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Angular Formly Playground

Formly Playground is a project with list of Angular Formly exercises. Every next exercise add new feature to the previous one.

Business background

The purpose of the project is to build applications form using Angular Formly, which could support requests to Concierge.

Why Angular Formly? From the fist moment it's clear that the form will contain many options and questions. On the main Formly page you can read "The formly-form Component and the FormlyConfig service are very powerful and bring unmatched maintainability to your applications forms", so why not check if it's true.

Before exercise one

Application setup

Task list

  • generate application with Angular CLI
  • install Ngx Formly
  • use one of UI library in our project, in this project Material2 was used
  • to app.module.ts import the FormlyModule and UI (pre-defined types/templates)
  • check if app works - run ng serve dev server and navigate to http://localhost:4200/

In this project

  • home component was created as navigation page to each exercise
  • angular-material.imports.ts module was added to collect all Angular Material imports in one shared module
  • to import all exercises components with a single statement index.ts file was created
  • in app.component.html file, fixed app-header was added

Exercise One

Request to Concierge should be divided into sections:

  • Order Identification
  • Shoppings
  • Additional Comments
  • Statements

Component Card should be used as section layout. Add Order Identification card.

Task list

  • generate component exercise-one
  • read documentation custom-formly-wrapper
  • in shared\custom-wrappers folder create component card-wrapper
  • in app.module.ts register new custom wrapper as a wrapper
  • in component exercise-one create "Order Identification" Card using card-wrapper
  • check if app works

In this project

  • in file app-routing.module.ts route to component was added
  • to import all custom wrappers with a single statement index.ts file was created

Below you can find screen of component after adding some custom style.


Exercise Two

Add other sections and add questions to each section. In section Shopping user should be able to add and remove shopping items.

Task list

  • generate component exercise-two
  • copy code from component exercise-one
  • add: Shoppings, Additional Comments, Statements sections - use card-wrapper created in exercise one
  • read documentation ui material guide
  • in shared\model folder add ts files with model
  • in shared\services folder add request.service.ts with saveRequest method to simulate connection to api
  • in shared\services folder add dict.service.ts with getDictionaryItems method to simulate connection to api
  • add some fields to each section in component exercies-two (use different types of fields)
  • read documentation repeating-section
  • in shared\custom-types folder create component repeat-section
  • in app.module.ts register new repeat-section as a type
  • in component exercies-two in section Shoppings use repeat-section
  • check if app works

In this project

  • in file app-routing.module.ts route to component was added
  • to import all custom types with a single statement index.ts file was created

Below you can find screen of component after adding some questions and custom style


Exercise Three

Add validation to fields, use global and custom validations

Task list

  • generate component exercise-three
  • copy code from component exercise-two
  • read documentation built-in validations
  • add global validations to app.module.ts
  • in component ts file add some custom validations

In this project

  • in file app-routing.module.ts route to component was added
  • in exercise seven approach to global validation was changed - go to exercise seven to see it
  • in field cardId async validator was used
  • in field email validation message to attribute pattern was added

Exercise Four

Add new section Services (use repeat-section). Section Services should be visible when order type = SERVICES. Section Shoppings should be visible when order type = SHOPPINGS. Change order type field in custom type filed. Replace "boring" select by "fanyc" radio buttons images.

Task list

  • generate component exercise-four
  • copy code from component exercise-three
  • in shared\model folder add ts files with model
  • add: Services sections - use card-wrapper created in exercise one
  • in section Services use repeat-section created in exercise two
  • in shared\custom-types folder create component img-radio-type
  • in app.module.ts register new img-radio-type as a type
  • in component exercies-four replace type in filed orderType by a new created type
  • check if app works

In this project

  • in file app-routing.module.ts route to component was added
  • in section Shoppings and Services Flex - Layout was used

Below you can find screen of component after adding new section, custom radio btn and custom styles


Exercise Five

Request form is to long to one screen, change form layout to stepper.

Task list

  • generate component exercise-five
  • copy code from component exercise-four
  • read documentation multi-step-form
  • remember to import MatStepperModule from @angular/material/stepper
  • in component exercies-five add multi-step-form (you have to make changes in html and ts files)
  • check if app works

In this project

  • in file app-routing.module.ts route to component was added

Below you can find screen of component with stepper and custom styles


Exercise Six

Add translation module to project, and use it in request form.

Task list

  • install ngx-translate
  • read documentation i18n
  • in scr\assets\translations folder add json files with translations (in this project there are to files en.json and pl.json)
  • in shared\services\i18n folder add translation-loader.service.ts with loadTranslations method to load translations files
  • in shared\services\i18n folder add language.service.ts with getCurrentLanguage method to set up selected language
  • in this project translationLoader is initialized in home component
  • in component exercise-six inject TranslateService and now it is possible to use translation service, use instant method to load translations e.g. label: this.translate.instant('RequestToConcierge.orderIdentification')
  • add new method getDictionaryItemsWithTranslations in dict.service.ts (service was added in ex two)
  • in component exercise-six in field orderTypes load dictionary items with translations
  • check if app works

In this project

  • in file app-routing.module.ts route to component was added
  • validations.loader was added in exercise seven

Below you can find screen of component with translations in action


Exercise Seven

Add translation to global validation. Component ts file is to long and e.g code to Price range fields repeats itself, refactor code.

Task list

  • to load global validation you need to use FormlyConfig service by calling addValidatorMessage
  • in shared\services folder add validations.loader.ts with init method
  • in this project validationsLoader is initialized in home component
  • in model PriceRange.ts add formField method, type of FormlyFieldConfig[] it should return fields config (the same as in component ts) e.g
 formField(translations: TranslateService): FormlyFieldConfig[] {
        return [
                className: 'flex-2',
                key: 'from',
                type: 'input',
                templateOptions: {
                    type: 'number',
                    label: translations.instant('RequestToConcierge.priceRangeForm'),
                    min: 1,
                    max: 999999,
                    required: true
                className: 'flex-2',
                key: 'to',
                type: 'input',
                templateOptions: {
                    type: 'number',
                    label: translations.instant('RequestToConcierge.priceRangeTo'),
                    min: 1,
                    max: 999999,
                    required: true,

In this project

  • similar formField methods were created in Service.ts and Shopping.ts
  • new methods can be now use in other components eg.
  fieldArray: {
    fieldGroup: this.shoppingModel.formField(this.translate)
  • check if app works


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.8.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.