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List of Processing Instructions(PI)

      Understanding Docker—
inside the engine room
Grasping Docker’s architecture is key to understanding Docker more fully. In this
chapter you’ll get an overview of Docker’s major components on your machine and on
the network, and you’ll learn some techniques that will develop this understanding.
In the process, you’ll learn some nifty tricks that will help you use Docker (and Linux)
more effectively. Many of the later and more advanced techniques will be based on what
you see here, so pay special attention to what follows.
Docker’s architecture
Figure 2.1 lays out Docker’s architecture, and that will be the centrepiece of this chapter.
We’re going to start with a high-level look and then focus on each part with techniques
designed to cement your understanding.
Docker on your host machine is (at the time of writing) split into two parts—a daemon
with a RESTful API and a client that talks to the daemon. Figure 2.1 shows your host machine
running the Docker client and daemon.
RESTful A RESTful API is one that uses standard HTTP request types such as GET,
POST, DELETE, and others to perform functions that usually correspond to those
intended by HTTP’s designers.
You invoke the Docker client to get information from or give instructions to the daemon; the
daemon is a server that receives requests and returns responses from the client using the
HTTP protocol. In turn, it will make requests to other services to send and receive images,
also using the HTTP protocol. The server will accept requests from the command-line client
or anyone else authorized to connect. The daemon is also responsible for taking care of your
images and containers behind the scenes, whereas the client acts as the intermediary between
you and the RESTful API.
The private Docker registry is a service that stores Docker images. These can be
requested from any Docker daemon that has the relevant access. This registry is on an inter-
nal network and isn’t publicly accessible, so it’s considered private.
Your host machine will typically sit on a private network. The Docker daemon will call
out to the internet to retrieve images, if requested.
The Docker Hub is a public registry run by Docker, Inc. Other public registries can also
exist on the internet, and your Docker daemon can interact with them.
In the first chapter we said that Docker containers can be shipped to anywhere you can
run Docker—this isn’t strictly true. In fact, only if the daemon can be installed on a machine
will containers run on the machine. This is most obviously shown by the fact that the Docker
client will run on Windows, but the daemon won’t (yet).
The key point to take from this image is that when you run Docker on your machine, you
may be interacting with other processes on your machine, or even services running on your
network or the internet.
Now that you have a picture of how
Docker is laid out, we’ll introduce various
techniques relating to the different parts of
the figure.
The Docker daemon
The Docker daemon (see figure 2.2) is the
hub of your interactions with Docker, and as
such is the best place to start gaining an
understanding of all the relevant pieces. It
controls access to Docker on your machine,
manages the state of your containers and
images, and brokers interactions with the
outside world.
Daemons and servers A daemon is a process that runs in the background
rather than under the direct control of the user. A server is a process that takes
requests from a client and performs the actions required to fulfil the requests. Dae-
mons are frequently also servers that accept requests from clients to perform
actions for them. The docker command is a client, and the Docker daemon acts as
the server doing the processing on your Docker containers and images.
Let’s look at a couple of techniques that illustrate that Docker effectively runs as a daemon,
and that your interactions with it using the docker command are limited to simple requests to
perform actions, much like interactions with a web server. The first technique allows others
to connect to your Docker daemon and perform the same actions you might on your host
machine, and the second illustrates that Docker containers are managed by the daemon, not
your shell session.
Open your Docker daemon to the world
Although by default your Docker daemon is accessible only on your host, there can be good
reason to allow others to access it. You might have a problem that you want someone to
debug remotely, or you may want to allow another part of your DevOps workflow to kick off
a process on a host machine.
Insecure! Although this can be a powerful and useful technique, it’s considered
insecure. An open Docker daemon can be exploited by someone who stumbles on it
and gets escalated privileges.
You want to open your Docker server up for others to access.
Start the Docker daemon with an open TCP address.
Figure 2.3 gives an overview of this technique’s workings.
Before you open up the Docker daemon, you must first shut the running one down. How you
do this will vary depending on your operating system. If you’re not sure how to do this, you
can first try this command:
$ sudo service docker stop
If you get a message that looks like this,
The service command supports only basic LSB actions (start, stop, restart,
try-restart, reload, force-reload, status). For other actions, please try
to use systemctl.
then you have a systemctl-based startup system. Try this command:
$ systemctl stop docker
If this works, you shouldn’t see any output from this command:
ps -ef | grep -E \qdocker (-d|daemon)\\b\q | grep -v grep
Once the Docker daemon has been stopped, you can restart it manually and open it up to out-
side users with the following command:
docker daemon -H tcp://
This command starts docker as a daemon (docker daemon), defines the host server with the -
H flag, uses the TCP protocol, opens up to all IP addresses (with, and opens on the
standard Docker server port (2375). If Docker complains about daemon not being a valid sub-
command, try using the older -d argument instead.
You can connect from outside with the following command:
$ docker -H tcp://<your host\qs ip\>:2375
Note that you’ll also need to do this from inside your local machine because Docker is no
longer listening in the default location.
If you want to make this change permanent on your host, you’ll need to configure your
startup system. See appendix B for information on how to do this.
Use IP restrictions If you open your daemon up, be sure to open up to a spe-
cific IP range only, and not to, which is highly insecure!
Running containers as daemons
As you get familiar with Docker (and if you’re anything like us), you’ll start to think of other
use cases for Docker, and one of the first of these is to run Docker containers as running ser-
Running Docker containers as services with predictable behaviour through software iso-
lation is one of the principal use cases for Docker. This technique will allow you to manage
services in a way that works for your operation.
You want to run a Docker container in the background as a service.
Use the -d flag to the docker run command, and use related container-management flags to
define the service characteristics.
Docker containers—like most processes—will run by default in the foreground. The most
obvious way to run a Docker container in the background is to use the standard & control
operator. Although this works, you can run into problems if you log out of your terminal ses-
sion, necessitating that you use the nohup flag, which creates a file in your local directory
with output that you have to manage… You get the idea: it’s far neater to use the Docker dae-
mon’s functionality for this.
To do this, you use the -d flag.
$ docker run -d -i -p 1234:1234 --name daemon ubuntu nc -l 1234
The -d flag, when used with docker run, runs the container as a daemon. The -i flag gives
this container the ability to interact with your Telnet session. With -p you publish the 1234
port from the container to the host. The --name flag lets you give the container a name so you
can refer to it later. Finally, you run a simple listening echo server on port 1234 with netcat
If you now connect to it and send messages with Telnet, you can see that the container has
received the message by using the docker logs command, as shown in the following listing.
$ telnet localhost 1234
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is \q^]\q.
hello daemon
telnet\> q
Connection closed.
$ docker logs daemon
hello daemon
$ docker rm daemon
You can see that running a container as a daemon is simple enough, but operationally some
questions remain to be answered:
What happens to the service if it fails?
What happens to the service when it terminates?
What happens if the service keeps failing over and over?
Fortunately Docker provides flags for each of these questions!
Flags not required Although restart flags are used most often with the dae-
mon flag (-d), technically it’s not a requirement to run these flags with -d.
The restart flag
The docker run --restart flag allows you to apply a set of rules to be followed (a     so-
called “restart policy”) when the container terminates (see table 2.1).
The no policy is simple: when the container exits, it is not restarted. This is the default.
The always policy is also simple, but it’s worth discussing briefly:
$ docker run -d --restart=always ubuntu echo done
This command runs the container as a daemon (-d) and always restarts the container on ter-
mination (--restart=always). It issues a simple echo command that completes quickly,
exiting the container.
If you run the preceding command and then run a docker ps command, you’ll see output
similar to this:
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED
å STATUS          PORTS                               NAMES
69828b118ec3        ubuntu:14.04        "echo done"         4 seconds ago
å Restarting  (0) Less than a second ago              sick_brattain
The docker ps command lists all the running containers and information about them, includ-
ing the following:
When the container was created (CREATED).
The current status of the container—usually this will be Restarting, as it will only
run for a short time (STATUS).
The exit code of the container’s previous run (also under STATUS). 0 means the run
was successful.
The container name. By default Docker names containers by concatenating two ran-
dom words. Sometimes this produces odd results!
Note that the STATUS column also informed us that the container exited less than a second
ago and is restarting. This is because the echo done command exits immediately, and Docker
must continually restart the container.
It’s important to note that Docker reuses the container ID. It doesn’t change on restart and
there will only ever be one entry in the ps table for this Docker invocation.
Finally, the on-failure policy restarts only when the container returns a non-zero
(which normally means failing) exit code from its main process:
$ docker run -d --restart=on-failure:10 ubuntu /bin/false
This command runs the container as a daemon (-d) and sets a limit on the number of restart
attempts (--restart=on-failure:10), exiting if this is exceeded. It runs a simple com-
mand (/bin/false) that completes quickly and will definitely fail.
If you run the preceding command and wait a minute, and then run docker ps -a, you’ll
see output similar to this:
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED
å STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
b0f40c410fe3        ubuntu:14.04        "/bin/false"           2 minutes ago
å Exited (1) 25 seconds ago                      loving_rosalind
Moving Docker to a different partition
Docker stores all the data relating to your containers and images under a folder. As it can
store a potentially large number of different images, this folder can get big fast!
