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File metadata and controls

614 lines (402 loc) · 19.8 KB

Link Control

Renders a link control. A link control is a controlled input which maintains a value associated with a link (HTML anchor element) and relevant settings for how that link is expected to behave.

It is designed to provide a standardized UI for the creation of a link throughout the Editor, see History section at bottom for further background.

Best Practices

Ensuring unique instances

It is possible that a given editor may render multiple instances of the <LinkControl> component. As a result, it is important to ensure each instance is unique across the editor to avoid state "leaking" between components.

Why would this happen?

React's reconciliation algorithm means that if you return the same element from a component, it keeps the nodes around as an optimization, even if the props change. This means that if you render two (or more) <LinkControl>s, it is possible that the value from one will appear in the other as you move between them.

As a result it is recommended that consumers provide a key prop to each instance of <LinkControl>:

<LinkControl key="some-unique-key" { ...props } />

This will cause React to return the same component/element type but force remount a new instance, thus avoiding the issues described above.

For more information see: #34742.

Relationship to <URLInput>

As of Gutenberg 7.4, <LinkControl> became the default link creation interface within the Block Editor, replacing previous disparate uses of <URLInput> and standardizing the UI.

Nonetheless, it should be remembered that <LinkControl> builds on top of <URLInput> and makes use of it under the hood.

The distinction between the two components is perhaps best summarized by the following definitions:

  • <URLInput> - an input for presenting and managing selection behaviors associated with choosing a URL, optionally from a pool of available candidates.
  • <LinkControl> - includes the features of <URLInput>, plus additional UI and behaviors to control how this URL applies to the concept of a "link". This includes link "settings" (eg: "opens in new tab", etc) and dynamic, "on the fly" link creation capabilities.

Persistent "Advanced" (settings) toggle state

By default the link "settings" are hidden and can be toggled open/closed by way of a button labelled Advanced in the UI.

In some circumstances if may be desirable to persist the toggle state of this portion of the UI so that it remains in the last state triggered by user interaction.

For example, once the user has toggled the UI to "open", then it may remain open across all links on the site until such time as the user toggles the UI back again.

Consumers who which to take advantage of this functionality should ensure that their block editor environment utilizes the @wordpress/preferences package. By default the <LinkControl> component will attempt to persist the state of UI to a setting named linkControlSettingsDrawer with a scope of core/block-editor. If the preferences package is not available then local state is used and the setting will not be persisted.

Search Suggestions

When creating links the LinkControl component will handle two kinds of input from users:

  1. Entity searches - the user may input free-text based search queries for entities retrieved from remote data sources (in the context of WordPress these are post-type entities). For example, a user might search for a Page they have just created by name (eg: About) and the UI will return a matching result if found.
  2. Direct entry - the user may also enter any arbitrary URL-like text. This includes full URLs (https://), URL fragements (eg: #myinternallink), tel protocol links (eg: tel: 0800 1234) and mailto protocol links (eg: mailto: [email protected]).

In addition, <LinkControl> also allows for on the fly creation of links based on the current content of the <input> element. When enabled, a default "Create new" search suggestion is appended to all non-URL-like search results.

When this suggestion is selected it will call the createSuggestion prop affording the developer the ability to create new links on the fly (the Navigation Block uses this to allow creation of Pages from within the Block). See below for more details.

Data sources

By default LinkControl utilizes the __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions API from core/block-editor in order to retrieve search suggestions for matching post-type entities.

By default this provides no functionality and so you must implement and provide this in your own Editor instance (example).



  • Type: Object
  • Required: No

Current link value.

A link value is composed of a union between the values of default link properties and any custom link settings.

The resulting default properties of value include:

  • url (string): Link URL.
  • title (string, optional): Link title.
  • opensInNewTab (boolean, optional): Whether link should open in a new browser tab. This value is only assigned when not providing a custom settings prop.

