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Using Secret CLI

secretcli is the Secret Network light client, a command-line interface tool for interacting with nodes running on the Secret Network.

How to install and use secretcli.


Key Types

There are four types of key representations:

  • secret

    • Derived from account keys generated by secretcli keys add
    • Used to receive funds
    • e.g. secret15h6vd5f0wqps26zjlwrc6chah08ryu4hzzdwhc
  • secretvaloper

    • Used to associate a validator to it's operator
    • Used to invoke staking commands
    • e.g. secretvaloper1carzvgq3e6y3z5kz5y6gxp3wpy3qdrv928vyah
  • secretpub

    • Derived from account keys generated by secretcli keys add
    • e.g. secretpub1zcjduc3q7fu03jnlu2xpl75s2nkt7krm6grh4cc5aqth73v0zwmea25wj2hsqhlqzm
  • secretvalconspub

    • Generated when the node is created with secretd init.
    • Get this value with secretd tendermint show-validator
    • e.g. secretvalconspub1zcjduepq0ms2738680y72v44tfyqm3c9ppduku8fs6sr73fx7m666sjztznqzp2emf

Generate Keys

You'll need a private account and public key pair (a.k.a. sk, pk respectively)\ to be able to receive funds, send txs, bond txs, etc.

To generate a new secp256k1 key:

secretcli keys add <key-alias>

The output of the above command contains a seed phrase. It's recommended to save the seed phrase in a safe place in case you forget the password of the operating system's credentials store.

You can regenerate the key from the seed phrase with the following command:

secretcli keys add --recover <key-alias>

You can also backup your key using export — which outputs to stderr:

(copy and paste to a <key-export-file>)

secretcli keys export <key-alias>

and import it with:

secretcli keys import <key-alias> <key-export-file>

If you check your private keys, you'll now see <key-alias>:

secretcli keys show <key-alias>

If you want to just see your secret address:

secretcli keys show <key-alias> -a

View the validator operator's address via:

secretcli keys show <key-alias> --bech=val

You can see all your available keys by typing:

secretcli keys list

View the validator pubkey for your node by typing:

secretd tendermint show-validator

Note: this is the Tendermint signing key, not the operator key you will use in delegation transactions.

::: danger Warning We strongly recommend NOT using the same passphrase for multiple keys. The Tendermint team and the Interchain Foundation will not be responsible for the loss of funds. :::

Generate Multisig Public Keys

You can generate and print a multisig public key by typing:

secretcli keys add --multisig=name1,name2,name3[...] --multisig-threshold=K <new-key-alias>

K is the minimum number of private keys that must have signed the transactions carrying the public key's address as a signer.

The --multisig flag must contain the name of public keys to be combined into a public key that will be generated and stored as new-key-alias in the local database.

All names supplied through --multisig must already exist in the local database. Unless the flag --nosort is set. The order of the supplied keys on the command line does not matter, i.e. the following commands generate two identical keys:

secretcli keys add --multisig=foo,bar,baz --multisig-threshold=2 <multisig-address>
secretcli keys add --multisig=baz,foo,bar --multisig-threshold=2 <multisig-address>

Multisig addresses can also be generated on-the-fly and printed by typing:

secretcli keys show --multisig-threshold K name1 name2 name3 [...]

For more information on generating, signing and broadcasting transactions using multiple signatures see Multisig Transactions.

Tx Broadcasting

When broadcasting transactions, secretcli accepts a --broadcast-mode flag. This flag can have a value of sync (default), async, or block, where sync makes the client return a CheckTx response, async makes the client return immediately, and block makes the client wait for the tx to be committed (or timing out).

It is important to note, that the block mode should not be used in most circumstances because broadcasting can timeout, but the tx may still be included in a block. This can result in many undesirable situations. Therefore, it is best to use sync or async and query by tx hash to determine when the tx is included in a block.

Fees & Gas

Each transaction supplies fees or gas prices, but never both.

Validator's have a minimum gas price (multi-denom) configuration used to determine if they should include a transaction in a block during CheckTx, where gasPrices >= minGasPrices.

Note: Transactions must supply fees greater than or equal to any fees set by validators. Validators may start to prioritize txs by gasPrice in the mempool, increasing tx priority based on fees or gas prices.


