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Grammar railroad diagram #29

mingodad opened this issue Jun 6, 2021 · 0 comments

Grammar railroad diagram #29

mingodad opened this issue Jun 6, 2021 · 0 comments


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mingodad commented Jun 6, 2021

Looking for people using CocoR I found this project and I've done a experimental tool to convert CocoR grammars to a kind of EBNF understood by to generate railroad diagrams see bellow the converted and with some hand made changes of alan.atg to allow view it at the order of the rules could be changed to a better view of the railroad diagrams. Copy and paste the EBNF bellow on tab Edit Grammar then switch to the tab View Diagram.

Cheers !

//"--" lf lf  '+' cr  '+' tab
adventure ::= optionaloptions declarations start
optionaloptions ::=  | genSym0 options
genSym0 ::= "options"  | "option"
options ::= option  | options option
option ::= ID "."  | "no" ID "."  | ID ID "."  | ID Integer "."
declarations ::=  | declarations declaration
declaration ::= "import"  | prompt  | messages  | class  | instance  | rule  | synonyms  | syntax  | verb  | addition  | event
prompt ::= "prompt" statements
attributes ::= attributedefinition "."  | attributes attributedefinition "."
attributedefinition ::= ID  | "not" ID  | ID STRING  | ID ID  | ID optionalminus Integer  | ID "{" optionalmembers "}"
optionalmembers ::=  | setmembers
setmembers ::= setmember  | setmembers "," setmember
setmember ::= what  | STRING  | optionalminus Integer
synonyms ::= "synonyms" synonymlist
synonymlist ::= synonymdeclaration  | synonymlist synonymdeclaration
synonymdeclaration ::= idlist "=" ID "."
messages ::= "message" messagelist
messagelist ::= message  | messagelist message
message ::= ID ":" statements
syntax ::= "syntax" syntaxlist
syntaxlist ::= syntaxitem  | syntaxlist syntaxitem
syntaxitem ::= ID "=" syntaxelements optionalsyntaxrestrictions
syntaxelements ::= syntaxelement  | syntaxelements syntaxelement
syntaxelement ::= ID  | "(" ID ")" optionalindicators
optionalindicators ::=  | optionalindicators indicator
indicator ::= "*"  | "!"
syntaxrestrictionclauses ::= syntaxrestriction  | syntaxrestrictionclauses "and" syntaxrestriction
syntaxrestriction ::= ID "isa" restrictionclass "else" statements
restrictionclass ::= ID  | "container"
optionalsyntaxrestrictions ::= "."  | "where" syntaxrestrictionclauses
verb ::= verbheader verbbody verbtail
verbheader ::= optionalmeta "verb" idlist
optionalmeta ::=  | "meta"
verbbody ::= simpleverbbody  | verbalternatives
verbalternatives ::= verbalternative  | verbalternatives verbalternative
verbalternative ::= "when" ID simpleverbbody
simpleverbbody ::= optionalchecks optionaldoes
verbtail ::= "end" "verb" optionalid "."
optionalchecks ::=  | "check" statements  | "check" checklist
checklist ::= check  | checklist "and" check
check ::= expression "else" statements
optionaldoes ::=  | does
does ::= "does" optionalqual statements
class ::= "every" ID optionalheritage properties classtail
classtail ::= "end" "every" optionalid genSym1
genSym1 ::=  | "."
addition ::= "add" "to" genSym2 ID optionalheritage properties addtail
genSym2 ::=  | "every"
addtail ::= "end" "add" genSym3 optionalid genSym4
genSym3 ::=  | "to"
genSym4 ::=  | "."
instance ::= "the" ID optionalheritage properties instancetail
instancetail ::= "end" "the" optionalid genSym5
genSym5 ::=  | "."
optionalheritage ::=  | heritage
heritage ::= "isa" ID genSym6
genSym6 ::=  | "."
properties ::=  | properties property