Note: <LinkControl> maintains an internal state tracking temporary user edits to the link value prior to submission. To avoid unwanted synchronization of this internal value, it is advised that the value prop is stablized (likely via memozation) before it is passed to the component. This will avoid unwanted loss of any changes users have may made whilst interacting with the control.

const memoizedValue = useMemo(
	() => ( {
		url: attributes.url,
		type: attributes.type,
		opensInNewTab: === '_blank',
		title: attributes.text,
	} ),

	value={ memoizedValue }


  • Type: Array
  • Required: No
  • Default:
		id: 'opensInNewTab',
		title: 'Open in new tab',

An array of settings objects associated with a link (for example: a setting to determine whether or not the link opens in a new tab). Each object will be used to render a ToggleControl for that setting.

To disable settings, pass in an empty array. for example:

<LinkControl settings={ [] } />


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

Value change handler, called with the updated value if the user selects a new link or updates settings.

	onChange={ ( nextValue ) => {
		console.log( `The selected item URL: ${ nextValue.url }.` );
	} }


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true

Whether to present suggestions when typing the URL.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

Whether to present initial suggestions immediately.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: No

Controls the query parameters used to search for suggestions. For example, to limit a query to just Page types use:

	suggestionsQuery={ {
		type: 'post',
		subtype: 'page',
	} }


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No

Controls the internal editing state of the component. If passed as either true or false will respectively show or hide the URL input field.


  • Type: function
  • Required: No
  • Returns: When called may return either a new suggestion directly or a Promise which resolves to a new suggestion.

Used to handle the dynamic creation of a new suggestion (and ultimately new link value) within the Link UI.

When provided, an option is appended to all search results requests which when clicked will call the createSuggestion callback (passing the current value of the search <input>). This affords the parent component the opportunity to dynamically create a new link suggestion (see above).

This suggestion will then be automatically passed to the onChange handler to create the next link value.

As a result of the above, this prop is often used to allow on the fly creation of new entities (eg: Posts, Pages) based on the text the user has entered into the link search UI. As an example, the Navigation Block uses createSuggestion to create Pages on the fly from within the Block itself.


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: null

An optional handler, which when passed will trigger the display of an Unlink UI within the control. This handler is expected to remove the current value of the control thus resetting it back to a default state. The key use case for this is allowing users to remove a link from the control without relying on there being an "unlink" control in the block toolbar.

Search suggestion values

A suggestion should have the following shape:

	id: // uniquely identifies the suggestion.
	type: // the type of the suggestion (eg: `post`).
	title: // human-readable label for the suggestion.
	url: // any string representing a URL value


// Promise example
	createSuggestion={ async (inputText) => {
        // Hard coded values. These could be dynamically created by calling out to an API which creates an entity (eg:
		return {
			id: 1234,
			type: 'page',
			title: inputText,
			url: '/some-url-here'

// Non-Promise example
	createSuggestion={ (inputText) => (
			id: 1234,
			type: 'page',
			title: inputText,
			url: '/some-url-here'


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: null

A render prop that can be used to pass optional controls to be rendered at the bottom of the component.


The search input used by LinkControl. It is a wrapper over <URLInput /> that caters it to LinkControl's needs.



  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true

The opposite of noDirectEntry from LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: Element
  • Required: No

If passed, children are rendered after the input.

	<HStack justify="right">
			label={ __( 'Submit' ) }
			icon={ keyboardReturn }


  • Type: string
  • Required: No
  • Default: null

Passed verbatim to URLInput, refer to it's for more details.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: No
  • Default: {}

The same as value in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

Custom search handler for suggestions. If specified, it's passed to URLInput as __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions, if not, the default handler is used.

Refer to URLInput's for more details about __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions and see the createSuggestion section of this file to learn more about suggestions.


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

Value change handler passed to the underlying <URLInput />. Refer to URLInput's for more details.


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

By default, when there are no matching results, LinkControlSearchInput proposes creating a new page by rendering a suggestion with { type: __CREATE__, title: <<User input>> } properties. This function is called when that suggestion is selected.

See the createSuggestion section of this file to learn more about suggestions.

    onCreateSuggestion={( inputValue ) => {
        createNewPage( inputValue );


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No

Suggestion selection handler, called when the user chooses one of the suggested items with selectedValues as the argument.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

Passed verbatim to URLInput, refer to it's for more details.