If your host machine has different partitions (as is common in enterprise Linux worksta-
tions), you may encounter space limitations more quickly. In these cases, you may want to
move the directory from which Docker operates.
You want to move where Docker stores its data.
Stop and start the Docker daemon, specifying the new location with the -g flag.
First you’ll need to stop your Docker daemon (see appendix B for a discussion of this).
Imagine you want to run Docker from /home/dockeruser/mydocker. When you run
docker daemon -g /home/dockeruser/mydocker
a new set of folders and files will be created in this directory. These folders are internal to
Docker, so play with them at your peril (as we’ve discovered!).
You should be aware that this will appear to wipe the containers and images from your
previous Docker daemon. But don’t despair. If you kill the Docker process you just ran and
restart your Docker service, your Docker client will be pointed back at its original location
and your containers and images will be returned to you.
If you want to make this move permanent, you’ll need to configure your host system’s
startup process accordingly.
The Docker client
The Docker client (see figure 2.4)is the simplest
component in the Docker architecture. It’s what
you run when you type commands like docker
run or docker pull on your machine. Its job is
to communicate with the Docker daemon via
HTTP requests.
In this section you’re going to see how you can
snoop on messages between the Docker client and
server. You’ll also see a couple of basic tech-
niques to do with port mapping that represent
baby steps towards the orchestration section later
in the book and a way of using your browser as a Docker client.
Use socat to monitor Docker API traffic
Occasionally the docker command may not work as you expect. Most often, some aspect of
the command-line arguments hasn’t been understood, but occasionally there are more serious
setup problems, such as the Docker binary being out of date. In order to diagnose the prob-
lem, it can be useful to view the flow of data to and from the Docker daemon you are commu-
nicating with.
Docker is not unstable Don’t panic! The presence of this technique doesn’t
indicate that Docker needs to be debugged often, or is in any way unstable! This
technique is here as a tool for understanding Docker’s architecture, and also to intro-
duce you to socat, a powerful tool. If, like us, you use Docker in a lot of different
locations, there will be differences in the Docker versions you use. As with any soft-
ware, different versions will have different features and flags, which can catch you
You want to debug a problem with a Docker command.
Use a traffic snooper to inspect the API calls and craft your own.
In this technique you’ll insert a proxy Unix domain socket between your request and the
server’s socket and see what passes through it (as shown in figure 2.5). Note that you’ll need
root or sudo privileges to make this work.
To create this proxy, you’ll use socat.
socat socat is a powerful command that allows you to relay data between two
data channels of almost any type. If you’re familiar with netcat, you can think of it
as netcat on steroids.
$ sudo socat -v UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/dockerapi.sock \\
  UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/docker.sock &
In this command, -v makes the output readable, with indications of the flow of data. The
UNIX-LISTEN part tells socat to listen on a Unix socket, and UNIX-CONNECT tells socat to
connect to Docker’s Unix socket. ‘&’ specifies that the command runs in the background.
The new route that your requests to the daemon will travel can be seen in figure 2.6. All traf-
fic traveling in each direction will be seen by socat and logged to your terminal, in addition
to any output that the Docker client provides.
The output of a simple docker command will now look similar to this:
$ docker -H unix:///tmp/dockerapi.sock ps -a
\> 2015/01/12 04:34:38.790706  length=105 from=0 to=104
GET /v1.16/containers/json?all=1 HTTP/1.1\\r
Host: /tmp/dockerapi.sock\\r
User-Agent: Docker-Client/1.4.1\\r
< 2015/01/12 04:34:38.792516  length=544 from=0 to=543
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\\r
Content-Type: application/json\\r
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 09:34:38 GMT\\r
Content-Length: 435\\r
å "4eec1b50dc6db7901d3b3c5a8d607f2576829fd6902c7f658735c3bc0a09a39c",
å "Image":"debian:jessie","Names":["/lonely_mclean"],"Ports":[],
å "Status":"Exited (0) 3 days ago"}
å "029851aeccc887ecf9152de97f524d30659b3fa4b0dcc3c3fe09467cd0164da5",
å "Image":"debian:jessie","Names":["/suspicious_torvalds"],"Ports":[],
å "Status":"Exited (130) 3 days ago"}
]CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED
å STATUS                    PORTS               NAMES
4eec1b50dc6d        debian:jessie       "/bin/bash"         3 days ago
å Exited (0) 3 days ago                         lonely_mclean
029851aeccc8        debian:jessie       "/bin/bash"         3 days ago
å Exited (130) 3 days ago                       suspicious_torvalds
BEWARE If you ran socat as root in the previous example, you’ll need to use
sudo to run the ‘docker -H’ command. This is because the dockerapi.sock file is
owned by root.
Using socat is a powerful way to debug not only Docker, but any other network services you
might come across in the course of your work.
Using ports to connect to containers
Docker containers have been designed from the outset to run services. In the majority of
cases, these will be HTTP services of one kind or another. A significant proportion of these
will be web services accessible through the browser.
This leads to a problem. If you have multiple Docker containers running on port 80 in their
internal environment, they can’t all be accessible on port 80 on your host machine. The next
technique shows how you can manage this common scenario by exposing and mapping a port
from your container.
