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A small functional language based on system Fω with pattern unifiction, implicit parameters, GADTs, and compilation to native.


data Nat : ∗ where
| zero : Nat
| succ : NatNat

let three = succ (succ (succ zero))

data List (a :) : ∗ where
| nil  : List a
| (::) : a → List a → List a

let nums : List Nat = zero :: succ zero :: succ (succ zero) :: three :: nil

(* pattern matching *)
let rec (+) (a : Nat) (b : Nat) : Nat =
  match a with
  | zero . b
  | succ a' . succ (a' + b)

let rec (++) {T : ∗} (xs : List T) (ys : List T) : List T =
  match xs with
  | nil . ys
  | x :: xs' . x :: (xs' ++ ys)

Current Features

  • function definitions
    • local definitions let f = ... in ...
    • recursive functions let rec
  • type definitions type t = ...
    • local type definitions let type t = ... in ...
    • type-level lambdas
  • rank N polymorphism forall x y z . t2 written as {x y z} → t2
    • optionally-explicit instantiation e {t}
  • higher kinded quantification
    • kind annotations on type binders
  • data declarations
    • both data parameters and indices
    • GADT syntax
    • shallow pattern matching
      • scoped type variables (without "dot patterns")
      • matching on indexed types
  • user-defined infix operator
    • infix type formers
    • infix patterns
  • compilation to javascript

Future Ideas/TODOs

  • builtins

    • int, bool, float
    • plus, minus, times, div (for both ints and floats)
    • and, or, if
    • comparisons
  • bring back syntax sugar

  • logging (for debugging and good errors)

  • small & super simple module system and stdlib