From 441bcbc5815d193aa486ac51688ca678f481e1bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Lamb Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2023 09:49:47 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Review Comments: Improve documentation and comments --- docs/source/user-guide/ | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/source/user-guide/ b/docs/source/user-guide/ index 196603d2edca..63c9c064bc52 100644 --- a/docs/source/user-guide/ +++ b/docs/source/user-guide/ @@ -35,3 +35,47 @@ Values are parsed according to the [same rules used in casts from Utf8](https:// If the value in the environment variable cannot be cast to the type of the configuration option, the default value will be used instead and a warning emitted. Environment variables are read during `SessionConfig` initialisation so they must be set beforehand and will not affect running sessions. +| key | default | description | +| ---------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| datafusion.catalog.create_default_catalog_and_schema | true | Whether the default catalog and schema should be created automatically. | +| datafusion.catalog.default_catalog | datafusion | The default catalog name - this impacts what SQL queries use if not specified | +| datafusion.catalog.default_schema | public | The default schema name - this impacts what SQL queries use if not specified | +| datafusion.catalog.information_schema | false | Should DataFusion provide access to `information_schema` virtual tables for displaying schema information | +| datafusion.catalog.location | NULL | Location scanned to load tables for `default` schema | +| datafusion.catalog.format | NULL | Type of `TableProvider` to use when loading `default` schema | +| datafusion.catalog.has_header | false | If the file has a header | +| datafusion.execution.batch_size | 8192 | Default batch size while creating new batches, it's especially useful for buffer-in-memory batches since creating tiny batches would result in too much metadata memory consumption | +| datafusion.execution.coalesce_batches | true | When set to true, record batches will be examined between each operator and small batches will be coalesced into larger batches. This is helpful when there are highly selective filters or joins that could produce tiny output batches. The target batch size is determined by the configuration setting | +| datafusion.execution.collect_statistics | false | Should DataFusion collect statistics after listing files | +| datafusion.execution.target_partitions | 0 | Number of partitions for query execution. Increasing partitions can increase concurrency. Defaults to the number of CPU cores on the system | +| datafusion.execution.time_zone | +00:00 | The default time zone Some functions, e.g. `EXTRACT(HOUR from SOME_TIME)`, shift the underlying datetime according to this time zone, and then extract the hour | +| datafusion.execution.parquet.enable_page_index | true | If true, reads the Parquet data page level metadata (the Page Index), if present, to reduce the I/O and number of rows decoded. | +| datafusion.execution.parquet.pruning | true | If true, the parquet reader attempts to skip entire row groups based on the predicate in the query and the metadata (min/max values) stored in the parquet file | +| datafusion.execution.parquet.skip_metadata | true | If true, the parquet reader skip the optional embedded metadata that may be in the file Schema. This setting can help avoid schema conflicts when querying multiple parquet files with schemas containing compatible types but different metadata | +| datafusion.execution.parquet.metadata_size_hint | NULL | If specified, the parquet reader will try and fetch the last `size_hint` bytes of the parquet file optimistically. If not specified, two reads are required: One read to fetch the 8-byte parquet footer and another to fetch the metadata length encoded in the footer | +| datafusion.execution.parquet.pushdown_filters | false | If true, filter expressions are be applied during the parquet decoding operation to reduce the number of rows decoded | +| datafusion.execution.parquet.reorder_filters | false | If true, filter expressions evaluated during the parquet decoding operation will be reordered heuristically to minimize the cost of evaluation. If false, the filters are applied in the same order as written in the query | +| datafusion.execution.aggregate.scalar_update_factor | 10 | Specifies the threshold for using `ScalarValue`s to update accumulators during high-cardinality aggregations for each input batch. The aggregation is considered high-cardinality if the number of affected groups is greater than or equal to `batch_size / scalar_update_factor`. In such cases, `ScalarValue`s are utilized for updating accumulators, rather than the default batch-slice approach. This can lead to performance improvements. By adjusting the `scalar_update_factor`, you can balance the trade-off between more efficient accumulator updates and the number of groups affected. | +| datafusion.execution.planning_concurrency | 0 | Fan-out during initial physical planning. This is mostly use to plan `UNION` children in parallel. Defaults to the number of CPU cores on the system | +| datafusion.execution.sort_spill_reservation_bytes | 10485760 | Specifies the reserved memory for each spillable sort operation to facilitate an in-memory merge. When a sort operation spills to disk, the