property ::= where genSym7  | containerproperties  | description  | genSym8 articleorform  | name  | pronoun  | initialize  | entered  | mentioned  | "definite" articleorform  | "negative" articleorform  | is attributes  | script  | exit  | verb
genSym7 ::=  | "."
genSym8 ::=  | "indefinite"
exit ::= "exit" idlist "to" ID optionalexitbody "."
optionalexitbody ::=  | optionalchecks optionaldoes "end" "exit" optionalid
is ::= "is"  | "are"  | "has"  | "can"
optionaldescription ::=  | description
description ::= "description" optionalchecks optionaldoes  | "description" statements
articleorform ::= article  | form
article ::= "article"  | "article" statements
form ::= "form"  | "form" statements
entered ::= "entered" statements
initialize ::= "initialize" statements
mentioned ::= "mentioned" statements
name ::= "name" ids optionalfullstop
pronoun ::= "pronoun" idlist optionalfullstop
optionalfullstop ::=  | "."
containerproperties ::= genSym9 optionallyopaque "container" containerbody
genSym9 ::=  | "with"
optionallyopaque ::=  | "opaque"
containerbody ::= optionaltaking optionallimits optionalheader optionalempty optionalextract  | "."
optionaltaking ::=  | "taking" ID "."
optionallimits ::=  | "limits" limits
limits ::= limit  | limits limit
limit ::= limitattribute elseorthen statements
elseorthen ::= "else"  | "then"
limitattribute ::= attributedefinition  | "count" Integer
optionalheader ::=  | "header" statements
optionalempty ::=  | "else" statements
optionalextract ::=  | "extract" optionalchecks optionaldoes  | "extract" statements
event ::= eventheader statements eventtail
eventheader ::= "event" ID
eventtail ::= "end" "event" optionalid "."
script ::= "script" ID genSym10 optionaldescription steplist
genSym10 ::=  | "."
steplist ::= step  | steplist step
step ::= "step" statements  | "step" "after" expression genSym11 statements  | "step" "wait" "until" expression genSym12 statements
genSym11 ::=  | "."
genSym12 ::=  | "."
rule ::= "when" expression then statements optionalendwhen
then ::= "=>"  | "then"
optionalendwhen ::=  | "end" "when" genSym13
genSym13 ::=  | "."
start ::= "start" where "." optionalstatements
optionalstatements ::=  | statements
statements ::= statement  | statements statement
statement ::= outputstatement  | specialstatement  | manipulationstatement  | actorstatement  | eventstatement  | assignmentstatement  | repetitionstatement  | conditionalstatement
outputstatement ::= STRING  | "describe" what "."  | "say" sayform expression "."  | "list" primary "."  | "show" ID "."  | "play" ID "."  | "style" ID "."
sayform ::=  | "the"  | "an"  | "it"  | "no"
manipulationstatement ::= "empty" primary optionalwhere "."  | "locate" primary where "."  | "include" primary "in" what "."  | "exclude" primary "from" what "."
eventstatement ::= "cancel" what "."  | "schedule" what optionalwhere "after" expression "."
assignmentstatement ::= "make" primary something "."  | "strip" optionalfirstorlast optionalexpression optionalwordorcharacter "from" expression optionalinto "."  | "increase" attributereference optionalbyclause "."  | "decrease" attributereference optionalbyclause "."  | "set" attributereference "to" expression "."
optionalbyclause ::=  | "by" expression
optionalfirstorlast ::=  | "first"  | "last"
optionalwordorcharacter ::=  | "word"  | "words"  | "character"  | "characters"
optionalinto ::=  | "into" expression
conditionalstatement ::= ifstatement  | dependingstatement
ifstatement ::= "if" expression "then" statements optionalelsiflist optionalelsepart "end" "if" "."
