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Module 3: AWS X-Ray Integration

In this module, you'll use AWS X-Ray to analyze and debug the Unicorn API after code changes are deployed through the AWS CodePipeline that you built in Module 2: Continuous Delivery Pipeline.

The work you will do is divided up into 3 phases:

  1. Environment Setup
  2. Problem 1: Error Discovery Using X-Ray and Resolution
  3. Problem 2: Performance Discovery Using-X-Ray and Resolution

But first, a quick intro to AWS X-Ray...

AWS X-Ray Overview

AWS X-Ray helps you analyze and debug production, distributed applications. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its underlying services are performing to identify and troubleshoot the root cause of performance issues and errors. X-Ray provides an end-to-end view of requests as they travel through your application, and shows a map of your application's underlying components. You can use X-Ray to analyze both applications in development and in production. Next, we'll look at how to integrate X-Ray with Lambda.

AWS X-Ray Integration with AWS Lambda

Using AWS X-Ray to trace requests enables you to gain insights into the performance of serverless applications, allowing you to pinpoint the root cause of issues so that you can address them.

To integrate X-Ray with Lambda, a few changes are required to the Unicorn API from Module 2. These changes are already included in the uni-api in Module 3, but we will review them so that you are familiar with the modifications.

Enable Active Tracing on Lambda Functions

Each Lambda Function must be enabled for active tracing for X-Ray by adding a Tracing property with a value of Active (see more).

Integrate AWS X-Ray SDK with Lambda Function

To integrate the X-Ray SDK into the Node.js Unicorn API, the aws-xray-sdk node module is added as a project dependency using npm. This has already been included in the package.json file in the uni-api/app directory, and will be included in the project during the Build stage with the addition of a new step in the build phase of the CodeBuild uni-api/buildspec.yml file:

    - cd app && npm install
    - aws cloudformation package --template app-sam.yaml --s3-bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template template-export.yml

With the addition of the aws-xray-sdk library to the project, the library needs to be integrated into the application code. Below are the Lambda function initialization code snippets before and after the X-Ray integration.


const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const tableName = process.env.TABLE_NAME;


const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
const AWS = AWSXRay.captureAWS(require('aws-sdk'));
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const tableName = process.env.TABLE_NAME;

As you can see, the basic X-Ray integration into Lambda requires only two changes. One new line of code to include the aws-xray-sdk, and a second modification to wrap the aws-sdk library with X-Ray. This causes all the AWS API calls to be wrapped by X-Ray for instrumentation without having to change the code further.

Now on to the work at hand...

Environment Setup

In order to tacke Problem 1: Error Discovery Using X-Ray and Problem 2: Performance Discovery Using-X-Ray, you must make a few IAM Policy changes and clone a seed the project repository using the steps below.

1. Add the AWSXrayWriteOnlyAccess Policy to the CodeStarWorker-uni-api-Lambda Role

  1. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select IAM under Security, Identity & Compliance.

  2. Select Role in the left navigation, type CodeStarWorker-uni-api-Lambda in the filter text box, and click the Role name link in the Role table.

    Select Role

  3. On the Role Summary page, click the Attach Policy button in the Managed Policies section of the Permissions tab.

    Role Details

  4. Type AWSXRayWriteOnlyAccess in the filter text box, select the checkbox next to the AWSXRayWriteOnlyAccess Managed Policy, and click the Attach Policy button.

    Attach Policy

  5. The Role Summary will now include the AWSXRayWriteOnlyAccess policy in the list of Managed Policies.

    Policy Attached

2. Seed the uni-api CodeCommit Git repository

  1. Each module has corresponding source code used to seed the CodeStar CodeCommit Git repository to support the workshop. To seed the CodeCommit Git repository, click on the Launch Stack button for your region below:

    Region Launch
    US East (N. Virginia) Launch Module 3 in us-east-1
    US West (N. California) Launch Module 3 in us-west-1
    US West (Oregon) Launch Module 3 in us-west-2
    EU (Ireland) Launch Module 3 in eu-west-1
    EU (Frankfurt) Launch Module 3 in eu-central-1
    Asia Pacific (Sydney) Launch Module 3 in ap-southeast-2
  2. The CloudFormation template has been prepopulated with the necessary fields for this module. No changes are necessary

  3. Select the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. checkbox to grant CloudFormation permission to create IAM resources on your behalf

  4. Click the Create button in the lower right corner of the browser window to create the CloudFormation stack and seed the CodeCommit repository.

    Seed Repository CloudFormation Stack Review

  5. There will be a short delay as the Git repository seeded with the new source code. Upon successful completion, the CloudFormation will show Status CREATE_COMPLETE.

    CloudFormation Stack Creation Complete

3. Fetch CodeCommit Git Repository

Now that the CodeCommit Git repository has been seeded with new source code, you will need to fetch the changes locally so that you may modify the code. Typically, this is accomplished using the git pull command, however for the workshop we have replaced the repository with a new history and different Git commands will be used.

Using your preferred Git client, run the commands on your local uni-api Git repository:

%> git fetch --all
%> git reset --hard origin/master

4. Validate CodePipeline Unicorn API Deployment

After the repository has been seeded, it will start a pipeline execution. Monitor the pipeline until you observe the pipeline completion, indicated by the Deploy stage turning green.