  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: (props) => <LinkControlSearchResults {...props} />

Function used to render search suggestions. It is decorated with extra properties and passed to URLInput as __experimentalRenderSuggestions.

The following properties are provided by URLInput:

  • buildSuggestionItemProps
  • handleSuggestionClick
  • isInitialSuggestions
  • isLoading
  • suggestions
  • selectedSuggestion
  • suggestionsListProps
  • currentInputValue

The following extra properties are provided by LinkControlSearchInput:

  • createSuggestionButtonText
  • handleSuggestionClick
  • instanceId
  • suggestionsQuery
  • withCreateSuggestion

See the createSuggestion section of this file to learn more about suggestions.

    renderSuggestions={( { suggestions } ) => {
        return (
            <Popover focusOnMount={ false } placement="bottom">
                    { () => ( <li key={ `${ }-${ suggestion.type }` }>{ suggestion.title }</li> ) ) }
    renderSuggestions={( suggestionsProps ) => {
        return (
            <Popover focusOnMount={ false } placement="bottom">
                <LinkControlSearchResults { ...suggestionsProps } />


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: No
  • Default: {}

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: true

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

Passed verbatim to URLInput, refer to it's for more details.


The list of search results used by LinkControlSearchInput.



  • Type: Function
  • Required: Yes

Function that takes suggestion and index as arguments, and returns HTML props of the suggestion item. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by URLInput.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes

Current value of the related search input, used e.g. for highlighting matching part of the page title. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by LinkControlSearchInput.


  • Type: Function
  • Required: Yes

Called with suggestion as the argument, when said suggestion is clicked by the user. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by LinkControlSearchInput.

See the createSuggestion section of this file to learn more about suggestions.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes

Unique ID of parent component, used for the aria-label property. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by LinkControlSearchInput.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: Yes

Whether the suggestions are being fetched at the moment. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by URLInput.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No

Whether this component was rendered to show initial suggestions (the ones displayed right after mounting, before the user begins interacting with LinkControl).


  • Type: Object
  • Required: Yes

The suggestions that is currently selected. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by LinkControlSearchInput.


  • Type: Array
  • Required: Yes

The list of suggestions to render. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by URLInput.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: No

List of additional HTML properties passed to the element wrapping the list of suggestions. When this component is used with LinkControlSearchInput, this property is provided by URLInput.


  • Type: string
  • Required: No

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: Object
  • Required: No

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No

The same as in LinkControl, refer to an earlier section of this README file for more details.


A single suggestion rendered by LinkControlSearchResults.



  • Type: Object
  • Required: No

A list of extra HTML properties for the root element rendered by this component.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

Whether this item represents a selected suggestion.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

Whether this item represents a suggestion referring to a URL (e.g. post, page).


  • Type: Function
  • Required: Yes

Click handler, called with click event as the only argument.


  • Type: string
  • Required: Yes

The search term as specified by the user. Used for highlighting the matching part of the suggestion title.


  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

If true, type of the suggestion is rendered (e.g. post, tag)


  • Type: Object
  • Required: Yes

The suggestion to render.

See the createSuggestion section of this file to learn more about suggestions.


Much of the context for this component can be found in the original Issue.

Previously iterations of a hyperlink UI existed within the Gutenberg interface but these tended to be highly tailored to their individual use cases and were not standardized, each having their own implementation.

These older UIs tended to make use of two existing components: URLInput and URLPopover. When a requirement was raised to implement a new UI for hyperlink creation, an assessment of these existing components was undertaken and it was determined that they were too opinionated as to be easily refactored to accommodate the new use cases required by the new UI. Attempting to do so would also have meant unavoidable breaking changes to the interface of URLInput which would have (most probably) caused breaking changes to ripple across not only the Core codebase, but also that of 3rd party Plugins.

As a result, it was agreed that a new component LinkControl would be created to realise the new hyperlink creation interface. This new UI would begin life as an experimental component which would consume URLInput internally. The API of URLInput would be enhanced as required with "experimental" features to facilitate the implementation of the new UI.