Based on initial work by Archie Cowan.
First, install Aminator. Then install the Puppet provisioner for Aminator:
sudo aminator-plugin install puppet
Then you will need to make add an environment that uses the Puppet provisioner to your /etc/aminator/environments.yml
file. For example:
cloud: ec2
distro: debian
provisioner: puppet
volume: linux
blockdevice: linux
finalizer: tagging_ebs
cloud: ec2
distro: redhat
provisioner: puppet
volume: linux
blockdevice: linux
finalizer: tagging_ebs
--puppet-env-vars - Extra arguments for Puppet. Can be used to include a Puppet class with -e.
--puppet-args - Extra arguments for Puppet. Can be used to include a Puppet class with -e.
--puppet-master - Hostname of Puppet Master
--puppet-certs-dir - Used when generating/copying certs for use with Puppet Master
--puppet-private-keys-dir - Used when generating/copying certs for use with Puppet Master
--puppet-hieradata - The name of the tarball containing a hiera.yaml file and hieradata directory. This option requires Puppet >= 3.1.')
--puppet-install-cmd - The command to use to install Puppet. The native package manager will be used by default.
--puppet-hiera-install-cmd - The command to use to install Hiera. Gem will be used by default.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c
Puppet will use the default hostname 'puppet' to try to talk to the Puppet Master server and generate certs with the name in the last argument.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c
Puppet will use the specified hostname to try to talk to the Puppet Master server and generate certs with the name in the last argument.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c /full/path/to/some_manifest.pp
Aminator will look at the last argument and try to find that file. If it does, Aminator will assume that you want to run Puppet in Masterless mode (apply) and will pass in the specified manifest.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c /full/path/to/my_manifest_tarball.tgz
Aminator will untar the manifests to /etc/puppet/modules (or /etc/puppet if the tarball contains a modules directory) and run Puppet apply.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c --puppet-env-vars="FACTER_my_fact=some_value; FACTER_fact2=value2" /full/path/to/my_manifest_tarball.tgz
Aminator will add the specified variables to the environment for Puppet runs. The most obvious use for this is to pass custom facts to Puppet that are used in the Puppet manifests. Pairs are delimited by semi-colon.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c --puppet-args="-e 'include my_module::my_class'" /full/path/to/my_manifest_tarball.tgz
Aminator will untar the manifests and run Puppet apply, passing the contents of puppet_args in the commandline.
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c --puppet-args="-e 'include my_module::my_class'" --puppet-hieradata=/full/path/to/hieradata.tgz /full/path/to/my_manifest_tarball.tgz
Aminator will expand the hieradata tarball into /etc/puppet. The tarball should include a hiera.yaml and whatever files/directories hiera will use (often a hieradata directory structure with your yaml files).
sudo aminate -B ami-35792c5c \
--puppet-args="-e 'include my_module::my_class'" \
--puppet-hieradata=/full/path/to/hieradata.tgz \
--puppet-install-cmd="yum install -y rubygems && gem install puppet -v '>=3.1' && ln -s /usr/local/bin/puppet /usr/bin/puppet" \
--puppet-hiera-install-cmd="gem install hiera -v '>=1.3'" \
Using Hiera with a 'puppet apply' was only supported starting with Puppet 3.1 so, depending on your distro/repos, you may need to use custom install commands to make sure you have a new enough Puppet and/or Hiera.