Pipeline Complete

5. Exercise List Unicorns API Method

Goal: Use the CodeStar Console to find the Application Endpoint, and use your browser to test the "/unicorns" list resource.

HOW TO test the List Unicorns API (expand for details)

  1. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select CodeStar under Developer Tools.

  2. Select the uni-api project

    CodeStar Project List

  3. Copy the URL from the Application endpoints tile on the right side of the dashboard.

    CodeStar App Endpoint

  4. Paste the URL in a browser window and append /unicorns to the path and hit enter. For example:

Your browser should return an error, like the following. Refresh your browser multiple times to register visits to the REST API.

  "message": "Internal server error"

Oh no! A bug has been introduced in this version of Unicorn API. Let's use X-Ray to identify the error that occurred.

Problem 1. Error Discovery Using X-Ray

Okay, so your code has a bug. No problem, let's use AWS X-Ray to investigate!

Goal: Use AWS X-Ray to view the Service Map and drill down into the Trace to determine the cause of the error.

HOW TO use AWS X-Ray to locate the code bug (expand for details)

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services then select X-Ray under Developer Tools.

    If this is your first visit to X-Ray, proceed to the next step to navigate the Getting Started page. Otherwise, skip to Step 4.

  2. Click Get started

    X-Ray Getting Started

  3. Click Cancel

    X-Ray Getting Started

  4. The X-Ray Console will open to a Service map that should look similar to the screenshot below:

X-Ray Failure


There can be a slight delay for X-Ray to ingest and process the API calls. If you don't see the above picture, try refreshing the browser window.

Service Map

The image shows a client, your browser, connecting to the AWS::Lambda resource, which represents the warmup of the Lambda function. The second connection to the AWS::Lambda::Function represents the call to list.lambda_handler, which is the handler defined in the app-sam.yaml template. The third connection to the AWS::DynamoDB::Table represents the queries to the DynamoDB table that persists the Unicorn Stable.

The orange circles around AWS::Lambda and AWS::Lambda::Function indicates there is an error when making the HTTP calls between these services.


  1. In the left nav, click on Traces.

  2. In the Trace Overview, note that (in this scenario) there is 1 Error in the list of Responses. In the Trace List, below the Trace Overview, click on the first Trace in the list to open the Trace Detail page.

    1 Error Responses

  3. On the Trace Detail page, note the Timeline of HTTP calls, originating with the API Gateway, but extending to other distributed systems traced by X-Ray. The Lambda function in the Trace Detail listed above the DynamoDB Table has an red warning icon to indicate a Fault.

    Trace Detail

  4. Click the warning icon to view the Trace Segment details (below):

    Segment Details

  5. In the Segment Detail, click the Exceptions tab to see the error that was raised and the line of code in list.js that caused the error (line 17 in this example).

  6. Click the Close button to close the dialog.

Congratulations, you've discovered the error using X-Ray! Let's locate and fix the bug.

Problem 1: Resolution

Goal: Find and correct the offending Error code in app/list.js, then commit and push the code changes to the origin git repository. Afterwards, use Code Star console to verify successful deployment, and use your browser to confirm the error has been resolved.

HOW TO fix the bug and push code changes (expand for details)

1. Fix Code Bug

  1. On your workstation, open the app/list.js file and navigate to the line identified in the X-Ray trace, which should look like the following code snippet:

    docClient.scan(params, function(error, data) {
     // Comment or Delete the following line of code to remove simulated error
     error = Error("something is wrong");
  2. Comment or delete this line to fix the code bug

  3. Save the app/list.js file.

2. Commit the change to local Git repository

  1. Using your Git client, add the local changes to the Git index, and commit with a message. For example:

    %> git add .
    %> git commit -m "Fix bug"
  2. Using your Git client, push the Git repository updates to the origin. For example:

    %> git push origin

3. Validate CodePipeline Unicorn API Deployment

After pushing your changes to the CodeStar project's CodeCommit git repository, you will confirm that the changes are build and deployed successfully using CodePipeline.

  1. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select CodeStar under Developer Tools.

  2. Select the uni-api project

    CodeStar Project List

  3. Observe that the continuous deployment pipeline on the right of the browser window now shows the Source stage to be blue, meaning that it is active.

    CodeStar Dashboard 1

  4. Each stage's color will turn blue during execution and green on completion. Following the successful execution of all stages, the pipeline should look like the following screenshot.

    CodeStar Dashboard 2

4. Excercise Unicorn API List Resource

  1. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select CodeStar under Developer Tools.

  2. Select the uni-api project

    CodeStar Project List

  3. Copy the URL from the Application endpoints tile on the right side of the dashboard.

    CodeStar App Endpoint

  4. Paste the URL in a browser window and append /unicorns to the path and hit enter. For example:

  5. Your browser should return an error, like the following. Feel free to refresh your broser several times to register multiple visits to the REST API.

Your browser should no longer return an error. Refresh your browser several times to register multiple REST API requests.

