This repository is about implementing Clean aka Onion architecture with ASP.NET Core
You can follow the development process via commit messages
- created solution and projects
- added entity model and dbcontext
- added database related changes
- added repositories
- added user queries
- added commands
- test project setup
- added first test class and method
- SQLite has been used as database
- You can change connection string from appsettings.json within aspnetcore-clean-architecture.API
- Apply database migrations to create the tables. From a command line :
Go into aspnetcore-clean-architecture.Persistence class library
cd aspnetcore-clean-architecture.Persistence
Add migrations (Note: Migrations already exists here)
dotnet ef --startup-project ../aspnetcore-clean-architecture.API migrations add AddedTables --context AppDbContext
Apply database changes. If you are using SQLite then database file with .db extension should be created inside aspnetcore-clean-architecture.API project
dotnet ef --startup-project ../aspnetcore-clean-architecture.API database update AddedTables --context AppDbContext
- aspnetcore-clean-architecture.API - Presentation Layer .Net Core Web API project.
- aspnetcore-clean-architecture.Application - This layer is responsible for application logic.
- aspnetcore-clean-architecture.Domain - This layer has database entities
- aspnetcore-clean-architecture.Persistence - Contains logic responsible for data access operations.
- aspnetcore-clean-architecture.Test - Unit Test will be added to this layer.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
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