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Aleksandar Adamovic edited this page Mar 7, 2015 · 5 revisions

Windows Phone Head Tracking

Based on the Android Implementation:

This uses OpenTrack UDP instead of FreePie UDP


  • Windows Phone 8.1 with Gyroscope
  • Way to mount the phone on your head


###Install OpenTrack

  1. Start OpenTrack app
  2. Set Tracker to UDP sender and set Port to 4242 (or any other port). Remember you may need to open this port up in your firewall.
  3. Set Protocol to freetrack 2.0
  4. Configure Center shortcut in Keys option
  5. Configure Mappings as outlined below (based on Android version)
  6. Click Start

Yaw mapping


Pitch mapping


Roll Mapping


Remapping Options


###Install Windows Phone App

  1. Download Windows Phone App and install:
  1. Start the App and enter your machine Ip Adress, the OpenTrack UDP port and Refresh Rate
  2. Click Start to start broadcasting messages to OpenTrack

opentrack headtracking


Now its time to mount the phone on your head. The guide on original Android post works well.

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