The foreach
library doesn't allow side-effects or manipulating shared objects (at least I don't know how to do it).
Suppose we want to generate two matrices of size
First we define a combination function, and then we use it in for each with .multicombine = TRUE
This draws very heavily from a stack overflow answer.
# combination function
comb <- function(...) {
mapply("rbind", ..., SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# sample usage
result <- foreach(i=1:m, .combine='comb', .multicombine=TRUE) %dopar% {
m1_row <- rep(i, n)
m2_row <- rep(i, n)
names(m1_row) <- paste0("a", as.character(1:n)) # with `rbind` creates a matrix with column names
list(m1_row, m2_row)
result[[1]] #returns a matrix with colnames a1, a2, ...
result[[2]] #returns a matrix with same values but no colnames