Output connected usb storage device info. Supports usb mass storage devices, including those with multiple partitions, including LUKS partitions.
Dependencies: udev, python3, util-linux ( >= 2.23 )
Suggested: fonts-font-awesome
The recommended i3blocks config is
#IGNORE_LIST=["sdd1", "mapper/sda1_crypt"]
#SEPARATOR=<span color='gray'> | </span>
#TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS=[not set by default, accepts +/- integers]
To update the blocklet on plug/unplug device events you can add
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", RUN+="/usr/bin/pkill -RTMIN+1 i3blocks"
in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-usb.rules
You may need to create the file.
Then call
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
to activate the new rules.
If you do not care about updating the blocklet on plug/unplug,
the script works fine on just an interval and you can ignore the udev rule and
delete signal=1
in the config.
Now restart your i3 in place with
i3-msg restart
Try plugging in a usb device to make sure everything works.
The IGNORE_LIST variable, if set, must be a valid python representation of
a list of strings, e.g. ["sdd1", "mapper/sda1_crypt"]
Due to the way i3blocks parses config files, newlines are not allowed.
The strings are full device paths, with "/dev" optionally omitted.
For example, the previous "sdd1" is expanded to "/dev/sdd1" at runtime.
The list is safely parsed using ast.literal_eval, NOT eval.
If you decide not to install FontAwesome,
then you will probably want to change the LOCKED_INDICATOR
variables, as these use unicode symbols provided by
FontAwesome (and not many other fonts).
You do not need to restart i3 after making a change to the config.