You want to make multiple Docker container services available on a port from your host
Use Docker’s -p flag to map a container’s port to your host machine.
In this example we’re going to use the tutum-wordpress image. Let’s say you want to run two
of these on your host machine to serve different blogs.
Because a number of people have wanted to do this before, someone has prepared an
image that anyone can acquire and start up. To obtain images from external locations, you’ll
use the docker pull command. By default, images will be downloaded from the Docker
$ docker pull tutum/wordpress
To run the first blog, use the following command:
$ docker run -d -p 10001:80 --name blog1 tutum/wordpress
This docker run command runs the container as a daemon (-d) with the publish flag (-p). It
identifies the host port (10001) to map to the container port (80) and gives the container a
name to identify it (--name blog1 tutum/wordpress).
You’d do the same for the second blog:
$ docker run -d -p 10002:80 --name blog2 tutum/wordpress
If you now run this command,
$ docker ps -a | grep blog
you’ll see the two blog containers listed, with their port mappings, looking something like
9afb95ad3617 tutum/wordpress:latest "/"
å 9 seconds ago Up 9 seconds
3306/tcp,\>80/tcp blog1 31ddc8a7a2fd tutum/wordpress:latest
å "/" 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds 3306/tcp,\>80/tcp blog2
You’ll now be able to access your containers by navigating to http://localhost:10001 and
To remove the containers when you’re finished (assuming you don’t want to keep them),
run this command:
$ docker rm -f blog1 blog2
You should now be able to run multiple identical images and services on your host by manag-
ing the port allocations yourself, if necessary.
Remembering the order of arguments for the -p flag It can be easy
to forget which port is the host’s and which port is the container’s when using the  -
p flag. We think of it as being like reading a sentence from left to right. The user
connects to the host (-p) and that host port is passed to the container port
(host_port:container_port). It’s also the same format as SSH’s port-forwarding
commands, if you’re familiar with them.
Linking containers for port isolation
The last technique showed how to open up your containers to the host network by exposing
ports. You won’t always want to expose your services to the host machine or the outside
world, but you will want to connect containers to one another.
This next technique shows how you can achieve this by using Docker’s link flag, ensur-
ing outsiders can’t access your internal services.
You want to allow communication between containers for internal purposes.
Use Docker’s linking functionality to allow the containers to communicate with each other.
Continuing in our quest to set up WordPress, we’re going to separate the mysql database tier
from the wordpress container, and link these to each other without port configuration. Figure
2.7 gives an overview of the final state.
Why is this useful? Why bother with linking if you can already expose ports to
the host and use that? Linking allows you to encapsulate and define the relationships
between containers without exposing services to the host’s network (and potentially,
to the outside world). You might want to do this for security reasons, for example.
Run your containers like so, in the following order, pausing for about a minute between the first
and second commands:
$ docker run --name wp-mysql \\
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yoursecretpassword -d mysql
$ docker run --name wordpress \\
  --link wp-mysql:mysql -p 10003:80 -d  wordpress
First you give the mysql container the name wp-mysql so you can refer to it later B. You
also must supply an environment variable so the mysql container can initialize the database
(-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=yoursecretpassword). You run both containers as daemons
(-d) and use the Docker Hub reference for the official mysql image.
In the second command C you give the wordpress image the name wordpress, in case you
want to refer to it later. You also link the wp-mysql container to the wordpress container (--
link wp-mysql:mysql). References to a mysql server within the wordpress container will be
sent to the container named wp-mysql. You also use a local port mapping (-p 10003:80), as
discussed in technique 5, and add the Docker Hub reference for the official wordpress image
(wordpress). Be aware that links won’t wait for services in linked containers to start; hence
the instruction to pause between commands. A more precise way of doing this is to look for
mysqid: ready for connections in the output of docker logs wp-mysql before running the
wordpress container.
If you now navigate to http://localhost:10003, you’ll see the introductory wordpress
screen and you can set up your wordpress instance.
The meat of this example is the --link flag in the second command. This flag sets up the
container’s host file so that the wordpress container can refer to a mysql server, and this will
be routed to whatever container has the name “wp-mysql.” This has the significant benefit
that different mysql containers can be swapped in without requiring any change at all to the
wordpress container, making configuration management of these different services much eas-
Startup order matters The containers must be started up in the correct order so
that the mapping can take place on container names that are already in existence. Dynamic
resolution of links is not (at the time of writing) a feature of Docker.
In order for containers to be linked in this way, their ports must be specified as exposed when
building the images. This is achieved using the EXPOSE command within the image build’s
You have now seen a simple example of Docker orchestration, and you’ve taken a step
toward a microservices architecture. In this case, you could perform work on the mysql con-
tainer while leaving the wordpress container untouched, or vice versa. This fine-grained con-
