Camera details can be obtained by using the getDetails camera function and are presented below:
- cameraID (string): Camera identification.
- mode (string): The mode in which the camera operates.
- frameType (frameDetails): Details about the frames that camera is capturing.
- connection (ConnectionType): The type of connection with the camera.
- intrinsics (struct):
- cameraMatrix (vector(float)): The 3x3 intrinsic parameter matrix (a.k.a K matrix) with values specified in pixel units.
- distorsionCoefficients (vector(float))
- pixelWidth (float): The width of a sensor unit cell specified in mm.
- pixelHeight (float): The height of a sensor unit cell specified in mm.
- depthParameters (struct):
- depthGain (float)
- depthOffset (float)
- maxDept (int): The maximum distance (in millimeters) the camera can measure in the current operating mode.
- minDepth (int): The minimum distance (in millimeters) the camera can measure in the current operating mode.
- bitCount (int): The number of bits used for representing one pixel data.
A detailed version of the above table can be found at: