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File metadata and controls

102 lines (64 loc) · 5.15 KB


We welcome all contributions, typo corrections, and general feedback. Pull requests should be made against the master branch.

This repo uses short-lived, prefixed branches. For example, a new blog post would live a branch named something like: content/cool-truffle-news. This helps multiple teams touch the site if necessary, while mitigating potential collisions. These are the currently used prefixes:

content: edits applying to site content. feature: new features for the website, including new data structures (e.g. blog posts or events). fix: fixes an error in existing code.


Build Process & Directory Structure

You can find the HTML and markdown source files inside the src/ directory.

Files in the src/ directory move through the build pipeline defined in metalsmith.js via a series of middleware-like plugins. Each plugin receives the files in a processed state from the previous one. For example, after using the markdown plugin subsequent plugins will only see the rendered HTML files.

Layouts, Partials and Helpers

The site uses Handlebars templates. The page layouts, partials and helper functions can be found in their respective directories: layouts/, partials/, and helpers/.


Layouts are used to define the fonts, scripts and stylesheets unique to a particular page or set of pages, e.g. blog posts or truffle box detail pages. Layouts for items in a collection are prefaced with single-, for example: single-tutorial.hbs.

All layouts have a special {{{ contents }}} variable which renders the page content. The title and desired layout are specified in a yaml block at the top of the document. For example:

title: Page Title
layout: layout.hbs

Single blog posts, tutorials, and careers are part of collections that do not need to specify a title or layout; they are provided by the collection.


Partials are snippets of HTML used repeatedly throughout the site, such as the navigation bar, or to encapsulate parts of a page, such as the interactive header image on the home screen (partials/home/suite-header.hbs).

Partials can also contain child content and take arguments, for example the breakout partial for full-container-width, centered breakouts in markdown content:

{{#> breakout}}
  ![The Completed Pet Shop Dapp](/img/blog/learn-ethereum-the-fun-way-with-our-pet-shop-tutorial/pet-shop-preview.jpeg "The completed dapp.")


Helpers are utility functions for use in layouts and partials. Arguments are separated by spaces.

NOTE: You'll see references to the path variable throughout our layouts and helpers. This is an object provided via the metalsmith-paths plugin.

Some useful helpers include:

  • concat: Concatenates two given strings. EX: {{concat "string 1 and " "string2"}}
  • getPageUrl: Returns the current page url given a path object. EX: {{getPageUrl path}}
  • getMetadata: Returns a piece of metadata given a collection name, filename, and key. For a list of possible JSON collections to reference, see the top //Data section of metalsmith.js. EX: {{getMetadata "blog" "title"}}
  • makeSlug: Replaces spaces with dashes in a given string. Special symbols are left intact. EX: {{makeSlug "Some Name to Slug"}}

Styles (Sass)

We use Sass for stylesheets and Bootstrap 4 as our base component library.

We try organize our stylesheets to follow these guidelines as best we can:

  • sass/overrides.scss: Overrides to Bootstrap defaults.
  • sass/globals/*.scss: Styles applicable to components that could be foudn on any page.
  • sass/pages/*.scss: Page specific styles.
  • sass/vendor/*.scss: Stylesheets for external libraries used on the site; e.g. Prism for code highlighting.

Static Files

Static files, such as images or documents, are in the src/img folder and the src/files folder respectively. They pass through the Metalsmith build pipeline untouched.


We use Lunr for a fully static search engine in our documentation.

To build the search index, we use a custom plugin found in the metalsmith-moonsearch directory. At build time, this plugin builds the index using documentation page titles and text content, then embeds it in the page for consumption by Lunr.


We welcome translations as well. If you are interested in translating Truffle documentation to a different language:

  1. Copy the content you wish to translate (feel free to fork the repository).

  2. Host the translated documentation (you can use GitHub Pages or any hosting solution).

  3. Create an issue pointing to your hosted translations.

We will then investigate and link to your documentation. Thank you!