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Releases: aiven/aiven-operator


20 Sep 07:09
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  • Fix KafkaTopic: fails to create a topic with the replication factor set more than running Kafka nodes
  • Fix ServiceIntegration: sends empty source and destination projects
  • Fix KafkaSchema: poll resource availability
  • Add KafkaSchema field schemaType, type string: Schema type
  • Add Kafka field userConfig.follower_fetching, type object: Enable follower fetching
  • Add Kafka field userConfig.kafka_sasl_mechanisms, type object: Kafka SASL mechanisms
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.kafka.sasl_oauthbearer_sub_claim_name: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Add MySQL field userConfig.migration.ignore_roles, type string: Comma-separated list of database
    roles, which should be ignored during migration (supported by PostgreSQL only at the moment)
  • Add PostgreSQL field userConfig.migration.ignore_roles, type string: Comma-separated list of
    database roles, which should be ignored during migration (supported by PostgreSQL only at the moment)
  • Add PostgreSQL field userConfig.pgbouncer.max_prepared_statements, type integer: PgBouncer tracks
    protocol-level named prepared statements related commands sent by the client in transaction and
    statement pooling modes when max_prepared_statements is set to a non-zero value
  • Add Redis field userConfig.migration.ignore_roles, type string: Comma-separated list of database
    roles, which should be ignored during migration (supported by PostgreSQL only at the moment)
  • Add Redis field userConfig.backup_hour, type integer: The hour of day (in UTC) when backup for
    the service is started
  • Add Redis field userConfig.backup_minute, type integer: The minute of an hour when backup for
    the service is started
  • Add Grafana field userConfig.wal, type boolean: Setting to enable/disable Write-Ahead Logging.
    The default value is false (disabled)
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.azure_migration, type object: Azure migration settings
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.gcs_migration, type object: Google Cloud Storage migration settings
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.index_rollup, type object: Index rollup settings
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.s3_migration, type object: AWS S3 / AWS S3 compatible migration settings
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.connect_url: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.opensearch.script_max_compilations_rate: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.saml.idp_metadata_url: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$


16 Jul 12:24
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  • Fix PostgreSQL: wait for a valid backup to create read replica
  • Fix ClickhouseGrant: grant privileges for an unknown table (Clickhouse can do that)
  • Fix ClickhouseGrant: track the state to revoke only known privileges. It is recommended to remove existing ClickhouseGrant instances before upgrade to revoke existing privileges.
  • Add Cassandra field userConfig.cassandra.read_request_timeout_in_ms, type integer: How long the
    coordinator waits for read operations to complete before timing it out
  • Add Cassandra field userConfig.cassandra.write_request_timeout_in_ms, type integer: How long
    the coordinator waits for write requests to complete with at least one node in the local datacenter
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.opensearch.knn_memory_circuit_breaker_enabled, type boolean:
    Enable or disable KNN memory circuit breaker. Defaults to true
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.opensearch.knn_memory_circuit_breaker_limit, type integer: Maximum
    amount of memory that can be used for KNN index. Defaults to 50% of the JVM heap size
  • Change PostgreSQL field enum ['%m [%p] %q[user=%u,db=%d,app=%a] ', '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h ', 'pid=%p,user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h ']
    ['%m [%p] %q[user=%u,db=%d,app=%a] ', '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h ', 'pid=%p,user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h ', 'pid=%p,user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h,txid=%x,qid=%Q ']


12 Jul 14:27
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  • Ignore http.StatusBadRequest on ClickhouseGrant deletion
  • Retry conflict error when k8s object saved to the storage
  • Fix ClickhouseGrant invalid remote and local privileges comparison
  • Fix ClickhouseGrant: doesn't escape role name to grant
  • Fix ClickhouseUser: password was reset due to an incorrect processing cycle


02 Jul 12:38
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  • Ignore ClickhouseRole deletion error (missing database)
  • Ignore ClickhouseGrant deletion errors (missing database, service, role)
  • Do not block service operations in REBALANCING state


25 Jun 11:30
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  • Add kind: ClickhouseGrant
  • Add KafkaConnect field userConfig.secret_providers, type array: Configure external secret providers
    in order to reference external secrets in connector configuration
  • Add Kafka field userConfig.kafka_connect_secret_providers, type array: Configure external secret
    providers in order to reference external secrets in connector configuration
  • Add Kafka field userConfig.letsencrypt_sasl_privatelink, type boolean: Use Letsencrypt CA for
    Kafka SASL via Privatelink
  • Add ServiceIntegration field datadog.mirrormaker_custom_metrics, type array: List of custom metrics
  • Add ServiceIntegration field kafkaMirrormaker.kafka_mirrormaker.consumer_auto_offset_reset, type
    string: Set where consumer starts to consume data
  • Add ServiceIntegration field kafkaMirrormaker.kafka_mirrormaker.consumer_max_poll_records, type
    integer: Set consumer max.poll.records. The default is 500
  • Change PostgreSQL field userConfig.pgaudit: deprecated
  • Breaking change ServiceIntegrationEndpoint field externalPostgresql.ssl_mode: enum [allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full][require, verify-ca, verify-full]