trol over running services is one of the key operational benefits of a microservices
Using Docker in your browser
It can be difficult to sell new technologies, so simple and effective demonstrations are invalu-
able. Making the demo hands-on is even better, which is why we’ve found that creating a web
page with the ability to interact with a container in your browser is a great technique for giv-
ing newcomers their first taste of Docker in an easily accessible way. The significant “wow
factor” doesn’t hurt either!
You want to be able to demonstrate the power of Docker without requiring users to install it
themselves or run commands they don’t understand.
Start the Docker daemon with an open port and CORS enabled. Then serve the docker-termi-
nal repository in your web server of choice.
The most common use of a REST API is to expose it on a server and use JavaScript on a web
page to make calls to it. Because Docker happens to perform all interaction via a REST API,
you should be able to control Docker in the same way. Although it may initially seem surpris-
ing, this control extends all the way to being able to interact with a container via a terminal in
your browser.
We’ve already discussed how to start the daemon on port 2375 in technique 1, so we
won’t go into any detail on that. Additionally, CORS is too much to go into here if you’re
unfamiliar with it (you might want to refer to CORS in Action by Monsur Hossain [Manning
Publications, 2014])—the short of it is that it’s a mechanism that carefully bypasses the usual
restriction of JavaScript that limits you to only accessing the current domain. In this case, it
allows the daemon to listen on a different port from where you serve your Docker Terminal
page. To enable it, you need to start the Docker daemon with the option --api-enable-
cors alongside the option to make it listen on a port.
Now that the prerequisites are sorted, let’s get this running. First, you need to get the
git clone
cd Docker-Terminal
Then you need to serve the files:
python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
The preceding command uses a module built into Python to serve static files from a directory.
Feel free to use any equivalent you prefer.
Now you can visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser and start a container.
Figure 2.8 shows how the Docker terminal connects up. The page is hosted on your local
computer and connects to the Docker daemon on your local computer to perform any opera-
It’s worth being aware of the following points if you want to give this link to other people:
The other person must not be using a proxy of any kind. This is the most common
source of errors we’ve seen—Docker terminal uses Websockets, which don’t cur-
rently work through proxies.
Giving a link to localhost obviously won’t work—you’ll need to give out the exter-
nal IP address.
Docker Terminal needs to know where to find the Docker API—it should do this auto-
matically based on the address you’re visiting in the browser, but it’s something to be
aware of.
Why not use Docker for this? If you’re more experienced with Docker, you
might wonder why we haven’t used Docker in this technique. The reason is that
we’re still introducing Docker and didn’t want to add to the complexity for readers
new to Docker. Dockerizing this technique is left as an exercise for the reader.
Docker registries
Once you’ve created your images, you may want to share them with other users. This is
where the concept of the Docker registry comes in.
The three registries in figure 2.9 differ in their accessibility. One is on a private network, one
is open on a public network, and another is public but accessible only to those registered with
Docker. They all perform the same function with the same API, and this is how the Docker dae-
mon knows how to communicate with them interchangeably.
A Docker registry allows multiple users to push and pull images from a central store
using a RESTful API.
The registry code is, like Docker itself, open source. Many companies (such as ours) set
up private registries to store and share their proprietary images internally. This is what we’ll
discuss here before looking more closely at Docker Inc.’s registry.
Setting up a local Docker registry
You’ve seen that Docker, Inc. has a service where people can share their images publicly
(and you can pay if you want to do it privately). But there are a number of reasons you may
want to share images without going via the Hub—some businesses like to keep as much in-
house as possible, or maybe your images are large and transferring them over the internet will
be too slow, or perhaps you want to keep your images private while you experiment and don’t
want to commit to paying. Whatever the reason, there is happily a simple solution.
You want a way to host your images locally.
Set up a registry server on your local network.
To get the registry running, issue the following command on a machine with plenty of disk
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v $HOME/registry:/var/lib/registry registry:2
This command makes the registry available on port 5000 of the Docker host           (-p
5000:5000) and uses the registry folder in your home directory at /var/lib/registry in the
container, which is where the registry in the container will store files by default. It also
specifies that the registry in the container will store files at            /registry
On all of the machines that you want to access this registry, add the following to your dae-
mon options (where HOSTNAME is the hostname or IP address of your new registry server): --
insecure-registry HOSTNAME.
You can now docker push HOSTNAME:5000/image:tag.
As you can see, the most basic level of configuration for a local registry, with all data stored
in the $HOME/registry directory, is simple. If you wanted to scale up or make it more robust, the
repository on Github ( outlines some options, like storing data in Amazon S3.