in-memory data must be sorted and merged before being written to a file. This setting reserves a specific amount of memory for that in-memory sort/merge process. Note: This setting is irrelevant if the sort operation cannot spill (i.e., if there's no `DiskManager` configured). | +| datafusion.execution.sort_in_place_threshold_bytes | 1048576 | When sorting, below what size should data be concatenated and sorted in a single RecordBatch rather than sorted in batches and merged. | +| datafusion.optimizer.enable_round_robin_repartition | true | When set to true, the physical plan optimizer will try to add round robin repartitioning to increase parallelism to leverage more CPU cores | +| datafusion.optimizer.filter_null_join_keys | false | When set to true, the optimizer will insert filters before a join between a nullable and non-nullable column to filter out nulls on the nullable side. This filter can add additional overhead when the file format does not fully support predicate push down. | +| datafusion.optimizer.repartition_aggregations | true | Should DataFusion repartition data using the aggregate keys to execute aggregates in parallel using the provided `target_partitions` level | +| datafusion.optimizer.repartition_file_min_size | 10485760 | Minimum total files size in bytes to perform file scan repartitioning. | +| datafusion.optimizer.repartition_joins | true | Should DataFusion repartition data using the join keys to execute joins in parallel using the provided `target_partitions` level | +| datafusion.optimizer.allow_symmetric_joins_without_pruning | true | Should DataFusion allow symmetric hash joins for unbounded data sources even when its inputs do not have any ordering or filtering If the flag is not enabled, the SymmetricHashJoin operator will be unable to prune its internal buffers, resulting in certain join types - such as Full, Left, LeftAnti, LeftSemi, Right, RightAnti, and RightSemi - being produced only at the end of the execution. This is not typical in stream processing. Additionally, without proper design for long runner execution, all types of joins may encounter out-of-memory errors. | +| datafusion.optimizer.repartition_file_scans | true | When set to `true`, file groups will be repartitioned to achieve maximum parallelism. Currently Parquet and CSV formats are supported. If set to `true`, all files will be repartitioned evenly (i.e., a single large file might be partitioned into smaller chunks) for parallel scanning. If set to `false`, different files will be read in parallel, but repartitioning won't happen within a single file. | +| datafusion.optimizer.repartition_windows | true | Should DataFusion repartition data using the partitions keys to execute window functions in parallel using the provided `target_partitions` level | +| datafusion.optimizer.repartition_sorts | true | Should DataFusion execute sorts in a per-partition fashion and merge afterwards instead of coalescing first and sorting globally. With this flag is enabled, plans in the form below `text "SortExec: [a@0 ASC]", " CoalescePartitionsExec", " RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(8), input_partitions=1", ` would turn into the plan below which performs better in multithreaded environments `text "SortPreservingMergeExec: [a@0 ASC]", " SortExec: [a@0 ASC]", " RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(8), input_partitions=1", ` | +| datafusion.optimizer.bounded_order_preserving_variants | false | When true, DataFusion will opportunistically remove sorts by replacing `RepartitionExec` with `SortPreservingRepartitionExec`, and `CoalescePartitionsExec` with `SortPreservingMergeExec`, even when the query is bounded. | +| datafusion.optimizer.skip_failed_rules | false | When set to true, the logical plan optimizer will produce warning messages if any optimization rules produce errors and then proceed to the next rule. When set to false, any rules that produce errors will cause the query to fail | +| datafusion.optimizer.max_passes | 3 | Number of times that the optimizer will attempt to optimize the plan | +| datafusion.optimizer.top_down_join_key_reordering | true | When set to true, the physical plan optimizer will run a top down process to reorder the join keys | +| datafusion.optimizer.prefer_hash_join | true | When set to true, the physical plan optimizer will prefer HashJoin over SortMergeJoin. HashJoin can work more efficiently than SortMergeJoin but consumes more memory | +| datafusion.optimizer.hash_join_single_partition_threshold | 1048576 | The maximum estimated size in bytes for one input side of a HashJoin will be collected into a single partition | +| datafusion.explain.logical_plan_only | false | When set to true, the explain statement will only print logical plans | +| datafusion.explain.physical_plan_only | false | When set to true, the explain statement will only print physical plans | +| datafusion.sql_parser.parse_float_as_decimal | false | When set to true, SQL parser will parse float as decimal type | +| datafusion.sql_parser.enable_ident_normalization | true | When set to true, SQL parser will normalize ident (convert ident to lowercase when not quoted) | +| datafusion.sql_parser.dialect | generic | Configure the SQL dialect used by DataFusion's parser; supported values include: Generic, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hive, SQLite, Snowflake, Redshift, MsSQL, ClickHouse, BigQuery, and Ansi. |