Read and transform LJPEG images into modern formats.
Warning: You must have installed the flex parser on your operating system:
pip install ljpeg
By default, we offer you a binary called jpeg_static. However, you can produce your jpeg binary:
cd jpegdir && make
Download a set of mammograms with:
wget -r -q
Transform a lot of mammograms parallely:
find . -type f -name '*.LJPEG' | parallel -j+0 "ljpeg {} $(pwd)/{/.}.tiff --verify"
Convert to TIFF (requires the .ics file in the same directory as LJPEG):
ljpeg $(pwd)/C_0029_1.LEFT_CC.LJPEG $(pwd)/output.tiff
Convert to TIFF and verify that no information has been lost:
ljpeg $(pwd)/C_0029_1.LEFT_CC.LJPEG $(pwd)/output.tiff --verify
Convert to jpeg for visualization with down-sizing scale=0.3 (16-bit TIFF is not good for direct visualization):
ljpeg $(pwd)/C_0029_1.LEFT_CC.LJPEG $(pwd)/output.jpg --visual --scale 0.3
Note that output file can be any format that's supported by OpenCV (which includes all common types). Most file formats only support 8-bit images, so directly saving into such file formats will cause problems. Add "--visual" to normalize color into 8-bit before saving to such file formats.
The Stanford ljpeg code is in public domain and is therefore OK to be included here. I did minor modification to make the code compile under modern Linux.
This project uses pre-commit, please make sure to install it before making any changes:
pip install pre-commit cd demo-project pre-commit install
It is a good idea to update the hooks to the latest version:
pre-commit autoupdate
Don't forget to tell your contributors to also install and use pre-commit.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.2.2.post1.dev3+g01e6e81. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see