[ ]

if you have added Unicorns to your stable, your results above should return a list of the inventory.

The bug has been fixed and the API now responds without error. Let's use X-Ray to validate your results.

Validation Using X-Ray

Lets see what the AWS X-Ray traces looks like now that you have removed the error.

Goal: Use AWS X-Ray to view the Service Map and verify that the error has been resolved.

HOW TO verify the error has been resolved in X-Ray (expand for details)

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services then select X-Ray under Developer Tools. The X-Ray Console will open to a Service Map that should look similar to the screenshot below.

Successful X-Ray Service Map


There can be a slight delay for X-Ray to ingest and process the API calls. If you don't see the above picture, try refreshing the browser window.

Congratulations! You've used AWS X-Ray to validate your results.

BUT NOT SO FAST! When you refreshed your browser, did it seem to take a long time to respond? (Refresh again, if you didn't notice) Now that the bug has been fixed, there seems to be a performance problem. Let's use X-Ray to investigate!

Problem 2. Performance Discovery Using X-Ray

Ok, so your code is a bit slow. No problem. By looking in AWS X-Ray traces, we can view the duration of trace segments and subsegments. Let's use AWS X-Ray to see whats going on.

Goal: Using the AWS X-Ray Console, drill down into the X-Ray Traces for the application to identify the delay.

HOW TO use AWS X-Ray to discover the performance delay (expand for details)

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services then select X-Ray under Developer Tools.

  2. In the left navigation, click on Traces.

  3. In the Trace list, notice that Response time is 5 seconds or more (6.8 secs in this example). Click on the first trace.

    Slow X-Ray trace

  4. On the Trace Detail page, note the Timeline of HTTP calls, originating with the API Gateway, but extending to other distributed systems traced by X-Ray. The subsegment in the Trace Detail labeled Return From Stable has a long timeline indicating a 5 second execution time. Since the developer used subsegments and labeled them, we can quickly finding the part of the code that is causing the delay.

    Trace Detail

Next, let's locate and remove the delay!

Problem 2: Resolution

Goal: Find and correct the code causing the delay in app/list.js, then commit and push the code changes to the origin git repository. Afterwards, use Code Star console to verify successful deployment, and use your browser to confirm the error has been resolved.

HOW TO fix the code and push the code back up (expand for details)

1. Fix Code Bug

  1. On your workstation, open the app/list.js file and find the Return From Stables subsegment, which should take you a few lines past the following code snippet:

    // Comment or Delete the following line of code to remove simulated delay
    const isDelayed = true;
    AWSXRay.captureAsyncFunc('Return From Stables', (subsegment) => {
  2. Comment or delete the line const isDelayed = true; to prevent the delay code from running

  3. Save the app/list.js file.

2. Commit the change to local Git repository

  1. Using your Git client, add the local changes to the Git index, and commit with a message. For example:

    %> git add .
    %> git commit -m "Remove delay"
  2. Using your Git client, push the Git repository updates to the origin. For example:

    %> git push origin

3. Validate CodePipeline Unicorn API Deployment

After pushing your changes to the CodeStar project's CodeCommit git repository, you will confirm that the changes are build and deployed successfully using CodePipeline.

  1. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select CodeStar under Developer Tools.

  2. Select the uni-api project

    CodeStar Project List

  3. Observe that the continuous deployment pipeline on the right of the browser window now shows the Source stage to be blue, meaning that it is active.

    CodeStar Dashboard 1

  4. Each stage's color will turn blue during execution and green on completion. Following the successful execution of all stages, the pipeline should look like the following screenshot.

    CodeStar Dashboard 2

4. Excercise Unicorn API List Resource

  1. In the AWS Management Console choose Services then select CodeStar under Developer Tools.

  2. Select the uni-api project

    CodeStar Project List

  3. Copy the URL from the Application endpoints tile on the right side of the dashboard.

    CodeStar App Endpoint

  4. Paste the URL in a browser window and append /unicorns to the path and hit enter. For example:

Your browser should return an answer much quicker. Feel free to refresh your browser several times to register multiple REST API requests.

[ ]

if you have added Unicorns to your stable, your results above should return a list of the inventory.

The bug has been fixed and the API now responds without delay. Let's use X-Ray to validate your results!

Remediation Validation Using X-Ray

Lets see what the AWS X-Ray traces looks like now that you have removed the error and the delay.

Goal: Use AWS X-Ray to view the Traces and verify that the delay has been resolved.

HOW TO verify the delay has been resolved in X-Ray (expand for details)

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click Services then select X-Ray under Developer Tools.

  2. In the left navigation, click on Traces.

  3. In the Trace list, notice that Response time is much lower. The first time the function is executed, the duration may be several seconds due to a Lambda cold start penalty, but subsequent executions (via browser) refresh should show sub-second response times.

    Slow X-Ray trace

Congratulations! You've used AWS X-Ray to validate your results.


You have successfully integrated AWS X-Ray and demonstrated how it can be used to identify errors, latencies, and aid in resolution. In the next Multiple Environments Module, you will enhance the pipeline by adding a Beta stage to the pipeline, and incorporate testing in the Beta stage before deploying to Prod.