optionalelsiflist ::=  | elsiflist
elsiflist ::= "elsif" expression "then" statements  | elsiflist "elsif" expression "then" statements
optionalelsepart ::=  | "else" statements
dependingstatement ::= "depending" "on" primary dependcases "end" genSym14 "."
genSym14 ::= "depend"  | "depending"
dependcases ::= dependcase  | dependcases dependcase
dependcase ::= "else" statements  | righthandside "then" statements
repetitionstatement ::= foreach ID optionalloopfilters "do" statements "end" foreach genSym15
genSym15 ::=  | "."
optionalloopfilters ::=  | filters  | "between" arithmetic "and" arithmetic
foreach ::= "for"  | "each"  | "for" "each"
actorstatement ::= "stop" what "."  | "use" "script" ID optionalforactor "."
optionalforactor ::=  | "for" what
specialstatement ::= "quit" "."  | "look" "."  | "save" "."  | "restore" "."  | "restart" "."  | "score" optionalinteger "."  | "transcript" onoroff "."  | "system" STRING "."  | "visits" Integer "."
onoroff ::= "on"  | "off"
optionalexpression ::=  | expression
expression ::= term  | expression "or" term
term ::= factor  | term "and" factor
factor ::= arithmetic  | factor optionalnot where  | factor optionalnot relop arithmetic  | factor optionalnot "contains" arithmetic  | factor optionalnot "between" arithmetic "and" arithmetic
arithmetic ::= primary  | aggregate filters  | primary "isa" ID  | primary is something  | arithmetic binop primary
filters ::= filter  | filters "," filter
filter ::= optionalnot where  | optionalnot "isa" ID  | is something
righthandside ::= filter  | optionalnot relop primary  | optionalnot "contains" factor  | optionalnot "between" arithmetic "and" arithmetic
primary ::= STRING  | what  | "score"  | optionalminus Integer  | "{" optionalmembers "}"  | "(" expression ")"  | "random" optionaltransitivity "in" primary  | "random" primary "to" primary
aggregate ::= "count"  | aggregator "of" ID
aggregator ::= "max"  | "min"  | "sum"
something ::= optionalnot ID
what ::= simplewhat  | attributereference
simplewhat ::= ID  | "this"  | "current" "actor"  | "current" "location"
attributereference ::= ID "of" what  | what ":" ID
optionalwhere ::=  | where
where ::= optionaltransitivity "here"  | optionaltransitivity "nearby"  | optionaltransitivity "at" primary  | optionaltransitivity "in" primary  | optionaltransitivity "near" what
binop ::= "+"  | "-"  | "*"  | "/"
relop ::= "<>"  | "="  | "=="  | ">="  | "<="  | ">"  | "<"
optionalqual ::=  | "before"  | "after"  | "only"
optionalnot ::=  | "not"
optionaltransitivity ::=  | "transitively"  | "directly"  | "indirectly"
optionalid ::=  | ID
ids ::= ID  | ids ID
idlist ::= ID  | idlist "," ID
optionalinteger ::=  | Integer
optionalminus ::=  | "-"
ID ::= Identifier  | "location"  | "actor"  | "opaque"  | "visits"  | "contains"  | "on"  | "it"  | "of"  | "first"  | "into"  | "taking"  | "off"

tab ::= '\t'
lf ::= '\n'
cr ::= '\r'
zero ::= '0'
zeroToThree ::= zero  '+' "123"
octalDigit ::= zero  '+' "1234567"
nonZeroDigit ::= "123456789"
digit ::= '0'  '+' nonZeroDigit
hexDigit ::= digit  '+' "ABCDEFabcdef"
letter ::= 'A'  .. 'Z'  '+' 'a'  .. 'z'  '+' '_'  '+' '$'  '+' '\u00e0'  .. '\u00f6'  '+' '\u00f8'  .. '\u00fe'
char ::= ANY  '-' "'"  '-' '\'  '-' cr  '-' lf
stringChar ::= ANY  '-' '"'
Identifier  ::=  ( letter  ( letter  | digit  | '_'  )*  )  |  ( "'"  ( char  )* "'"  )
Integer  ::= digit  ( digit  )*
STRING  ::= '"'  ( stringChar  | '""'  )* '"'
Import  ::= "import"
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