You may be wondering about the --insecure-registry option. In order to help users
remain secure, Docker will only allow you to pull from registries with a signed HTTPS certif-
icate. We’ve overridden this because we’re fairly comfortable trusting our local network. It
goes without saying, though, that you should be much more cautious about doing this over
the internet!
Registry roadmap As with a lot of things in the Docker ecosystem, the regis-
try is undergoing some changes. Although the registry image will remain avail-
able and stable, it will eventually be replaced with a new tool called distribution
The Docker Hub
The Docker Hub (see figure 2.10) is a registry maintained by Docker, Inc. It has tens of thou-
sands of images on it ready to download and run. Any Docker user can set up a free account
and public Docker images there. In addition to user-supplied images, there are official images
maintained for reference purposes.
Your images are protected by user authentication, and there’s a starring system for popu-
larity, similar to Github’s.
These official images can be representations of Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Cen-
tOS, or preinstalled software packages like Node.js, or whole software stacks like WordPress.
Finding and running a Docker image
Docker registries enable a social coding culture similar to GitHub. If you’re interested in trying
out a new software application, or looking for a new one that serves a particular purpose, then
Docker images can be an easy way to experiment without interfering with your host machine,
provisioning a VM, or having to worry about installation steps.
You want to find an application or tool as a Docker image and try it out.
Use the docker search command to find the image to pull, and then run it.
Let’s say you’re interested in playing with Node.js. In the following code we searched for
images matching “node” with the docker search command:
$ docker search node
NAME                            DESCRIPTION
node                            Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for...
å 432       [OK]
dockerfile/nodejs               Trusted automated Node.js (http://nodejs.o...
å 57                   [OK]
dockerfile/nodejs-bower-grunt   Trusted automated Node.js (http://nodejs.o...
å 17                   [OK]
å 9                    [OK]
å 5                    [OK]
å 5                    [OK]
å 3                    [OK]
strongloop/node                 StrongLoop, Node.js, and tools.
å 3                    [OK]
å 3                    [OK]
dockerfile/nodejs-runtime       Trusted automated Node.js runtime Build  ..
å 3                    [OK]
jprjr/stackbrew-node            A stackbrew/ubuntu-based image for Docker,...
å 2                    [OK]
å 2                    [OK]
maccam912/tahoe-node            Follow "The Easy Way" in the description t...
å 1                    [OK]
homme/node-mapserv              The latest checkouts of Mapserver and its ...
å 1                    [OK]
maxexcloo/nodejs                Docker framework container with Node.js an...
å 1                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
kivra/node                      Image with build dependencies for frontend...
å 0                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
siomiz/node-opencv              _/node + node-opencv
å 0                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
tcnksm/centos-node              Dockerfile for CentOS packaging node
å 0                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
å 0                    [OK]
Once you’ve chosen an image, you can download it by performing a docker pull command
on the name:
$ docker pull node
node:latest: The image you are pulling has been verified
81c86d8c1e0c: Downloading
81c86d8c1e0c: Pull complete
3a20d8faf171: Pull complete
c7a7a01d634e: Pull complete
2a13c2a76de1: Pull complete
4cc808131c54: Pull complete
bf2afba3f5e4: Pull complete
0cba665db8d0: Pull complete
322af6f234b2: Pull complete
9787c55efe92: Pull complete
511136ea3c5a: Already exists
bce696e097dc: Already exists
58052b122b60: Already exists
Status: Downloaded newer image for node:latest
Then you can run it interactively using the -t and -i flags. The -t flag creates a tty device
(a terminal) for you, and the -i flag specifies that this Docker session is interactive:
$ docker run -t -i node /bin/bash
root@c267ae999646:/# node
\> process.version
The -ti flag idiom You can save keystrokes by replacing -t -i with -ti in the
preceding call to docker run. You’ll see this throughout the book from here on.
Often there will be specific advice from the image maintainers about how the image should
be run. Searching for the image on the website will take you to the
page for the image. The Description tab may give you more information.
Do you trust the image? If you download an image and run it, you are run-
ning code that you may not be able to fully verify. Although there is relative safety
in using trusted images, nothing can guarantee 100% security when downloading
and running software over the internet.
Armed with this knowledge and experience, you can now tap the enormous resources avail-
able on the Docker Hub. With literally tens of thousands of images to try out, there is much to
learn. Enjoy!
In this chapter you’ve learned how Docker hangs together, and you’ve used this understand-
ing to manipulate the various components.
These were the principal areas covered:
Opening up your Docker daemon to outsiders over TCP or a web browser
Running containers as service daemons
Linking containers together via the Docker daemon
Snooping the Docker daemon API
Setting up your own registry
Using the Docker Hub to find and download images
These first two chapters have covered the basics (though hopefully you’ve learned something
new, even if you’re familiar with Docker). We’ll now move on to part 2, where we’ll look at
the role of Docker in the world of software development.

