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Folders and files

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Getting started

Some quick tips to get started:

  • Keep each solution in a separate folder
  • Call your file main.go. It's not strictly necessary, just good practice.
  • Always use package main and create a main() function
  • Try to compile your programs with go build. Name your program with the -o flag
  • ... but you don't have to compile it if you only use one file. Run it directly with go run main.go.


Familiarize yourself with testing in Go by writing tests for your solutions to to the exercises (except for Hello World, perhaps...).

Typically to test functions in a file named foo.go you create a file named foo_test.go. Give it the following structure:

package main

import "testing"

func TestMyThing(t *testing.T) {
    // implement your test here

Run your test with go test ..

Hello world

The foundation of all programming: write a program that prints "Hello, World!" to the screen.


Given a list of numbers return the sum of all elements in the list.


Check out range...


Reverse any input string and print it to the screen.

Word count

Implement a program that can take a text and count the words in it.


A map could be useful here.


  • Sort the result by most occurences first.
  • Read the text from a file on disk or via HTTP.

Structs & methods

Create a representation of geometric shapes and implement area() and perimeter() as methods on them.

Extra Define an interface that describes these behaviors and implement a function that can accept the interface and print information about the shape to the screen.

Caesar cipher (ROT13)

Implement the Caesar cipher in a way so that you can both encrypt and decrypt a string.

The Caesar cipher works like this: Given a key n, which is a number between 1 and 25, encrypt a text by moving each letter n places forward in the alphabet. Decrypting is done by moving n places backward.