • tomp101: This set of parameters was used to generate all results using a ResNet101 backbone.


The official implementation for KeepTrack (paper).
The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.keep_track.
The trained models of KeepTrack and the base tracker can be found at keep_track.pth.tar and super_dimp_simple.pth.tar.

Parameter Files

Two parameter settings are provided.

  • default: The default parameter setting was used to generate all results with SuperDiMP as base tracker.
  • default_fast: The parameter setting for the speed optimized version that employs 3 instead of 10 box refinement iterations, a smaller search area, and a higher threshold for candidate detection of 0.1.


The official implementation for the LWL tracker (paper). The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.lwl.

Parameter Files

Two parameter settings are provided. These can be used to reproduce the results or as a starting point for your exploration.

  • lwl_ytvos: The default parameter setting with ResNet-50 backbone which was used to generate YouTubeVOS results.
  • lwl_boxinit: The parameters settings used to generate results with bounding box initialization on YouTubeVOS and DAVIS datasets.


The official implementation for the KYS tracker (paper). The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.kys.

Parameter Files
  • default: The default parameter setting with ResNet-50 backbone which was used to produce all results in the paper, except on VOT and LaSOT.
  • default_vot: The parameters settings used to generate the VOT2018 results in the paper.


The official implementation for the DiMP tracker (paper) and PrDiMP tracker (paper). The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.dimp.

Parameter Files
  • dimp18: The default parameter setting with ResNet-18 backbone which was used to produce all DiMP-18 results in the paper, except on VOT.
  • dimp18_vot: The parameters settings used to generate the DiMP-18 VOT2018 results in the paper.
  • dimp50: The default parameter setting with ResNet-50 backbone which was used to produce all DiMP-50 results in the paper, except on VOT.
  • dimp50_vot: The parameters settings used to generate the DiMP-50 VOT2018 results in the paper.
  • prdimp18: The default parameter setting with ResNet-18 backbone which was used to produce all PrDiMP-18 results in the paper, except on VOT.
  • prdimp50: The default parameter setting with ResNet-50 backbone which was used to produce all PrDiMP-50 results in the paper, except on VOT.
  • super_dimp: Combines the bounding-box regressor of PrDiMP with the standard DiMP classifier and better training and inference settings.

The difference between the VOT and the non-VOT settings stems from the fact that the VOT protocol measures robustness in a very different manner compared to other benchmarks. In most benchmarks, it is highly important to be able to robustly redetect the target after e.g. an occlusion or brief target loss. On the other hand, in VOT the tracker is reset if the prediction does not overlap with the target on a single frame. This is then counted as a tracking failure. The capability of recovering after target loss is meaningless in this setting. The dimp18_vot and dimp50_vot settings thus focuses on avoiding target loss in the first place, while sacrificing re-detection ability.


The official implementation for the ATOM tracker (paper). The tracker implementation file can be found at tracker.atom.

Parameter Files
  • default: The default parameter setting that was used to produce all ATOM results in the paper, except on VOT.
  • default_vot: The parameters settings used to generate the VOT2018 results in the paper.
  • multiscale_no_iounet: Baseline setting that uses simple multiscale search instead of IoU-Net. Can be run on CPU.
  • atom_prob_ml: ATOM with the probabilistic bounding box regression proposed in this paper.
  • atom_gmm_sampl: The baseline ATOM* setting evaluated in this paper.


An unofficial implementation of the ECO tracker can be found at


The analysis module contains several scripts to analyze tracking performance on standard datasets. It can be used to obtain Precision and Success plots, compute AUC, OP, and Precision scores. The module includes utilities to perform per sequence analysis of the trackers. Further, it includes a script to visualize pre-computed tracking results. Check notebooks/analyze_results.ipynb for examples on how to use the analysis module.


The pytracking repository includes some general libraries for implementing and developing different kinds of visual trackers, including deep learning based, optimization based and correlation filter based. The following libs are included:

  • Optimization: Efficient optimizers aimed for online learning, including the Gauss-Newton and Conjugate Gradient based optimizer used in ATOM.
  • Complex: Complex tensors and operations for PyTorch, which can be used for DCF trackers.
  • Fourier: Fourier tools and operations, which can be used for implementing DCF trackers.
  • DCF: Some general tools for DCF trackers.


All trackers support Visdom for debug visualizations. To use visdom, start the visdom server from a seperate command line:


Run the tracker with the debug argument > 0. The debug output from the tracker can be accessed by going to http://localhost:8097 in your browser. Further, you can pause the execution of the tracker, or step through frames using keyboard inputs.


VOT Integration

Python Toolkit (VOT 2020)

Install the vot-python-toolkit and set up the workspace, as described in An example tracker description file to integrate a tracker in the vot-toolkit is provided at VOT/trackers.ini.

MATLAB Toolkit (VOT 2014-2019)

An example configuration file to integrate the trackers in the VOT toolkit is provided at VOT/tracker_DiMP.m. Copy the configuration file to your VOT workspace and set the paths in the configuration file. You need to install TraX in order to run the trackers on VOT. This can be done with the following commands.

cd VOT_TOOLKIT_PATH/native/trax
mkdir build
cd build

See for more details about TraX.

Integrating a new tracker

To implement a new tracker, create a new module in "tracker" folder with name your_tracker_name. This folder must contain the implementation of your tracker. Note that your tracker class must inherit from the base tracker class tracker.base.BaseTracker. The "" inside your tracker folder must contain the following lines,

from .tracker_file import TrackerClass

def get_tracker_class():
    return TrackerClass

Here, TrackerClass is the name of your tracker class. See the file for DiMP as reference.

Next, you need to create a folder "parameter/your_tracker_name", where the parameter settings for the tracker should be stored. The parameter file shall contain a parameters() function that returns a TrackerParams struct. See the default parameter file for DiMP as an example.