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Peripheral: UART

The BL602 has two UART peripherals

  • UART 0 base address: 0x4000A000
  • UART 1 base address: 0x4000A100


Register offset Register size Field offset Field size Name Direction Description
0x0000 32 utx_config read-write Transmitter configuration
0x0000 1 cr_utx_en Enable the transmitter
0x0001 1 cr_utx_cts_en Enable CTS flow control
0x0002 1 cr_utx_frm_en Enable freerunning mode
0x0004 1 cr_utx_prt_en Enable parity
0x0005 1 cr_utx_prt_sel 0 = even parity, 1 = odd parity
0x0006 1 cr_utx_ir_en Enable infrared mode
0x0007 1 cr_utx_ir_inv Invert output in infrared mode
0x0008 3 cr_utx_bit_cnt_d Width of data in bits
0x000C 2 cr_utx_bit_cnt_p Amount of stop bits
0x0010 16 cr_utx_len Amount of words to transmit (value of 0 equals 1 word)
0x0004 32 urx_config read-write Receiver configuration
0x0000 1 cr_urx_en Enable the receiver
0x0001 1 cr_urx_rts_sw_mode Software control mode for RTS output
0x0002 1 cr_urx_rts_sw_val Value of the software controlled RTS output
0x0003 1 cr_urx_abr_en Enable automatic baudrate detection
0x0004 1 cr_urx_prt_en Enable parity
0x0005 1 cr_urx_prt_sel 0 = even parity, 1 = odd parity
0x0006 1 cr_urx_ir_en Enable infrared mode
0x0007 1 cr_urx_ir_inv Invert input in infrared mode
0x0008 3 cr_urx_bit_cnt_d Width of data in bits
0x000B 1 cr_urx_deg_en Amount of stop bits
0x000C 4 cr_urx_deg_cnt Deglitch cycle count
0x0010 16 cr_urx_len Amount of words to receive (value of 0 equals 1 word)
0x0008 32 uart_bit_prd read-write Baud rate divisor
0x0000 16 cr_utx_bit_prd
0x0010 16 cr_urx_bit_prd
0x000C 32 data_config read-write
0x0000 1 cr_uart_bit_inv ? = LSB-first, ? = MSB-first
0x0010 32 utx_ir_position read-write
0x0000 16 cr_utx_ir_pos_s Transmitter Infrared pulse start position
0x0010 16 cr_utx_ir_pos_p Transmitter Infrared pulse stop position
0x0014 32 urx_ir_position read-write
0x0000 16 cr_urx_ir_pos_s Receiver infrared pulse start position
0x0018 32 urx_rto_timer read-write
0x0000 8 cr_urx_rto_value Receiver timeout timer value
0x0020 32 uart_int_sts read-write UART interrupt status
0x0000 1 utx_end_int Transmit complete interrupt
0x0001 1 urx_end_int Receive complete interrupt
0x0002 1 utx_fifo_int Transmit fifo ready interrupt, auto-cleared when data is pushed
0x0003 1 urx_fifo_int Receive fifo ready interrupt, auto-cleared when data is popped
0x0004 1 urx_rto_int Receive time-out interrupt
0x0005 1 urx_pce_int Receive parity check error interrupt
0x0006 1 utx_fer_int Transmit fifo overflow/underflow error interrupt
0x0007 1 urx_fer_int Receive fifo overflow/underflow error interrupt
0x0024 32 uart_int_mask read-write UART interrupt mask
0x0000 1 cr_utx_end_mask Mask for transmit complete interrupt
0x0001 1 cr_urx_end_mask Mask for receive complete interrupt
0x0002 1 cr_utx_fifo_mask Mask for transmit fifo ready interrupt
0x0003 1 cr_urx_fifo_mask Mask for receive fifo ready interrupt
0x0004 1 cr_urx_rto_mask Mask for receive time-out interrupt
0x0005 1 cr_urx_pce_mask Mask for parity check error interrupt
0x0006 1 cr_utx_fer_mask Mask for transmit fifo overflow/underflow error interrupt
0x0007 1 cr_urx_fer_mask Mask for receive fifo overflow/underflow error interrupt
0x0028 32 uart_int_clear read-write UART interrupt clear
0x0000 1 cr_utx_end_clr Clear the transmit complete interrupt
0x0001 1 cr_urx_end_clr Clear the receive complete interrupt
0x0002 1 rsvd_2
0x0003 1 rsvd_3
0x0004 1 cr_urx_rto_clr Clear the receive time-out interrupt
0x0005 1 cr_urx_pce_clr Clear the parity check error interrupt
0x0006 1 rsvd_6
0x0007 1 rsvd_7
0x002C 32 uart_int_en read-write UART interrupt enable
0x0000 1 cr_utx_end_en Enable the transmit complete interrupt
0x0001 1 cr_urx_end_en Enable the receive complete interrupt
0x0002 1 cr_utx_fifo_en Enable the transmit fifo ready interrupt
0x0003 1 cr_urx_fifo_en Enable the receive fifo ready interrupt
0x0004 1 cr_urx_rto_en Enable the receive time-out interrupt
0x0005 1 cr_urx_pce_en Enable the parity check error interrupt
0x0006 1 cr_utx_fer_en Enable the transmit fifo overflow/underflow error interrupt
0x0007 1 cr_urx_fer_en Enable the receive fifo overflow/underflow error interrupt
0x0030 32 uart_status read-write UART status
0x0000 1 sts_utx_bus_busy - Transmitter busy
0x0001 1 sts_urx_bus_busy - Receiver busy
0x0034 32 sts_urx_abr_prd read-write Automatic baud rate detection result
0x0000 16 sts_urx_abr_prd_start - Based on start bit
0x0010 16 sts_urx_abr_prd_0x55 - Based on 0x55 value
0x0080 32 uart_fifo_config_0 read-write
0x0000 1 uart_dma_tx_en Enable DMA for transmit fifo
0x0001 1 uart_dma_rx_en Enable DMA for receive fifo
0x0002 1 tx_fifo_clr Clear the transmit fifo
0x0003 1 rx_fifo_clr Clear the receive fifo
0x0004 1 tx_fifo_overflow read Transmit fifo overflow status indicator
0x0005 1 tx_fifo_underflow read Transmit fifo underflow status indicator
0x0006 1 rx_fifo_overflow read Receive fifo overflow status indicator
0x0007 1 rx_fifo_underflow read Receive fifo underflow status indicator
0x0084 32 uart_fifo_config_1 read-write
0x0000 6 tx_fifo_cnt read Amount of free space in the transmit fifo
0x0008 6 rx_fifo_cnt read Amount of used space in the receive fifo
0x0010 5 tx_fifo_th DMA start threshold of free space in the transmit fifo
0x0018 5 rx_fifo_th DMA start threshold of used space in the receive fifo
0x0088 32 uart_fifo_wdata write
0x0000 8 uart_fifo_wdata Write a byte to this register to push it to the transmit fifo
0x008C 32 uart_fifo_rdata read
0x0000 8 uart_fifo_rdata Read a byte from this register to pop it from the receive fifo

Baudrate divisor

divisor = clockFrequency / baudrate
fraction = clockFrequency * 10 / baudrate % 10

If the fraction is equal or higher to 5 the divisor must be incremented by 1.

The baud rate divisor register (Offset 0x08) is set to the following value:

(baudRateDivisor - 1) << 0x10) | ((baudRateDivisor - 1) & 0xFFFF)