# secretcli tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]
secretcli tx bank send ... --fees=50000uscrt


secretcli tx bank send ... --gas-prices=0.0125uscrt


Get Tokens

On a testnet, getting tokens is usually done via a faucet. You can get tokens for testing purposes using the Secret Network faucet HERE

Query Account Balance

After receiving tokens to your address, you can view your account's balance by typing:

secretcli query bank balances <secret-address>

Get your <secret-address> using:

secretcli keys show -a <key-alias>

(the -a flag is used to display the address only)

You can also supply your address with the following command:

secretcli query bank balances $(secretcli keys show -a <key-alias>)

::: warning Note When querying an account balance with zero tokens, you will get the error: No account with address <secret-address> was found in the state. This can also happen if you fund the account before your node is fully synced. These are both normal.

Send Tokens

Use the following command to send tokens from one account to another:

secretcli tx bank send <sender-key-alias-or-address> <recipient-address> 10uscrt \
	--memo <tx-memo> \

::: warning Note The amount argument accepts the format <value|coin_name>. :::

::: tip Note You may want to cap the maximum gas consumed by transactions via the --gas flag.

If you pass --gas=auto, the gas supply is automatically estimated before transaction execution.

Innacurrate gas estimates may occur inbetween the end of the simulation and the actual execution of a transaction. An adjustment needs to be applied on top of the original estimate for the transaction to be broadcasted successfully. Adjustment are controlled via the --gas-adjustment flag, with a default value of 1.0. :::

To view updated balances of origin and destination accounts use:

secretcli query bank balances <secret-address>
secretcli query bank balances <recipient-address>

You can also check balances at any block using the --block flag:

secretcli query bank balances <secret-address> --block=<block_height>

You can simulate a transaction without actually broadcasting it by appending the --dry-run flag:

secretcli tx bank send <sender-key-alias-or-address> <recipient-address> 10uscrt \
  --chain-id=<chain-id> \

Furthermore, you can build a transaction and print its JSON format to STDOUT by appending --generate-only to the list of arguments:

secretcli tx bank send <sender-key-alias-or-address> <recipient-address> 10uscrt \
  --chain-id=<chain-id> \
  --generate-only > unsignedSendTx.json
secretcli tx sign \
  --chain-id=<chain-id> \
  --from=<key-alias> \
  unsignedSendTx.json > signedSendTx.json

::: tip Note The --generate-only flag prevents secretcli from accessing the local keybase. When the flag is supplied <sender-key-alias-or-address> must be an address. :::

You can validate transaction signatures by typing the following:

secretcli tx sign --validate-signatures --from=<key-alias> signedSendTx.json

You can broadcast the signed transaction to a node by providing the JSON file using:

secretcli tx broadcast --node=<node> signedSendTx.json

Query Transactions

Matching a Set of Events

Use the transaction search command to query for transactions matching a specific set of events, which are added on every transaction.

Each event contains a key-value pair in the form of {eventType}.{eventAttribute}={value}.

Events can be combined to query for more specific results using the & symbol.

You can query transactions by events as follows:

secretcli q txs --events='message.sender=secret1...'

And for using multiple events:

secretcli q txs --events='message.sender=secret1...&message.action=withdraw_delegator_reward'

The pagination is supported as well via page and limit:

secretcli q txs --events='message.sender=secret1...' --page=1 --limit=20

::: tip Note

The action tag always equals the message type returned by the Type() function of the relevant message.

You can find a list of available events on each of the SDK modules:

Matching a Transaction Hash

You can query a single transaction by its hash using the following command:

secretcli q tx [hash]

Secret Contracts

Uploading a Secret Contract

To upload a contract:

secretcli tx compute store ./contract.wasm.gz --from mykey --source "<username>/<repo>/tarball/<version>" --builder "enigmampc/secret-contract-optimizer:1.0.2"
  • --source: Optional tarball of the source code, so your contract will be verifiable.
  • --builder: Optional docker image used to compile ./contract.wasm.gz, so that your contract will be verifiable. This is important for reproducible builds so you should figure out the exact version of enigmampc/secret-contract-optimizer that you were using.

