45Mpx-to-9Mpx image of Sun's spectrum overlaid with nm legends (source © N.A.Sharp, NOAO/NSO/Kitt Peak FTS/AURA/NSF): old page https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im0600.html, new page https://noirlab.edu/public/images/noao-sun/
my discussion [with myself] on color [mis]calibration between sRGB, CIE, and W dispersion: Crissov/unicode-proposals#222 (comment)
Newer labeled sun spectrum: https://noirlab.edu/public/images/NEID-Solarlines-scale-CC/. Why does this also go into eggplant (dark pink) but then into grey-pinkish and yellowish-grey on the last row?
These charts can't be trusted for colorimetry!
NOAO: auburn 680, red 630, brazen 610, yellow 590, chartreuse 570, green 550, glassen 500, shore 470, sky 455, blue 430, violet 405, eggplant 400
NEID: auburn 873, red 709, brazen 625, yellow 569, chartreuse 528, green 496, glassen 482, shore 471, sky 455, blue 442, violet 420, eggplant 385