Connect to the container’s netcat server with the telnet command.

<$paranum\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\>

<$paranum\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\>

openObjectId <$relfilename\>:<$ObjectType\> <$ObjectId\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\> <$paratext\> <$pagenum\>

 1, 2–3
Symbols[\\ ];Numerics[0];A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z
<$autorange\><Default Para Font\><$pagenum\>

Overview of Docker architecture

The Docker daemon

Docker accessibility: normal and opened up


Input a line of text to send to the netcat server.

Type q and then the Return key to quit the Telnet program.

Press Ctrl-] followed by the Return key to quit the Telnet session.

Clean up the container with the rm command.

Run the docker logs command to see the container’s output.

The Docker client

Docker’s client-server architecture on your host

Docker client and server with socat inserted as a proxy

The command you issue to see the request and response

The HTTP request begins here, with the right angle bracket on the left.

The HTTP response begins here, with the left angle bracket on the left.

The JSON content of the response from the Docker server

The output as normally seen by the user, interpreted by the Docker client from the preceding JSON

WordPress setup with linked containers


How the Docker terminal works

A Docker registry

The Docker Hub

The output of docker search is ordered by the number of stars.

The description is the uploader’s explanation of the purpose of the image.

Automated images are those built using Docker Hub’s automated build feature.

Official images are those trusted by the Docker Hub.

Pull the image named node from the Docker Hub.

This message is seen if Docker has pulled a new image (as opposed to identifying that there’s no newer image than the one you already have). Your output may be different.