To get the contract's code ID:

secretcli q tx [hash]

Deploying a Secret Contract

secretcli tx compute instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT_INPUT_MSG" --from mykey --label "$UNIQUE_LABEL"

To get the contract's address:

secretcli q tx [hash]

Executing a Secret Contract

secretcli tx compute execute $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "$EXEC_INPUT_MSG"


secretcli tx compute execute --label "$UNIQUE_LABEL" "$EXEC_INPUT_MSG"

Reading the output of a Secret Contract tx

secretcli q compute tx [hash]

Querying a Secret Contract

secretcli q compute query $CONTRACT_ADDRESS "$QUERY_INPUT_MSG"


::: tip Note You can find slashing related CLI commands under Validators/Slashing. :::


You can query for minting/inflation parameters via:

secretcli q mint params

To query for current inflation value:

secretcli q mint inflation

To query for current annual provisions value:

secretcli q mint annual-provisions


::: tip Note You can find CLI commands related to delegating under Delegate. :::


If you are running a full node or a validator node, view the status by typing:

secretcli status

How to run a full node on mainnet.


Governance is the process of Secret Network users coming to consensus on software upgrades, parameters of the mainnet or signaling mechanisms through text proposals. This is done through voting on proposals, which will be submitted by SCRT holders on the mainnet.

How to participate in on-chain governance.

Fee Distribution

Query Distribution Parameters

To check current distribution parameters, run:

secretcli q distribution params

Query Distribution Community Pool

To query all coins in the community pool under Governance control:

secretcli q distribution community-pool

Query Outstanding Validator rewards

To check current outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards, run:

secretcli q distribution validator-outstanding-rewards <validator-address>

Query Validator Commission

To check current outstanding commission for a validator, run:

secretcli q distribution commission <validator-operator-address>

Query Validator Slashes

To check historical slashes for a validator, run:

secretcli q distribution slashes <validator-operator-address> <start-height> <end-height>

Query Delegator Rewards

To check current rewards for a delegation (were they to be withdrawn), run:

secretcli q distribution rewards <delegator-address> <validator-address>

Query All Delegator Rewards

To check all current rewards for a delegation (were they to be withdrawn), run:

secretcli q distribution rewards <delegator-address>

Multisig Transactions

Multisig transactions require signatures of multiple private keys. Generating and signing a transaction from a multisig account involves multiple parties. A multisig transaction is initiated by any key holder, and at least one of them would need to import other parties' public keys into their Keybase and generate a multisig public key to finalize and broadcast the multisig transaction.

For example, given a multisig key comprising the keys p1, p2, and p3, each of which is held by a distinct party, the user holding p1 will need to import both p2 and p3 to generate the multisig account public key:

secretcli keys add \
  p2 \

secretcli keys add \
  p3 \

secretcli keys add \
  p1p2p3 \
  --multisig-threshold=2 \

When a new multisig public key p1p2p3 has been stored its address will be used as signer of multisig transactions:

secretcli keys show p1p2p3 -a

You may also view multisig threshold, pubkey constituents and respective weights by viewing the JSON output of the key or passing the --show-multisig flag:

secretcli keys show p1p2p3 -o json

secretcli keys show p1p2p3 --show-multisig

The first step to create a multisig transaction is to initiate it on behalf of the multisig address created above using the following command:

secretcli tx bank send secret1570v2fq3twt0f0x02vhxpuzc9jc4yl30q2qned 1000000uscrt \
  --from=<multisig-address> \
  --generate-only > unsignedTx.json

The file unsignedTx.json contains the unsigned transaction encoded in JSON. p1 can now sign the transaction with its own private key:

secretcli tx sign \
  unsignedTx.json \
  --multisig=<multisig-address> \
  --from=p1 \

Once the signature is generated, p1 transmits both unsignedTx.json and p1signature.json to p2 or p3, which in turn will generate their respective signature:

secretcli tx sign \
  unsignedTx.json \
  --multisig=<multisig-address> \
  --from=p2 \

p1p2p3 is a 2-of-3 multisig key, therefore one additional signature is sufficient. Any the key holders can now generate the multisig transaction by combining the required signature files:

secretcli tx multisign \
  unsignedTx.json \
  p1p2p3 \
  p1signature.json p2signature.json > signedTx.json

The transaction can now be sent to the node:

secretcli tx broadcast signedTx.json