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Compiling Notes

Alfred Holmes edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 3 revisions

How To Compile Notes

The recommended way to compile notes is by using the command

python render note_name format

format is optional and can should either be html or pdf. note_name is the file name of the note that you want to render. By default this will produce a pdf file /pdf/note_name.pdf. This command adds in a section at the bottom of the note that lists all the notes that reference this note. If you have two notes, A and B, and note A references note B then to get working links you will need to compile B before A. If B also references A then compile A then B and then compile A again. The plan for the future is to get render to automatically handle this.

Render all

If for some reason you need to recompile all your notes, you can run the command

python render_all_pdf


python render_all_html

but this can take some time if you have a lot of notes. These commands also handle biber citations.

Other methods

To render a note as a pdf, it is also possible to simply compile the .tex. The relative paths in the imports of the .tex files are set up so that running

pdflatex ../notes/slipbox/note_name.tex

from the directory /pdf, for example, will render the note. If a note references another note then to get working hyperlinks, you will need to first render the note that is referenced. This may mean that you have to render some notes more than once to get all the links to work. This is similar to needing to run pdflatex twice to get the correct references in a normal .tex document.