Satisfying Rancher requirements for Kubernetes cluster setup on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VMs on bare metal CentOS7.2 and have a way to clear leftovers once RKE cluster is deleted
Apply prerequisites for nodes to be part of manual RKE cluster or RKE cluster created via Rancher server:
[boburciu@r220 ~]$ cd /home/boburciu/Rancher_K8s_prereq
[boburciu@r220 Rancher_K8s_prereq]$
[boburciu@r220 Rancher_K8s_prereq]$ ansible-playbook Rancher_prereq_setup.yml -v
Clear leftover containers and dirs after an RKE cluster delete (with either rke remove or via Rancher server UI), following official guide
[boburciu@r220 Rancher_K8s_prereq]$ ansible-playbook Rancher_leftovers_remove.yml -v