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  • Fix deprecated `` (#991)

    @Ace-Who Ace-Who committed Jan 8, 2023
  • Fix "Close tabs to the left" (issue #977)

    @i-c-u-p i-c-u-p committed Aug 12, 2022
  • put keys/shortcuts in <kbd> tags

    @i-c-u-p i-c-u-p committed Aug 7, 2022
  • Updated Custom Commands (markdown)

    @ooker777 ooker777 committed Jan 4, 2018
  • Updated Custom Commands (markdown)

    @ooker777 ooker777 committed Jan 4, 2018
  • Updated Custom Commands (markdown)

    @ooker777 ooker777 committed Jan 4, 2018
  • Updated Custom Commands (markdown)

    @ooker777 ooker777 committed Jan 4, 2018
  • play_with_mpv: Best quality is the default

    @polyzen polyzen committed Jun 24, 2017
  • Move and clean up the "Close tab and focus previous/next" commands

    @lydell lydell committed Feb 10, 2017
  • Added custom command for selecting prev/next tab when close tab.

    @wraiford wraiford committed Feb 9, 2017
  • Added a custom vimfx command which restarts firefox

    @dudelson dudelson committed Jan 10, 2017
  • Fix indentation

    @lydell lydell committed Dec 31, 2016
  • Remove "vim." in the second window.close() in "Close window" command

    Interleaved committed Dec 19, 2016
  • Single quotes

    @lydell lydell committed Dec 16, 2016
  • Cleanup

    @lydell lydell committed Dec 16, 2016
  • Add minimize window custom command

    Interleaved committed Dec 16, 2016
  • Add close window custom command

    Interleaved committed Dec 16, 2016
  • Add commands for incrementing/decrementing the last number in the URL

    @lydell lydell committed Dec 12, 2016
  • Make sure that the command for searching bookmarks or tabs automatically opens the autocomplete popup

    @lydell lydell committed Nov 9, 2016
  • Fix error in the 'Search for the selected text' command

    @lydell lydell committed Nov 6, 2016
  • Show how to make a command for searching open tabs

    @lydell lydell committed Nov 5, 2016
  • Remove commands included in VimFx by default in the next version

    @lydell lydell committed Sep 10, 2016
  • Remove duplicated example for how to open specific URLs

    @lydell lydell committed Aug 27, 2016
  • Fix typo in Private window command

    @lydell lydell committed Aug 27, 2016
  • Add a custom command for quickmarks: two-keypress-bookmarks

    @revpriest revpriest committed Aug 12, 2016
  • Add command to open a link in a new private window using hint markers

    @lydell lydell committed Aug 10, 2016
  • Fix link to "custom styling"

    @lydell lydell committed May 28, 2016
  • Update MPV command

    @lydell lydell committed Mar 19, 2016
  • Update "Search for the selected text" for VimFx 0.13.0

    @lydell lydell committed Mar 19, 2016
  • Remove "Open tab next to current" since it is built-in now

    @lydell lydell committed Mar 19, 2016