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This section provides a brief overview of the ROS API (ie: topics, services and actions) of MotoROS2.

Note: only the non-namespaced and non-prefixed names are shown here.

Action servers


Type: control_msgs/action/FollowJointTrajectory

Execute the trajectory submitted as part of the goal, under the conditions specified by the goal (only the goal_time_tolerance and goal_tolerance fields are supported by MotoROS2 in the current implementation).

MotoROS2 attempts to execute the motion encoded by the JointTrajectory as faithfully as possible. Due to requirements on the dynamics, accelerations specified are recalculated by MotoROS2 based on segment duration and velocities in each individual JointTrajectoryPoint.

Note: MotoROS2 has extended the possible set of values returned in the error_code field of the final action result. Returned error values are always of the form -ECCCCC, where E is the ROS defined error code and CCCCC is a MotoROS2 error code.

Example: error_code: -100101 decodes into -1 and 101, which would indicate the goal is invalid because there is an active alarm.

Actions called


Subscribed topics


Published topics


Type: sensor_msgs/msg/JointState

Joint state for all joints in all groups of the connected robot:

  • joint position (rad or metre)
  • joint velocity (rad/sec or metres/sec)
  • joint effort: torque for revolute joints (Nm), force for prismatic joints (N)


Joint states for the joints in a specific motion group (fi: r1, b1, s1, etc). One topic per configured motion group. JointState messages published on these topics will only contain information on the joints in the motion group.

This topic carries the same message type as the global joint_states topic.


Type: industrial_msgs/msg/RobotStatus

Aggregate controller/robot status (ie: drives enabled, motion possible, active error, etc).

Use this topic (in addition to the result_codes) to determine whether there are any error conditions preventing start_traj_mode from activating the servos and subsequently enabling trajectory mode.


Type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage

Standard ROS topic onto which TF transforms are broadcast.

Note: this topic is only namespaced if a namespace is configured and namespace_tf is set to true in the configuration file.



Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/ReadGroupIO

Retrieve the state/value of the addressed Group IO element.

Please refer to the documentation embedded in the service definition for more information about addressing and general service behaviour.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/ReadMRegister

Retrieve the value of the addressed M register.

Please refer to the documentation embedded in the service definition for more information about addressing and general service behaviour.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/ReadSingleIO

Retrieve the state/value of the addressed IO element.

Please refer to the documentation embedded in the service definition for more information about addressing and general service behaviour.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/ResetError

Attempt to reset controller errors and alarms.

Inspect the result_code field to determine the result of the invocation, and check the relevant fields of the RobotStatus messages to determine overall controller status.

Note: errors and alarms which require physical operator intervention (e-stops, etc) can not be reset by this service.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/StartTrajMode

Attempts to enable servo drives, activate trajectory mode, and set the job-cycle mode to allow execution of INIT_ROS. This allows the action server (follow_joint_trajectory, see below) to execute incoming FollowJointTrajectory action goals.

Note: this service may fail if controller state prevents it from transitioning to trajectory mode. Inspect the result_code to determine the cause. Check the relevant fields of the RobotStatus messages to determine overall controller status.

The reset_error service can be used to attempt to reset errors and alarms.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/StartPointQueueMode

Attempts to enable servo drives, activate the point-queue motion mode, and set the job-cycle mode to allow execution of INIT_ROS. This allows the queue_traj_point service (see below) to execute incoming QueueTrajPoint requests.

Note: this service may fail if controller state prevents it from transitioning to trajectory mode. Inspect the result_code to determine the cause. Check the relevant fields of the RobotStatus messages to determine overall controller status.

The reset_error service can be used to attempt to reset errors and alarms


Type: std_srvs/srv/Trigger

Attempt to deactivate motion mode. The servo drives will remain enabled, if they were enabled before this service was called.

This service will fail if called while motion is being executed.

To stop a currently executing FollowJointTrajectory motion, cancel the active goal (either using the action client which submitted it, or after inspecting the list of active goals of the action server and submitting a cancel request for a specific goal id).


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/QueueTrajPoint

Submit a JointTrajectoryPoint to be queued for continuous motion.

The start_point_queue_mode service must have been called prior to attempting to use this service.

If this service fails, inspect the QueueResultEnum field in the reply to determine the cause. The most common type of failure is BUSY. This is caused when the system is still processing a previously queued point.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/WriteGroupIO

Write a value to the addressed Group IO element.

Please refer to the documentation embedded in the service definition for more information about legal values, addressing and general service behaviour.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/WriteMRegister

Write a value to the addressed M register.

Please refer to the documentation embedded in the service definition for more information about legal values, addressing and general service behaviour.


Type: motoros2_interfaces/srv/WriteSingleIO

Write a value to the addressed IO element.

Please refer to the documentation embedded in the service definition for more information about legal values, addressing and general service behaviour.

Services called




Note: this documents ROS parameters, which are currently not supported.

Required TF transforms


Provided TF transforms

world → base

Transform from the origin of the Yaskawa BF to the origin of the current Yaskawa RF.

Note: the child frame base follows ROS-Industrial conventions, it is not the Yaskawa BF.

Note 2: this transform will not be correct for multi-robot setups (for example, an R1+R2 configuration) until the robot group(s) have been calibrated. See also Incorrect transform tree origin with multi-robot setups.

base → flange

Transform from Yaskawa RF to ROS-Industrial flange frame.

This frame's origin coincides with the Yaskawa flange, but is rotated such that it always follows REP-103 (ie: relative to the link, X+ is forward, Y+ left, Z+ up, instead of Z+ forward).

Attaching EEF models to this frame now becomes straightforward, as the frame orientation is always the same across different robots (with different zero poses).

flange → tool0

Transform from the ROS-Industrial flange frame to the ROS-Industrial tool0 frame (an "all zeros toolframe").

This frame coincides with the location and orientation of an unconfigured tool file on the Yaskawa controller, and will never change (ie: it's a static transform), not even if tool files are configured.

Note: this is not the same as Yaskawa's Tool No. 0 (ie: tool file 0). Only if that tool file is still unconfigured (ie: all zeros) would tool0 and tool file 0 coincide.

flange → tcp_N

Transform from ROS-Industrial flange to the currently active Yaskawa TCP.