25 Jun 11:26
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  • Add kind: ServiceIntegrationEndpoint
  • Add ServiceIntegration flink_external_postgresql type
  • Add ServiceIntegration field datadog.datadog_pgbouncer_enabled, type boolean: Enable Datadog
    PgBouncer Metric Tracking
  • Fix ServiceIntegration deletion when instance has no id set
  • Fix service types disk_space field validation
  • Fix resources project, serviceName fields validation
  • Fix ConnectionPool doesn't check service user precondition
  • Remove CA_CERT secret key for Grafana, OpenSearch, Redis, and Clickhouse. Can't be used with these service types,,]`
  • Change ServiceIntegrationEndpoint field externalKafka.ssl_endpoint_identification_algorithm: enum
    [, https][https]
  • Remove ClickhouseUser webhook. Doesn't do any validation or mutation
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.kafka_version: enum [3.4, 3.5, 3.6][3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7]
  • Change ServiceIntegrationEndpoint field enum [,,,,] → `[,,,
  • Move immutable fields validation from webhooks to CRD validation rules


18 Apr 13:27
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  • Add kind: ClickhouseRole
  • Unified User-Agent format with the Terraform Provider
  • Unify cluster role permissions
  • Add missing role permissions to KafkaACL


02 Apr 11:23
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  • Fix user agent version


02 Apr 08:39
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  • Add KafkaSchemaRegistryACL kind
  • Add ClickhouseDatabase kind
  • Fix secret creation for kinds with no secrets
  • Include the Kubernetes version in the Go client's user agent
  • Replace Database kind validations and default values with CRD validation rules
  • Perform upgrade tasks to check if PG service can be upgraded before updating the service
  • Expose project CA certificate to service secrets: REDIS_CA_CERT, MYSQL_CA_CERT, etc.
  • Add KafkaTopic field config.local_retention_bytes, type integer: local.retention.bytes value
  • Add KafkaTopic field config.local_retention_ms, type integer: value
  • Add KafkaTopic field config.remote_storage_enable, type boolean: remote_storage_enable
  • Change Cassandra field userConfig.cassandra_version: pattern ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$
  • Change Cassandra field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Cassandra field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Cassandra field userConfig.service_to_join_with: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$
  • Change Clickhouse field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Clickhouse field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Grafana field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Grafana field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.kafka.sasl_oauthbearer_expected_audience: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.kafka.sasl_oauthbearer_expected_issuer: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.kafka.sasl_oauthbearer_sub_claim_name: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change MySQL field userConfig.mysql.default_time_zone: pattern ^([-+][\d:]*|[\w/]*)$
  • Change MySQL field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change MySQL field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.client_id: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.client_secret: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.header: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.jwt_header: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.jwt_url_parameter: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.roles_key: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.scope: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.openid.subject_key: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.saml.idp_entity_id: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.saml.roles_key: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.saml.sp_entity_id: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.saml.subject_key: pattern ^[^\r\n]*$
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change PostgreSQL field pattern ^[\w/]*$
  • Change PostgreSQL field userConfig.pg_service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change PostgreSQL field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change PostgreSQL field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Redis field userConfig.project_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Change Redis field userConfig.service_to_fork_from: pattern ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]{0,63}$|^$
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.opensearch.plugins_alerting_filter_by_backend_roles, type boolean:
    Enable or disable filtering of alerting by backend roles. Requires Security plugin
  • Change Redis field userConfig.redis_notify_keyspace_events: pattern ^[KEg\$lshzxeA]*$
  • Add PostgreSQL field userConfig.pgaudit, type object: System-wide settings for the pgaudit extension
  • Add ServiceIntegration field datadog.opensearch.cluster_stats_enabled, type boolean: Enable Datadog
    Opensearch Cluster Monitoring


01 Feb 10:26
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  • Bump k8s deps to 1.26.13
  • Add OpenSearch field userConfig.opensearch.enable_security_audit, type boolean: Enable/Disable
    security audit
  • Add Kafka field userConfig.kafka_rest_config.name_strategy, type string: Name strategy to use
    when selecting subject for storing schemas
  • Add Redis field userConfig.redis_version, type string: Redis major version
  • Add Grafana field userConfig.auth_github.auto_login, type boolean: Allow users to bypass the
    login screen and automatically log in
  • Add Grafana field userConfig.auth_github.skip_org_role_sync, type boolean: Stop automatically
    syncing user roles
  • Change Clickhouse field userConfig.additional_backup_regions: deprecated
  • Change Grafana field userConfig.additional_backup_regions: deprecated
  • Change KafkaConnect field userConfig.additional_backup_regions: deprecated
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.additional_backup_regions: deprecated
  • Change OpenSearch field userConfig.additional_backup_regions: deprecated
  • Change Redis field userConfig.additional_backup_regions: deprecated
  • Change Cassandra field userConfig.cassandra_version: enum [3, 4, 4.1][4, 4.1]
  • Change Kafka field userConfig.kafka_version: enum [3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6][3.4, 3.5, 3.6]
  • Change PostgreSQL field userConfig.pg_version: enum [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16][12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
  • Add Cassandra field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive
    alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add Clickhouse field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive
    alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add Grafana field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive
    alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add KafkaConnect field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive
    alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add Kafka field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive alerts
    about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add MySQL field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive alerts
    about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add OpenSearch field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive
    alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add PostgreSQL field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive
    alerts about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add Redis field technicalEmails, type array: Defines the email addresses that will receive alerts
    about upcoming maintenance updates or warnings about service instability
  • Add Cassandra field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add Clickhouse field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add ClickhouseUser field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add ConnectionPool field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add Grafana field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add Kafka field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add MySQL field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add OpenSearch field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add PostgreSQL field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add Project field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add Redis field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false
  • Add ServiceUser field connInfoSecretTargetDisabled, type boolean: When true, the secret containing
    connection information will not be created, defaults to false