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Running the Mac app from Terminal

andy edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 1 revision

This is an easy way you can get more information about what is happening if Avara crashes or hangs. Development may ask you to do this to gather more information about an issue you are facing.

First, open You can press CMD + SPACE and type "Term" and press "Enter": MacOS X Sherlock offering

Drag wherever you have it located, into the Terminal window. Here, its on the desktop:

Dragging into the window

This pastes the current path of into the Terminal window, which is exactly what we need. But we are going to edit it a little bit. Delete the space after .../, then copy and paste /Contents/MacOS/Avara into the Terminal window.

Adding /Contents/MacOS/Avara to the end of the app path

Now press Enter. The application should launch, while leaving this terminal window open and printing out informational and debug messages. You're done! Game console messages, showing a single player start and self-destruct

Note that you can easily launch the game again this way by opening again and pressing the Up Arrow key to fill in your previous command.